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Author Topic: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)  (Read 2315 times)

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Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:35:00 am »
Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975

Straight up, Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 is aimed squarely at die-hard KISS fans that want to get even more inside information that has never been readily available till now. When I first heard about this book coming out, I figured at best I would get a few stories that were new. So imagine my shock after reading the book that about 95% of everything in this 550 page book is stuff that I had never heard about and that goes for the pictures that are scattered through the book.

I consider myself to be a true die-hard fan of KISS as I have followed them from the mid 70's onward and have never stopped being a fan, even during the lean years that saw them lose popularity with the masses. I thought I had seen and heard it all. With Ken Sharp's new book I realize that there was so much more to the story. Along with Ken, we get insight from Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley who helped write the book. Not surprising though is how very little input we get from Peter Criss and Ace Frehley. Yes, they contribute some stuff, but it's clear that a lot was cut out for whatever reason. It took all of 15 pages before Gene and Paul rip into Peter and Ace....again. The attacks are the one negatives in the book. We all know the story as Gene and Paul have beaten this dead horse into glue. It's time to just let it go and move on guys!

As for the books construction, I love it. It follows in the same manner as Ken's other book KISS: Behind the Mask, written with a series of anecdotes, allowing everyone in and around KISS, including fans, to have their own voice heard within the pages. The way the book is put together and how the stories are told actually do a much better job of painting a picture then if it were told from the perspective of Ken. Reading the book really does put you in their shoes and transport you back to the mid 70's.

There are so many stories from those that worked closely with the band, including Bill Aucoin to Sean Delaney to Neil Bogart to bands and singers that influenced them to fans that were there from the get go, it will enthrall you hearing what they have to say. There are a lot of great stories to be read, which had me reading at a feverish pace. I was actually trying to force myself to not read so fast as I wanted to savor it all. I think any KISS fan will get a kick out of the pie fight with Rush and Geddy Lee on stage at the final show of their tour in San Diego. It's also fun to see pictures of said pie fight, which is something I have never seen before. Any fan that has ever worshiped KISS Alive! and stared at the cover (front and back) will totally dig hearing about he two kids and their sign, not to mention Chad Smith (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) story of being there when they took that infamous photo. There's more to his story as well, but you're just gonna have to read the book to find out. I'm not gonna spoil it here. It's worth the price of the book.

I haven't look into or done any research on Ken Sharp, but I strongly believe that Nothing To Lose is the first of many Volumes coming our way with each new Volume covering a specific era in KISSTORY. With this book only covering everything from Wicked Lester all the way to KISS Alive!, the band is primed to dish out more stuff and have 40 years worth of material to make it a reality. My speculation has Volume II covering Destroyer (1976) to Unmasked(1980), Volume III covering Music from "The Elder" (1981) to Carnival of Souls (1996), Volume IV covering Kiss Unplugged (1996) to Monster (2013). Like I said, a lot of information is out there that the KISS Army would be willing to shell out hard earned cash for, myself included.

Nothing to Lose is worth every penny and KISS fans will enjoy the book. Definitely a Buy. For causal fans, it's still worth it to check out from your Library, but may not care much for the pages that are devoted to Casablanca Records. This book gets the rare 10 Stars out of 10.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 01:15:29 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 09:42:51 am »
You started off this review with Gene/Paul vs. Peter/Ace rip and that reminded me of reading the interesting read by Don Felder of the Eagles period - Heaven and Hell: My life in the Eagles. Felder’s book is a tell all. So kind of the opposite perspective of Gene & Paul’s input. From indications grudges and feuds last a long time. I’m sure Kiss members lives are very eclectic and interesting read, but Peter and Ace will always be history and can’t be ignored. Not dwelled on, but it can’t just disappear either.
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Re: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 10:09:26 am »
Well, not really expecting it to disappear. It's just that it gets old hearing Gene and Paul knocking them down every time they get the chance to do so. After awhile, it just sounds like a jilted ex that can't 'move on'. I haven't read the Eagles book. Worth checking out?
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Re: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 10:15:18 am »
Oh, yea, it's a jilted relationship... it does make one wonder why it keeps coming up.

