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Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:13:51 pm »
Chip's Rockin' Art
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2012, 08:34:47 pm »
Our Father

Pretty cool seeing that Jimmy Smits is on board for Season 3 as Miguel Prado, the older brother of one of Dexter's victims, which believe it or not, was accidental. Just curious as to what Miguel's role is going to turn up this season and how Maria will factor into this. It's not gonna be good is my guess. The ending was a nice twist when Rita announces to Dexter that she is pregnant. So, looks like Dex had got a bun in the oven. As for Doakes....I knew I'd miss his character on the show.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 09:50:44 pm »
Finding Freebo

The episode was just 'okay'. That is until the last 5 minutes where everything seemed to hit the fan. Only....it doesn't. Dexter is able to track down Freebo and do his thing, ya know....gut the evil and all that jazz. But the wrinkle in the situation is that Manuel who is hunting down Freebo as well shows up unannounced at the scene of the crime. So when Dex rolls out with a bloody knife, I wasn't sure what was gonna go down. I wasn't expecting Manuel to hug him and basically take the murder weapon from Dex so that he can cover it up. Now we are onto something good for Season 3.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2012, 09:23:11 am »
The Lion Sleeps Tonight

This episode made me nervous. I didn't know what Miguel's angle was. But with him surrendering the bloody shirt that he wore at Freebo's crime scene to Dex to earn his trust, I'm left with no other alternative than to name him as the 'Skinner', the new killer on the loose in Florida. Sure, this is what the writers of the show want me to think. It's gotta be a red-herring. It's too obvious that he is the killer and "knows" about what Dexter is. I dunno. I'm just enjoying the ride getting there. 'Cheerio's' Man messed with the wrong family. Don't  f u c k  with Dexter and his family. It was a foregone conclusion that he would meet the fate he was dealt with when he was caught on the beach taking pictures of Astor.

But the weirdest thing about this episode is that it looks like they are setting up Deb and her C.I. as potential love-mates. Why do they always give Deb nothing but dead-end relationships on the show? It's not going to end well. Unlucky in love anyone?
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 07:16:20 pm »
All In The Family

Once again, it seems that Deb is getting the most interesting story lines this season, this time involving her being pursued by Internal Affairs to become a rat for them and spy on her department, more specifically on Quinn (Desmond Harrington). Not sure how this is gonna play out, but I know it's gonna have a kick ass resolution. Also interesting here was Angel getting caught up in a  p r o s t i t u t i o n  sting operation....as a john. What the  f u c k ! Lucky for him, the  H o o k e r /Detective Barbara Gianna (Kristin Dattilo) posing undercover was "sympathetic" and let him skate. Me thinks they are setting up a potential love connection between the two, especially after his "baring his soul" confession to her the next day at the precinct.

Dexter's marriage proposal was both funny and touching at the same time. Funny because he was using the exact same words that the nut-job had used in her confession earlier that day. Touching because he seemed to mean every word he said...even if he did have a "what the  f u c k  have I done now" look on his face at the end.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2012, 10:07:54 pm »
Turning Biminese

Wow. The ending was a whopper with Miguel all but saying that he agrees with Dexter and what he "does". He was practically envious of him. I will have to retract my theory that he is the 'skinner' since he doesn't have the "killer" instinct in him to do what Dexter does so easily. This is getting goooooooood.

Poor Deb. She was so excited to make headway on her case that she wanted to share the news with her C.I. Anton (David Ramsey) only to find some skank at his place. Deb is definitely unlucky in the love department. Maybe she should just hook up with Masuka (C.S. Lee) who had himself a standout moment in this episode when he put Ramon Prado (Jason Manuel Olazabal) in his place. It was awesome!!
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 07:55:22 pm »
Si Se Puede

Riveting episode. Miguel helping Dexter break out a convicted Murderer from Prison for the sole purpose of serving their own brand of justice definitely had me on the edge of my seat. So many things that could go wrong from Point A to Point B. They manage to successfully free him and escape, but then there was the matter of who was going to do the deed. I really thought that Miguel would in fact get his hands "dirty" at the end. But Dexter, having found his first true friend that he can trust didn't want him to get in any deeper, took this one alone.

Along with all this was the saddest thing I've seen in quite some time. Camilla (Margo Martindale) has terminal cancer and is layed up in the hospital, waiting to die. Dexter's scenes with her, when she is talking about her late husband, was heartbreaking. Really sad.

So, Ramon is no longer a suspect in being the 'Skinner'. That leaves either Anton or Quinn. That's all I can think of that could be the killer. But then again, who's to say it's not a woman? Maybe Yuki, the I.A. agent is the killer........
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 09:44:57 pm »
Easy As Pie

Watching Camilla (Margo Martindale) beg Dexter for a mercy killing was pretty heavy. I knew that Dexter would resist this request because she was his friend. But I also knew that the more he was around her in the hospital, seeing her suffering all the time, that he would have no choice but to oblige. How can you not? The ending was.....sad. Truth be told, I got choked up here. Margo is such a great actress. If you want to see a powerhouse performance from her, be sure to check out Justified (Season 2). She OWNED that season.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 07:13:27 pm »
The Damage A Man Can Do

Holy crap! I didn't think Miguel would actually go through with killing Billy Fleeter (Jeff Chase), but now that he has, Dexter has opened up a Pandora's Box. A few episodes back, I was thinking "what if" Miguel actually does the deed, where would the story go? I had to think in terms of how the season would wrap up and now I am convinced what the Season Finale will be. If I'm a betting man, I will say that Miguel gets the blood thirst and at first kills the "guilty" but the line becomes blurred and he will start to kill indiscriminately, i.e. those that don't meet "The Code" that Dexter lives by. Miguel will get so out of hand that Dexter will have no choice but to put down his only true friend. I'm sure the ending will be extremely emotional for the both of them.

