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Author Topic: Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)  (Read 330 times)

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
« on: February 07, 2012, 04:30:38 pm »
Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Two-Disc Unrated Collector's Edition



Forgetting Sarah Marshall is possibly one of the worst scripts ever green-lit by a major Hollywood studio. The movie was poorly written in so may ways that it defy's logic. What's the objective when writing a story with regards to the main character? That's right, he or she has to be likable. If they can't be likable, at least make them relatable. If you can't relate to them, at least give him/her something that the viewer can empathize with.  Jason Segel's character had none of that. On top of writing a horribly, ill conceived character, the writer knew absolutely nothing about structure and character arcs.

An example of the lazy writing is that the entire time, we are made to believe the Sarah (Kristen Bell) is a b*tch for dumping him and that we should feel bad for Peter (Jason Segel). And to further drive home that she is evil, we find out from Aldous Snow (Russel Brand) that they were having an affair a year before they broke up. It's not till Sarah sits Peter down to explain why she strayed in the first place, that she was in a dead-end relationship with Peter, that she bought self-help books, sought counsel with family and professionals to help salavage the relationship. So when she told him point blank it's because he never made an effort and was lazy, I immediately felt bad for her...not him. Even though I didn't even like his character at all, I kept waiting for that moment where we would root for him. That never happened. The entire movie he is whiny, crying and just...an ass.

Another issue I have is in how the writer chose to portray Rachel (Mila Kunis) who is recovering from her own breakup in which she was cheated on. So, what do they decide to have her do at the end after she finds out that Peter cheated on her...with Sarah no less, they make her swoon and pine after him? That makes absolutely no sense and reflects so poorly on her that she basically set women back a thousand years.

So, the entire time I'm watching this, the only thing running through my head was "what writer was able to con his way into an Studio meeting and trick the Execs into green-lighting this"? Imagine my surprise when the credits started to roll, only to see that the writer was....Jason Segel.

The ONLY thing saving this movie from getting no stars was the eye candy that is Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell, along with a couple of funny sight gags worth a chuckle. But the movie as a whole is God-Awful. Both Mila and Kristen are so much better than this piece of sh*t movie.


FYI, I hate Russel Brand and think he is overrated and I don't understand why anyone thinks he is funny. He's not. He sucks. No ScreenCaps for this one. Not worth it. This is probably the only time I will ever write this much about such a sh*tty movie.
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Re: Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 07:45:40 pm »
Definitely got more attention then it deserved. I looked at it like another stupid rom-com. Forgettable story with forgettable people. I did like Kunis, but maybe I'm biased. She's is hot and totally didn't care how she followed through on this story.
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