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Author Topic: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)  (Read 1243 times)

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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2013, 08:12:22 am »
Well, I think it was the realization on Jackson's part that this was the last time Middle Earth would be in the movies (since they don't have the rights to the other stuff and can't make their own spin-offs, evidently) so they packed as much as they can in to what was a short book.  Meanwhile, the Game Of Thrones books are so thick and numerous that they're free to cut stuff out and combine it together and they'll still have plenty of content.


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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2013, 08:17:41 am »
I am already waiting for the inevitable movie that is sure to come once the series winds down due to cost inflation of making the show. Personally I would rather the show continue onward, but that's just me. Usually around Season 5, the writers start eyeing a film franchise (if the series is successful) and it gives the actors a breather from the show to focus on other projects for their own peace of mind.
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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2013, 08:25:22 am »
I was just thinking what the heck makes movies the "Legitimate" version of something, they talk about a movie version of Arrested Development or whatever as if the thing didn't exist and wasn't perfectly fine already.  In fact, the movie would most likely make things worse.  And of course, being "the movie" of something popular actually feels to me like diminishing returns, you're only going to get the percentage of people who like the original property and are willing to go out into a movie theater and see more of it.  Besides, I think we're overlooking the "H," HOME, in Home Box Office.

Having said that, I know what the movie should be:  Young Ned and Robert's war against the Mad King, what created the five Kingdoms in the first place.  It's a heck of a story.

Also, this thread finally gave me a subheader for my "Anti-Star Wars" project: "boobs and beheadings in space."  Does that already exist? Outside of maybe Heavy Metal magazine?


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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2013, 08:42:03 am »
That's why I prefer that the series stay intact, rather than turning it into a movie franchise. If they can keep the standard of writing and production as it currently is, I will take the series over a movie every time. But remember, most actors, no matter how popular a show is, get very bored doing the same thing over and over. It happens to every 'hit show'. They also fear being 'typecast' in their roles as well and start looking to get out of their 'contracts'. That's when concessions are made with actors to cut their "workloads". The Producers would rather have 'some of Actor X' instead of nothing at all. The movies are a way to have their cake and eat it too.

The question is "when do you turn it into a film franchise"? They run the risk of series fatigue. You do it too soon and they lose money because the series is still profitable. You overstay your welcome and suddenly the fans that were once there are gone, making the franchise profitable an uphill battle. Case in point....The X-Files. I was a HUGE fan of that show, but they f*cked it all up with how they handled Duchovny's role in the series. They also stayed too long as a series and the movies have suffered because of it. Fight the Future was more or less an extended episode to bride the season, whereas I Want to Believe was trying to revive a series. If and when a new X-Files movie comes along, nobody is going to care. Had they made a conscious effort to segue to full-on franchise mode around Season 6, they could have made a franchise that was sustainable.
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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2013, 04:22:53 pm »
Well, that's just people taking concepts too bloody far, they don't want to cut off a good thing, I don't think HBO really has to worry about that, the second anyone hears that GoT is going into its' last season, HBO will be flooded with high-quality replacement concepts.  In fact, since they know the show has a built-in expiration, they're probably planning ahead.  The thing about X-Files is they didn't have a viable replacement series... and TV was a totally different beast in those days as well.  And let's not forget that the X-Files mythology was made up on the fly.  I think that TV, particularly HBO, is aware of the danger of diluting their brand quality by drawing a show out.  I think that might be another strength of the short season, since they don't show GoT every week all year, they're not as dependent on it individually (I think British TV has the same strength).


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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2013, 04:47:26 pm »
Hello, I need more Game of Thrones.

This is already a brutally long wait.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2013, 06:24:42 pm »
When I find myself just dying to see something and I know I can't (or shouldn't, I guess you COULD download the seasons that are already out), I usually start throwing out ideas on what I think would happen and what I'd like to happen and it starts forming in my own head.  Because apparently I'm a giant child.

Before Prometheus came out I was convinced that David was going to turn himself into a Space Jockey, and that maybe that's his dead body we see in Alien in the pilot's seat.  I finally sketched that out a while ago but I need to do a better version of it so you can tell what the heck you're looking at.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 06:28:26 pm by Neumatic »


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Re: Game of Thrones (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2014, 06:59:59 am »
Sandor Clegane (aka Dog):

F*ck the Kingsguard. F*ck the City. And f*ck the King.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

My current Game of Thrones Marathon is flying by waaaaay to fast!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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