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Californication (Season 7 - The Final Season - 2014)
« on: January 16, 2015, 10:18:32 pm »
Californication (Season 7 - The Final Season - 2014)



Really not even sure how to rate this season at all. At face value, it's the most unlike-Californication season in it's entire series run. It's not until the final 3 episodes does it feel anything close to what we have gotten in earlier seasons. A lot of it has to do with the fact that Karen is pretty much MIA for most of the season and Becca herself is gone for all of it save for the 2nd to last episode. So, with them more or less out of the picture, they substitute his current family with one that he didn't even know existed. Enter Heather Graham and Oliver Cooper as the mother/son tandem for Hank to latch onto. As absurd as this plot is, especially with Hank immediately bonding with this awkward man-child mama's boy that is basically channeling Jonah Hill's character from Superbad. Hank doesn't even question whether or not he is really his son and just accepts him. It's kinda out there for the Hank character to do this. But at this point, questioning his rationale and motive by now is kind of pointless.

The season is definitely the weakest season and that particular plot in itself stretches a bit thin by the end, but I still enjoy some of the comedic bits they were able to squeeze out of this new Family dynamic.  You all know I got mad love for Heather Graham, so I was beyond thrilled that she got a meaty part on the show and not just some scenes only to disappear later. Along with her, there were of course other guest stars like Michael Imperioli and Mary Lynn Rajskub, both were great and the mighty return of Rob Lowe as Eddie Nero for one episode, which was a barn burner and one for the ages. This guy has some serious comedic chops as you guys are well aware of from Parks and Recreation. So, how do I rate this season if it was at least entertaining if a bit repetitive? I have to look at the series as a whole and the Final Season just doesn't do the series justice. Worth a Rent for series watchers that need to find out if Hank and Karen end up together at the end. You will just have to watch to find out. I'm not telling. I will say that the last episode was rushed way to fast to the point of making you question if they just wanted it over and done with. They could have at least done an oversize episode to pace the finale better. Oh well......
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Re: Californication (Season 7 - The Final Season - 2014)
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 10:19:04 pm »
Californication (Season 7) DVD Screencaps

Coming soon...
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