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Author Topic: Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)  (Read 209 times)

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Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)
« on: January 24, 2015, 06:13:54 pm »
Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)



I do believe this is my 5th Battlestar Galatica DVD Marathon, but it has been well over 5 years since I last watched it and I'm glad I waited a bit longer to revisit this again. It made watching Season 1 all the more better. It seemed fresher than I remember it to be and it definitely made me appreciate how fantastic the writing is. This is whipsmart, with great foresight to what's coming. With so much crap on TV these days, it just makes the end product here all the more amazing. This is some deep, thought provoking stuff here that uses Religion in a way that I haven't seen before or since. They got the right balance of Religion without it ever seeming heavy-handed or preachy. Along with a firm idea of where they are taking the story line, they also give us incredible characters to take us on the journey. Every single character, big or small has a very interesting story to tell. Some will get theirs in later seasons, but the set up here is great.

We were talking yesterday about what was once a great Network in SyFy and how since the ending of BSG, everything has become garbage. Revisiting Season 1 now just blows my mind in how much they were able to pull off on a weekly basis and how far SyFy has tumbled over the years. I don't know the dollar amount that each episode was budgeted at, but from the looks of it, it was a lot. And if it wasn't a lot of money, then they had the best Set Designers ever in producing Grade A imagery. Love the actors that populate BSG, especially Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Grace Park, Tricia Helfer and James Callis, who by the way it still the best character (Dr. Balter) ever for the show. I had forgotten just how good and how damn funny the character is. Definitely worth a Buy. I own it for obvious reasons and Season 1 is a great opening shot for the remainder of the series. FYI, awesome cliffhanger and one that totally shocked me the first time I saw it.
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Re: Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 06:14:25 pm »
Battlestar Galatica (Season 1) DVD Screencaps

Comings soon....
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Re: Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 08:15:43 pm »
What really stuck out at me the last time I watched the show was how wonderfully character-driven the first season was.  The show was high concept, but every single episode seemed to be about "how would such character react to the worst thing possible happening to them?"  It was great.  And I liked the arc stuff about finding Kobol and the baby and getting to Earth, if such a place exists, but honestly, the reason it was such a groundbreaking show was because that first season was so gods d*mn simple.  And it's something that the other darker, stylish sci-fi shows like Stargate Universe didn't get, or weren't able to do nearly as well.


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Re: Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 09:24:25 pm »
I'm glad you brought up the other shows that seem to fail. Every Sci-Fi series that has come after BSG still fails miserably. They have the blueprint right in front of them, something tells them "this is how you do it" if you want to be successful and yet, they still can't get anything right. Go figure. If I ever do get around to writing a true Sci-Fi story for myself, I will absolutely use BSG as my blueprint. Hell, it should be the blueprint for any type of drama because if you look at BSG as a whole, it actually transcends the genre and that's why the series resonated with me from the very first episode of the Mini-Series.
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Re: Battlestar Galatica (Season 1 - 2003 / 2004)
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2015, 04:15:01 am »
Planning my sci-fi series, BSG comes up quite a bit... a bit too much, unfortunately (the Captain has an estranged daughter, their society is falling apart around them, etc).  But the basic idea of the episodes core centering around a character or group of characters dealing with their biggest flaw or fear, that's gonna remain.  And if I can expose that flaw through a high-concept plot, all the better.


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