
Buy, Rent or Skip AVP:R Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem?

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Author Topic: AVP:R Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)  (Read 207 times)

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AVP:R Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
« on: April 04, 2012, 09:06:06 pm »
AVP:R Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem



I had forgotten that they made a sequel to AVP: Alien vs. Predator and kinda stumbled on it when reading more about the AVP. So, I was excited to finally check it out and was even more excited to see that they were literally picking up right where the first one left off with the Alien/Predator Hybrid bursting out of the Predator's chest.

It's all down hill from here. This one and AVP have absolutely nothing in common with each other, other than the opening scene.This was a horribly written screenplay. The writer should be shot for a lot of reasons. Too many to name but it's clear that he doesn't know anything about how to write. Bad, bad, bad. The human characters that run around the entire movie are dull and boring. The story itself doesn't even have a clearly defined "Hero" or Protagonist. And then by the end, most of who's survived thus far suddenly morph into "characters" from Aliens. No lie!! I love Reiko Aylesworth and she is a damn good actress, but having her run around like a 3rd rate Ellen Ripley was another issue I had. Not her fault. It's the Writer and Director that have to take the blame here.

Also, you have the little girl Molly running around doing her best Newt impersonation with her screaming at every turn. She was literally screaming with the same pitch and vocal inflection of Carrie Henn.. Fail! Then you have Dallas who does his best version of Bill Paxton's Private William Hudson character when he starts taunting the Aliens. Just weak. The direction of the movie was stupid. Why are we being forced to watch a "High School" clique film about whether Boy will get with Girl but has to fend of jealous boyfriend, etc.....? It's just stupid to be making 2 classic monsters of the last 25 years into what is more or less a High School Slasher film with Aliens and Predators. Also, the way the film was shot is a joke. My guess is that even FOX couldn't get behind this turd and decided not to put any money into it. How else to explain that you never really see either the Aliens or Predator in a clean shot on film. Everything is hidden in dark shadows and extremely tight close ups. Bah! I'm so  p i s s e d   right now about this "movie".

Skip, skip, skip!!! The movie gets an automatic one star just because I was able to finish it.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 11:45:01 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: AVP:R Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 04:35:31 am »
Extremely disappointed with this. I could not believe what I was watching. A travesty to either series. The directors (Brothers Krause) I believe we're first time major movie directors, their real talent was special effects, and the lack of directing shows.

Skip from me.
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