
Buy, Rent or Skip Dexter (Season 6)?

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Dexter (Season 6 - 2011)
« on: September 08, 2013, 02:56:39 pm »

I honestly don't know what to make of this season. I will start off by saying that Season 6 is still better than 99% of all the other shows out there right now. But in the context of the series, this is definitely the weakest season I've seen of Dexter. So, what was wrong with it? A few things actually. Season 6 is very heavy on the religious aspect and I was somewhat surprised that it took this long to go down that road. But that's not what I have an issue with. I think my biggest problem were the Two Doom's Day Killers as portrayed by Colin Hank and Edward James Olmos. It's not their acting that was at fault, the characters were. I just didn't like them at all and I found them to be very uninteresting.

It was kind of a cardboard cutout of a handful of other Religious fanatics that go on killing sprees in the name of God. Another part that didn't work for me is that I've already seen this type of story-line played out. I knew that with Olmos playing the wiser, more experienced whack job, that Colin's character would eventually quit his duty to him and that he would in fact come back later to kill him, to take over what he started. It was clear as day. I will say they at least did have a twist involving their "relationship" that took me by surprised.

One of the cool things about the show is that Dexter himself always had some sort of connection to the "Big Bad Guy" of the season. In Season 1, he had a connection to The Ice Truck Killer, who turned out to be his own brother. In Season 3, he made a friend in Jimmy Smits' character. In Season 4, he was in awe of the Trinity Killer in his ability to raise a family. In Season 5, he fell in love with Luman as played by Julia Stiles, who didn't turn away from him knowing he was a killer. In this season, there was absolutely no connection of any kind.

But the biggest 'Jumping the Shark' moment was the reveal that Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) was in love with her own brother Dexter (Michael C. Hall). Ewwwwwwwww. Sure, he was adopted and they aren't blood relatives. But still. It felt very weird and extremely uncomfortable watching Deb basically have a meltdown all season long. The kicker was when she finally realized that she was in love with him that she would go and tell him face to face, which leads to the biggest cliffhanger of the series when she walks in on Dexter killing Travis (Colin Hanks). Now THAT is a cliffhanger that hasme salivating to see what happens next in spite of a letdown season.

Also making this season somewhat less than the previous seasons is that they marginalized 3 main characters (Batista, Quinn and Maria) who really didn't have much to do at all. Didn't help that they got rid of Cody and Astor, which kept the series grounded in reality somewhat. Even though they were being phased out in Season 5, they still had a presence on the show. In Season 6, completely erased. The slow start didn't help the season either.

But it did start to pick up steam halfway through and they did introduce a great character called Brother Sam as played by Mos Def. He did a fantastic job. He brought a lot of depth to the role, one that for a time, changed Dexter in a profound way. I also liked that they revisited the Trinity story-line with Jonah following in his footsteps. It was even interesting to see Brian Moser aka Ice Truck Killer, make a return appearance.

This Season may not be as good as the others, but it does have the mother of all cliffhangers and that right there is more than enough to recommend this as a sure-fire Rental. It may sound like I'm bashing this season. I'm not. It's still better than practically everything else out there. But if you're a fan of the series already, you will agree that it has lost a step by comparing it to the first 5 Seasons.
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Re: Dexter (Season 6 - 2011)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 02:57:28 pm »
Dexter (Season 6) DVD Screencaps

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