Even though I enjoy
Battlestar Galactica: Razor. I don't think it's necessary viewing for casual viewers of the series. It's really only going to benefit die-hard fans that want even more content. The story itself wasn't new as it goes back to revisit a major arc from before. It was looking at
Pegasus' version of the events that happen immediately after the
Cylon war starts. If you have seen any of
Season 2, especially the 2 part Episodes centered on
Pegasus, then you will be familiar of the stories that were told in passing from crew member to crew member. We never see anything, but you feel like you know it well because the characters paint a good picture of the events.
Razor is basically a movie made up entirely of flashbacks and it's quite illuminating to finally see what we have only heard about. Now we see the depths of
Admiral Cain's hatred of
No. 6. We see the slaughter of the Civilian Fleet and a host of other moments. But we also get to see some new stuff that wasn't even mentioned and the biggest and best was seeing
Husker / Adama during the first
Cylon war 41 years earlier, which also gave us a nice fan-service moment of the original series with the original
Cylon's and their Raiders.
As I said, I enjoy
Razor, but I think they also failed in one aspect, which I think was their primary objective of the film. The movie is basically meant to humanize
Cain and to justify her actions. She's just not a likable character at all and I don't think any amount of back story will ever change that perception of her. Her character was doomed from the start the moment she took control of the fleet away from
Adama. All
BSG fans are protective of the core group of characters and once she did that, she crossed the line with us. So say we all! With that said, I think there actually wasn't enough of her story being told as
Kendra Shaw (Stephanie Jacobsen) was the primary character that we are meant to follow. Worth a
Rent for causal viewers. The Special FX look amazing and there are more aerial space dog fights to be had.