Soooo many thoughts. This was a two-pages of notes movie.
Where to start with this flick.... well, considering I'd never seen it before you can figure out that I had low expectations, and I figured I finally HAD to see it if for no other reason than to make sure my script wasn't intruding on any of that territory (there's no feeling of dread quite like when you start a movie that might send you back to the drawing board). Well, for the most part I think I'm safe outside of one scene, that's like the MUST-HAVE scene for a project like this, I'm pretty safe.
All I kept thinking about when I was watching the movie is that Kevin Smith did an earlier draft of it (which I was reminded of when his one surviving line came up, "I played in the minor leagues but never made it to the majors." Which stuck out because it was a better line than anything else in the movie, I was REALLY curious about what else they might have been saying (even though I think Smith himself would say his version probably isn't that good). You know the comic book store I immediately thought he would have be the Secret Stash, but it took me maybe twenty minutes after the Johnny Knoxville cameo where I thought "hey, that might have been Jay and Silent Bob once upon a time!"
Another thing I kept thinking is "this is such a terribly run bar." Seriously, how much money are they wasting spraying booze at the crowd. Or setting their own stuff on FIRE? Or spitting the fire at people soaked in beer?
My fave note that I took was about how badly Piper was going about wanting to be a songwriter (btw, I totally saw "Piper sings" as "fast forward now"), she should have had a network of friends she was doing music for, building demand for her talent and so on, she should have been visiting NY every weekend and planting seeds before MOVING out there. And the moment I wrote "she needs a band" she goes into that bar and there's A BAND. Literally A. Band. Alex Band. Kind of a weird meta mind f*ck or something.
The stage fright stuff at the build to the climax, I lost ALL patience for Piper at that point. I literally had to pull out the thickest pen I could find to accurately convey my sense of "SERIOUSLY?" And then in the next scene where she's on stage, I needed to find a f*cking SHARPIE. F*CK THAT.
Oh, and the "new" Jersey (which I totally didn't intend as a joke until I saw it typed out)... I used to have such a crush on her once upon a time.