I've been selling most of my DVDs on eBay for awhile now and have had great success doing so. You will get more eyeballs on there than you will anywhere else. Selling used items on Amazon, especially OOP stuff is very hard to do because no one will pay OOP prices for something that has no picture beyond that of stock images. Last bit of advice, which I brought up last time with regards to your Tshirt is to go with a 7 day auction and add $50 - $100 more than what you will be comfortable selling it at. This way you will be able to see how much traffic it's generating and people will email with Buy It Now offer. The rest is up to you after that. Last thing, NEVER and I mean NEEEEEEEVER put an item up with a start price of .99 cents just so that you can see people trying to outbid each other. It means nothing if they stop bidding around 4 bucks and then you are sh*t out of luck and take a huge hit financially.
For me, I always go with Auction with the Buy It Now options. That means I set an opening bid auction price (something I'm happy to sell it at) and in my Buy It Now option, it has to be at least 30% more than your opening bid. Most of the time people end up buying my item at the Buy It Now price which means even more money in my pocket.