Side by Side should be required viewing by all those that attend Film School and I would bet top dollar that it's already being worked into schools across the country right now. This documentary is fascinating to watch and imparts a lot of information that is both useful and informative without ever feeling like overkill. So can anyone benefit from watching this? Absolutely. I do think that those that have worked in one capacity or another in film production will probably take to this like bees on honey. But film-goers will also gain a lot from learning the process for both Film and it's "arch enemy" Digital Video.
Side By Side, it brought back and lot of the trial and error I went through when I started in Film (Video) Editing and all the man hours I put into reading as much as I could about everything that they talked about here. I bought my first computer specifically for editing purposes. It wasn't to play video games, it wasn't to balance my checkbook, it wasn't for social networking. It was for one reason and one reason only. To make films. Digitally of course. That's one thing I do regret, not getting into this when all that existed was celluloid. I do feel that I miss out on that one thing that is so revered by old school filmmakers. But coming into the game as it was, I would actually feel out of step in any format other than Digital.
One really cool thing about this doc is that as technical as it may be to those that have never gotten into Film is that it's inspiring, which all films should be one way or another. It's been a while since I've gone out and shot anything with a script in hand because of other interest that have taken over my free time. But watching the doc, it has lit a fire under my ass to the point that I want to get back into doing more of what I use to do. So, I'm gonna write up something....anything, and see about getting some of my friends together, shoot it and edit it, just like old times.
Side by Side is definitely worth a
One side note about the movie, I was surprised that
Steven Spielberg and
Peter Jackson where not a part of this given their huge influence in both the film and digital format and I was also surprise that more time wasn't given to
James Cameron since he is the messiah of both Digital and 3D film-making.