
Buy, Rent or Skip Exodus: Gods and Kings?

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Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:27:42 am »
Exodus: Gods and Kings



I love Ridley Scott's directing style and the choices he makes in most of his films. The dude can tell a story no matter what genre he is in. This is a fact. As you all know, I love Biblical stories and the story of Moses, the Red Sea and the Ten Commandments is one of, if not the most popular and well regarded in the history of mankind. So, right off the bat I should be incredibly enthusiastic to see this right? Well, after getting hoodwinked with Noah, I just wasn't going to build this up beforehand only to be disappointed when I finally got around to watching Exodus: Gods and Kings. Having just watched it, I'm glad that I didn't build this up because I think I would have been really harsh about some of the things that happen here.

This retelling of Moses isn't anything new. If anything, I found it to be a by-then-numbers recounting of everything we have already read, seen or heard about through whatever medium is out there, be it books, TV or other Films. The average rating I gave isn't to imply that any of it is bad. It's not. But it is devoid of character depth as well as moments in the movie that makes it as grand and epic as it looks. When you watch the movie Titanic, you are clearly in it for one reason and one reason only and that's to see the Ship hit the Iceberg. Well, the same is said of any movie about Moses. You are waiting to see the parting of the Red Sea. To say what we get here is underwhelming is.....well, an understatement. I was curious how Ridley would handle these types of scenes including the Plagues. Wasn't entirely happy with the end results given how long the movie is. The payoff doesn't come. Also, really unsure of why Aaron Paul and Sigourney Weaver were even cast in this. Their roles are so small and underwritten that they could and should have been given to no-name actors. With that said, is this worth a Rent at least? Yeah, I would recommend this to check out on a rainy day, but I would actually suggest checking out The Prince of Eygpt first, which has everything Exodus should have had.
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Re: Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 11:28:12 am »
Exodus: Gods and Kings DVD Screencaps

Coming soon...
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Re: Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 03:11:29 pm »
I didn't know Aaron Paul was in this.  "Where's your messiah now, b*tch?"

I have to imagine that the parting of the red seas wouldn't look good on home video, but no idea if it was IMAX or anything in the theater.

I had zero interest in seeing this, like you said, we have all those classic movies (and The Prince Of Egypt), so why did we need this new one?  I saw the trailer and thought "this must be the only movie where Egypt is BLUE instead of yellow" (and it's not even supposed to be yellow back then, Egypt was apparently lush and green back in the day... otherwise why would there be a powerful civilization there?)


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Re: Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 05:30:16 pm »
I didn't know Aaron Paul was in this.  "Where's your messiah now, b*tch?"

Ok, that made me do a spit take.

I too have no desire to see this. 2014 was the year biblical tales.

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