
Buy, Rent or Skip KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms?

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Author Topic: KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms (European Theatrical Cut - 1978)  (Read 2310 times)

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KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms (European Theatrical Cut)



Chip's Original Review

KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms (European Theatrical Cut - 1978)

This is drastically different from the US Version of KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park, in that it has additional never before seen footage as well as "sweetening" the music with songs from the Solo albums. I wasn't really paying all that much attention to the movie until I heard Ace Frehley's "Fractured Mirror". Then I realized that ok, they have tinkered with it, and perhaps made this a more enjoyable experience.

One thing I noticed during the bands initial performance on stage, when they are singing "Shout It Out Loud", is a different version. Immediately I knew that they had swapped out the old version and replaced it with the newer, better version that's on the KISS: The Second Coming DVD. This version of the song is my all time favorite and I don't object to them replacing it. Once again. They want to make it a better movie.

Another scene that they drastically altered was the inclusion of Gene Simmons "Radioactive", where he attacks the security guards. When the song kicks in, I had a giddy smile because the song itself made the scene so much better. The song has always been a favorite of mine, so it was like it finally got a proper "music video" of it.

Another scene greatly improved was the inclusion of Ace Frehley's "New York Groove" during the KISS-fight-the-white-monkeymen-next-to-the-roller-coaster scene. Well, "improved" is a general term here.

With all the new scenes and music added to the European Cut of the film, it's a much better film then the US version. Don't get me wrong. It's still a bad movie with bad acting, bad dialogue, cheesy special FX. But it's so bad that it's now campy. When I first picked up Vol. 2, I just skipped the movie and went onto the good stuff. Now that I have watched this version, I'm gonna have to bust out the US VHS copy to compare versions.

There are two versions of this movie. The one that I watched is KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms which is different from the Amercian version called KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park. There wasn't any Poster images of the Attack Cover so I had to settle with the US version of the VHS cover.

Anyway, having just watched this I have to amend my original review and rating. It's bad. I think the only reason why I gave a 3 Star rating was because of the additional footage and of course the inclusion of songs from their solo albums. Other than that, this is a horrible, horrible movie. Ugh. But at least KISS looks awesome in such a sh*tactular movie. 

The original review can be found on the KISS: Kissology - The Ultimate Kiss Collection - Vol. 2 at.....

Click Me For Review ^^

I really don't know how to recommend this one. I own it on both VHS and DVD. So for me it's already a Buy. But it's bad and I can't tell people to Buy it and keep a straight face in the process. It's bad enough that it warrants a Skip. But then again, I think EVERYONE should watch this at least once to say they did. So, it's a Rent.
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KISS In Attack Of The Phantoms (European Theatrical Cut) DVD ScreenCaps

« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 10:25:36 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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For those that want Hi Rez version of the ScreenCaps without the watermark, shoot me an email.
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god man that was amazing.....those screen caps are off the hook....so clear!!

they looks so YOUNG now to me in this...like every one of them still looks so damn cool.

Now I want to see this movie...I feel like I just DID see the movie in fact.

I still can't get over how young and "healthy" they all look.

like I said I just watched that show from 2011 and Gene was so fat....Paul still looked pretty good other that the fact both of their hair looked ridiculous and fake (which is was)


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Well it was a huge wake up call having just watched The Last KISS concert the other night and then watching this. Gene wasn't/isn't the only one that's fat. Ace is a bit on the chunky side for the Farewell Tour. But in this movie he is practically anorexic.

You have Kissology Volume 2 right? Or is it Volume 1?
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I have 3 actually...the one with the unplugged and I believe Coventry show>?

is that right...had the unplugged for sure and one old show.

so I am confused though....so you took the screen caps from a trailer...or a dvd of the movie?


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I have 3 actually...the one with the unplugged and I believe Coventry show>?

is that right...had the unplugged for sure and one old show.

so I am confused though....so you took the screen caps from a trailer...or a dvd of the movie?

Volume 3 has the best KISS concert ever: The Conventry Gig. I'm serious, it blows away any other bootleg or Pro-Shot Concert out there as you are already well aware of.

The ScreenCaps are directly from the DVD. Courtesy of Moi. Just wait till people drift here, swipe the ScreenCaps from this thread and start posting online. Haha.
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then you sue!

hey so is then that a European version of the movie you have or was the thread originally for something different?


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It's the European Cut, which is on Volume 2. Gene refuses to release the original US Cut of KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park. If you want to watch that, then your gonna have to find it on VHS. I remember Sam Goody's had a ton of them and were selling for about 9 bucks each...brand new. Ironically, I never saw it anywhere else. Just there.
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I just read about that.

so do you know what the difference is between the two?


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I like the fact that I've never seen anyone, anywhere do a thread geared specifically for Phantoms with ScreenCaps for the entire movie. Even The KISS Army should be impressed with this. I suggest they buy me a f ucking KISS Koffin as a "thank you". Not to bury me in, but a place to store my KISS memorabilia.
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so do you know what the difference is between the two?

Go to the first post and look where it says Chip's Original Review which breaks down the the new stuff in the European Cut. There were a few spots that had added footage that I never saw in the original.
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now wouldn't that be nice.

How many Kiss coffins do you think they actually made?

weren't they about 5 grand a piece.....I know Dimebag Darrell is buried in one...or I think he was.

some idiots try and say Gene tried to charge them....that has got to be a total load of bullshit there is no **** way.  Gene was way more class than that/

going to e bay now to see if any have ever sold there



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ah cool thanks.

was just about to head out to the living room to start Slashes book.

today was a total waste for me...at least I'll end it with some hopefully entertaining.



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They are pretty pricey. I heard about Dimebag in a KISS Koffin. I don't see Gene charging the family, especially in the manner he was slain. Dimebag also was buried with Eddie Van Halen's Yellow/Black Guitar....a replica, not the real one. But still.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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