
Buy, Rent or Skip Captain America: Civil War?

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Captain America: Civil War (2016)
« on: October 25, 2016, 06:07:28 am »
Captain America: Civil War (2016)



I've waited a long time to finally check out Captain America: Civil War and in that time, I kept hearing a lot of great things....but no spoilers. Thank God! I always have to take it with a grain of salt when I hear people gush about *INSERT NEW MARVEL FLICKS NAME HERE*. Most people tend to have rose-colored glasses on when talking about these movies for a number of reasons and a few times I bought into the hype, I came away from the movie a bit underwhelmed. I can easily say, with certainty and no bias that Captain America: Civil War is without a doubt the best Comic Book movie thus far within the MCU and that's because it doesn't go for the "End of the world" villain that seems to always be a sticking point with each new installment, be it Marvel or DC.

The main Plot and driving force for Civil War actually makes you think and addresses the biggest problem with ALL Comic Book movies (whether they are great flicks or not). Being autonomous and allowing Superheroes to run things as they see fit, in spite of all the collateral damage they inflict on the world, in spite of the 'good' they do would be a very real concern if this was reality and this is the fracture that leads the Avengers, along with some new additions to the mix to war against each other. Each side gives the viewer a choice to root for, but it's blurred because each side has valid points as to why they should or shouldn't be governed by an over-watch committee.

We all know that by the end of the day that the Avengers will be whole once again and that's why the big reveal at the end was brilliant, even though most people will see it coming, it doesn't lessen the impact. It makes perfect sense as to why Captain America and Iron Man and Bucky would have a major throw-down with each other and not be a cheap excuse to keep them fighting. One of the best fight scenes ever and this is coming after what I had already dubbed in my head as the greatest ever just a half hour earlier between all the characters at the airport.

The airport battle is every comic book fans dream. It's nerdgasm from start to finish. Epic editing, fight scenes and humor help carry this a long way. Too much to breakdown without giving it away. So, I will turn to the real star of Civil War..... Spider-Man. Who would have ever guessed that the best Spider-Man flick ever would be called Captain America: Civil War? I knew that he had a cameo, but I thought it was just going to be a walk-on for the fight scenes. I had no idea that Peter Parker was going to be featured as much as he was and certainly not with Tony Stark. Just based on what I saw here, Tom Holland is the best Peter/Spider-Man ever. The way he portrays Spidey during his fights was pitch-perfect, especially his witty banter. Also, his costume is also the absolute best version yet. Props for the Ant-Man/Paul Rudd cameo. You want funny, this is it. I imagine that his moment in the film got the biggest cheers in theaters when it happened. I was grinning ear to ear. Anyway, this is definitely worth a Buy for me.
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