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Re: Dexter (Season 7 - 2012)
« on: September 12, 2013, 08:04:22 am »
Swim Deep

Great episode for a couple of reasons. First off, we get the reveal that Yvonne Strahovski's character is just like Dexter....a cold blooded serial killer and that she was just as complicit in the killing spree that her then-boyfriend got all the credit for. Really not sure where her story is going to go. Will Dexter hunt her down and do what he always does to killers? Or is this the start of a romantic dance? I'm going with the later since he basically derailed the investigation by lying about her involvement...to save her. We shall see,

This episode finally addresses Quinn's dirty-cop background. We always knew he was dirty at one time with a shady background. So, when he "accepts" the bag of money left in his car, we can only think one thing. My guess is that he will do the right thing because his character seriously needs a redemption so that we can root for the guy. Right now, not so much.

Loved the cat and mouse chase that Dexter and Issac are currently engaged in. Can't wait to see where this goes. As for Deb, it looks like she will turn a blind eye to Dexter's..."activities". She just doesn't want to know about it anymore. It's eating away at her. The rest of the season will definitely have her questioning everything. But will she do anything to stop him? Probably not until the Season Finale, which goes against the idea of her siccing Dexter on the Big Bad Dude that is Issac.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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