The cliffhanger at the end of the episode was fantastic because it can go one of two ways: He kills Ellen Wolf (Anne Ramsay) or he bangs her. Them hooking up isn't entirely out of the question since he and his wife Sylvia Prado (Valerie Cruz) have been having marital problems of late. Also, Anton has gone missing. But I don't think he is the victim of the 'Skinner' even though they more or less fingered George King (Jesse Borrego) as the 'Skinner'. But then again, having Anton be the serial killer is just too close to The Ice Truck Killer, another one that Deb banged. Lightning can't strike her twice, right? Right?

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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 10:05:47 pm »
About Last Night

Well, Miguel definitely killed Ellen Wolf. But it doesn't seem like he became a monster with Dexter's help. Seems like was already one and used Dexter as the potential fall guy for any and all of Miguel's kills. This new wrinkle about his past was confirmed when Dexter had the blood tested on the shirt that was supposedly Freebo's. This is getting serious and we all know how it's gonna end during the Season Finale.

Also, George King is definitely the Skinner and Anton was in fact his latest victim. But Deb and Quinn were able to rescue him, but not before King manage to skin a little bit of him. So with King now in the wind, who gets to him first? The Cops? Don't think so. It's gonna be a race between Dexter and Miguel for sure. Did I tell you that this series  f u c k i n g  rules? Restraining myself to only watch 2 episodes a day is.....torture.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 09:26:00 pm »
Go Your Own Way

Oh  f u c k !! This episode was  f u c k i n g  AWESOME!!!! The entire episode was a constant volley between Dexter and Miguel to see who could get leverage over the other now that their "partnership" is officially over. Getting to the standoff at the end was half the fun and I was sure that Dexter finally got the leverage to keep Miguel at bay. Boy, was I ever wrong. The ending was a whopper when it's revealed that Miguel and George King, Aka The Skinner are working together.  S h i t !!!

Deb has some serious issues when it comes to relationships. Duh! She is on the verge of becoming criminally insane and yet I still find her incredibly adorable. What is wrong with me? Bah! She's awesome. Looks like Masuka has a budding relationship in the works with Tammy, the hot Bachelor Party Planner. Maria (Lauren Vélez) finally got some good scenes to play with as she's starting to come apart, dealing with Ellen's murder.

Dexter getting kidnapped was an unexpected surprise. Can NOT wait to see where this goes!!!!!
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2012, 09:33:22 pm »
I Had A Dream

So, it turns out that Dexter wasn't kidnapped at all. He was just mearly taken by force...to his bachelor party. Haha. They had me going for sure. With Miguel closing in on Maria because he found out that she was investigating his involvement into Ellen Wolf's murder, I knew that Dexter would have to take care of him in the second to last episode of Season 3. Their face-off at the end was pretty good, even if it wasn't exactly what I had envisioned. It's really going to be hard for me to ever look at Jimmy Smits the same way again. He's always played the straight laced good guy. How role as Miguel has shattered that forever.

That leaves one episode left and we all know what that involves: George King, Aka The Skinner. This should be a doozy of a Finale and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Also, I thought it was pretty cool that Dexter ask Deb to be his best man at his wedding. I can only imagine what she is gonna do to  f u c k e d  this up.
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2012, 09:11:37 pm »
Do You Take Dexter Morgan?

Although the Season Final was a good one, it just didn't live up to my own hype of what it could and should have been. The entire season was just....Epic, and I was expecting the same here. The showdown between Dexter and The Skinner wasn't even a showdown. It just....ended. Although I did like the idea of Dex throwing The Skinner into an oncoming Police Car. It just would have been so much better if he wasn't already dead. Another thing about the Finale is that there really wasn't a cliffhanger. I wouldn't call Dex bleeding from his cast onto Rita's wedding dress much of a cliffhanger.

The scene between Dex and Ramon in jail was really good. It almost felt like Dex was sympathizing with him and becoming a...."friend" to him. Deb finally got her shield, which was cool, even if she is a bit on the crazy side. I'm looking forward to Season 4. I get to pick it up tomorrow at the Library as it's waiting for me right now. Wheeeeeeeee!!!!
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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2012, 09:20:48 pm »
Dexter (Season 3)

Season 3 was awesome. And a lot of that has to do with the brilliant casting of Jimmy Smits as Miguel Prado who obliterated his "nice guy" image. Never again will I be able to look at him the same way as before. He turned in a masterful performance in every episode. Just amazing. Even though Erik King as Doakes was definitely missed here, I think they did a pretty good job filling in his shoes with Quinn (Desmond Harrington) who brought another kind of intensity to the department. No one can replace Doakes, but this season wasn't a bust because he was gone. The rest of the cast did a great job making this the best one yet in my opinion.

I highly recommend Season 3 as a Buy for sure. Definitely!!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Dexter (Season 3 - 2008)
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2013, 07:40:24 pm »
Just got done watching Season 3 again as part of my Dexter marathon and was pleasantly surprise and happy that there was no dip even knowing what was coming. I gotta give props to Smits again, but more importantly I have to single out Margo Martindale is just continues to floor me in everything she does. It's very hard to get me to cry in anything on screen, but her two episodes just gets me choked up every time. It's very hard to watch and yet, watching her masterful acting is a thing of beauty. If for no other reason, rent Dexter just to see her performance, and of course check out Season 2 of Justified for her Emmy winning performance in that.

I still miss Erik King though. Such a bad ass. Such an awesome character. I just wish we could have gotten a few more seasons out of him. Sigh.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 07:42:12 pm by Chiprocks1 »
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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