I really enjoyed Felder's book. It was revealing. It was written rather well too. I would say it has impact if your fan of Felder or the Eagles.

Otherwise it is a look into workings of band this huge. Probably diametrically opposite of Kiss, but still some very strong characters in both cases.
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Re: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 01:12:40 pm »
I forgot to mention in my initial review another aspect of the book that I liked a lot and that was the 'Cast of Characters'. There is so much input from many different people to help tell the story of Nothin' to Lose that you actually become attached to them in one form another. So naturally as you're reading the book, you begin to wonder 'whatever happened to such and such.....'. Well everyone that contributes to the book does get a 'where are they now' update. Like I said, a lot of people contributed to the book and it takes around 20 pages to fill us in. A cool way to end the book indeed.
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Re: Nothin' to Lose: The Making of KISS - 1972-1975 (2013)
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 01:59:04 pm »
The other thing I forgot to talk about in the review has to do with 'uncensored' testimonials from those that contributed to the book. You would naturally expect that a book that is being overseen by Gene and Paul to be sanitized to make KISS look as good as possible. So, my hat is off for them for keeping it real and allowing those who saw KISS in the early days to 'tell it like it is' and that meant them saying what some would say is unflattering toward the band with regards to their 'gimmick, makeup and stage shows'. There are a handful of people that say that KISS were considered to be a joke band. I'm glad they left that stuff in there because I as a kid had to endure taunts for liking KISS and those were the kind of responses that were thrown at me.

One of the best responses to seeing KISS for the first time comes from Alice Cooper when he says "....what they need is a gimmick". Hahahaha! Priceless!!
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Kiss 'Nothin' To Lose' Book Signing (Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley) B&N @ The Grove, Los Angeles


Something to whet your appetite before you go to Paul's book signing. Sign my Cort Axe Bass, motherf*cker!  ;D
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see doesn't that look fun!!!!!!  it was very cool seeing OZZY that way I have to say.  I was SO glad I went.

gah...this f*cking blows.  I don't want to go that night and have to deal with driving to LA after the event.



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here's another longer clip...kinda cool because you get to see them arrive and walk in



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I'll go and drive your Tank. You can sleep in the back. Problem solved.
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FYI, I saved my searches on eBay to include a copy of Nothin To Lose as I want to read it again. Ack! Just waiting on getting the best possible deal to pull the trigger......of my Love Gun!! Loooooooove Gun!  ;D
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it's just tough man...talk about a huge energy dump...standing in line for 4 -6 hours or so....not being home for dinner or trying to work out how my wife and kid can get ready and meet me, I will have to pack all my **** including merch etc........parking will be a **** up there....it's quite the scene.  I worked in La Jolla when Ozzy signed so I think we parked over by my work and then walked...or parked a few blocks away...but once you are done...you just want to go home and chill and kind of reflect on the moment.

I might have to pass...if they do a sequel to Nothin' to Lose...I will make a point to go see them then I guess...not really sure what to do.

I seriously can't believe my f*cking luck with this thing...I mean seriously...you know as well as I do...I am never "out" or go any where...the one f*cking weekend I do have to leave (and the same NIGHT) I have to leave.

that's the 1 day Paul is here...I mean seriously...it's almost comical.


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I bought the hard cover...I can't remember where I got it though....trying to think...I honestly have no clue...maybe e bay but I might have got it at bookstar?


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What about an alternative? You know he will be doing a book signing in LA. Would you be willing to drive up there if it didn't conflict with anything else?
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that would be fun...but SUPER crazy....seriously can you imagine the lines up there?

Holy cow that would be insane...I'd be better of going to the SD signing honestly....would be nice if our other option was like "Pennsylvania Super Crown" or some **** hole smaller place....going to an LA book signing would be work!


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