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Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:26:39 pm »
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 04:28:07 pm »
I will be reviewing Season 1 as if I have never seen an episode, even though this will probably be my 5th or 6th time with this season. I can never get enough of Lost.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 05:19:04 pm »

I can easily say that the Pilot for Lost is the single greatest opening to any series that's come before or will ever come after. There isn't a better opening salvo in which the main characters as well as the secondary characters are presented in a perfect way....or so we thought. What makes this episode so kick ass is that we are left to take each character at face value in how they are presented to us while on the Island. But then this isn't a typical show. What would become the hallmark of the series were the flashbacks and they were perfectly executed here to tell us what each character is really like, after we have more or less already made up our minds about them.

This was best exemplified with Kate, who we see as the all-American-Girl that we are suppose to root for, only to get a very eye opening flashback that tells us otherwise with her being in cuffs and in the company of the Plane's Air Marshall. Also, we are introduced to a couple of "what the  f u c k " moments that tell us this isn't just any Island. With the Smoke Monster (which hasn't revealed itself physically...yet) and the Polar Bear, we are off and running with Lost.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 05:06:36 pm »
Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa is a fantastic episode that carry's over from the Pilot episode. In this one as the Air Marshall lay dying, we get to see what his past is, or more specifically what his connection is to Kate as we see a little bit more about her through flashbacks and how she was on the run and he was the one pursuing her. This is Lost after all, so we aren't going to get a lot of information about her right out of the gate, but they give us just enough to literally hook us into wanting to tune in to see more of the puzzle. I'm glad they did it this way because it gave the viewer time to try and rationalize whatever she did and who she was compared to who she is on the Island.

One interesting thing is that Jack is sitting on the beach with Kate and she wanted to tell him what she did, but he literally told her that everyone on the plane "died 3 days ago". Now, did the writers really know all along that they were dead when they started writing this or was that just a major coincidence that fit in what what became of the series? Who knows.........Oh wait, I'm suppose to be reviewing this like I've never seen Lost or any of the episodes. So, diregard what I just wrote.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 05:07:31 pm »

Another great episode that finally clues us into more of who and what John Locke is all about. Up till now he has been more of a 'secondary' character who has befriend Walter and found his dog. But with the flashbacks we see that he isn't what we have come to expect given the fact that the biggest reveal is that the wheelchair on the beach belongs to him. Yup, prior to crashing on the Island he had been confined to the chair for 4 years. The writing is brilliant thus far as I mention earlier. They give us enough to alter our perception of the character, but hold back enough to want to know more and in John's case we are left asking.....how did he first end up in the chair and second, how the hell is it that he can suddenly walk?

Awesome episode.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 05:48:42 pm »
White Rabbit

This one has Jack chasing his own White Rabbit, which is a metaphor for his father. We learn a little be more about Jack through flashbacks and how he was on the outs with his father, but still had the duty to go and find him and bring him back home to his mom. It would be something else though as his rescue mission suddenly turns into transporting his body back for a funeral when the plane crashes on the Island. For those few that have never seen an episode of Lost, the man that keeps popping up in the trees and ocean is Jack's father.

Also, we get the "live together or die alone" speech here as Jack, after having comes to terms with his and his father's situation decides to take on the responsiblity of being the Tribe leader and sets about organizing everyone to contribute and live as a unit rather than 'every man for himself'.  Just an all around fantastic episode. Watching Lost again reminds me how much I love this series.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2012, 04:59:52 pm »
House of the Rising Sun

With a title like that, it's obvious that the episode will focus primarily on Jin and Sun and how they met and what secret that Sun holds. It's a doozy for sure because the biggest reveal thus far is that she can speak English and was intent on leaving Jin at the airport. Had she only just done that she wouldn't be on the Island. I thought they way they slowly give us pieces of their relationship to suddenly having her ask Michael for help, to explain the meaning behind the watch was perfect.

As for the camp now divided with half moving to the caves and half choosing to remain on the beach so as not to miss a passing plane or boat, I'm pretty sure that I would have stayed on the beach. Just build a shelter just off the beach and having a rotating 2 man team to do look-out watch and have another 2 man team go and fetch water. That's what I would do.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 05:00:10 pm »
The Moth

This episode shines a light on Charlie, Drive Shaft and how he became addicted to drugs. This is also the episode that sees Jack trapped in a cave-in as well as the mysterious person to knock Sayid on the head as he was about to triangulate the source of the distress signal. Although this was a good episode, it felt a little underwhelming compared to all the episodes thus far. Maybe the lack of John Locke had something to do with it. I dunno.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2012, 04:59:09 pm »
Confidence Man

This is a great episode that finally gives us the flashback scenes involving Sawyer and what his dealio is. Up till now he has been painted as the Island villain, but with the flashbacks we see that there is more than meets the eye and his story is pretty fascinating. The letter that he has been reading to himself since crashing on the Island had me guessing at what it could be about. So when Kate read it, we are led to believe that HE conned a family which led to a disastrous ending and that the kid was coming after him. It's only later that the true nature of the letter is revealed and that the kid in question is Sawyer himself.

I thought they did a good job with Shannon's asthma problem by giving Sun something constructive to do that was more than just standing around and taking verbal abuse from Jin. Now she is empowered and carving out an identity for herself....away from Jin. As for Sayid, he's got a lot to think about after torturing Sawyer. Lets see what he finds out in the jungle now that he has left the beach to map out the Island.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:17:57 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 05:34:25 pm »

With Sayid off searching for whatever on the Island, we come to our first object that doesn't belong because thus far it's only been the Survivors and the jungle. So when Sayid finds the big fat cable on the beach that is coming out of the ocean and leading into the Jungle, we begin to see that the Island isn't what it originally appeared to be. We are introduced to a new character Danielle Rousseau, who has been on the Island for the last 16 years and is the voice heard on the transmission. The bulk of this episode is about Sayid in both present day and in flashbacks as we finally get more information not only about him but also the lady in the picture he is always looking at: Nadia.  We also first learn about Alex, Danielle's Daughter, who will factor into the mythology of Lost later in the series.Very good episode. All in all a very good episode.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 04:58:15 pm »
Raised by Another

Here it is. This is the one where Lost introduces someone that clearly has an hidden agenda and isn't what they claim to be. When they introduce Ethan Rom into the camp, it's so obvious that he is the one that attacked Claire in the middle of the night. It's kinda hard not to be able to look past the fact that he was never seen an any of the previous episodes and then all of the sudden he is just.....there. Also, this is the Claire flashback episode which traces her getting pregnant and then dealing with the psychic who is trying to convince her not to give up the baby. I do think it was very interesting that the only way he could make this happen was to foresee the plan crash and to make sure she was on it....thus ensuring she would have to keep the baby.

Ethan is one scary and intimidating-looking dude and someone I wouldn't want to run into in the middle of the jungle.
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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2012, 05:02:04 pm »
All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

There is a lot of running around on the Island as the search party looks for Claire, Charlie and Ethan. Nothing much happens in this department till the very end when Jack and Kate find Charlie, hanging from a Tree and revive him. Most of this episode is really about Jack and his relationship to his father as we get a lot of flashbacks to flesh his story out more. Still a great episode in spite of the lack of forward movement with the story on the Island. Charlie does reveal that there are others and Locke and Boone discover what will eventually be the Hatch in the ground.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2012, 05:34:09 pm »
Whatever the Case May Be

This one is all about Kate. Kinda. The flashbacks center on her. But it's more about the mystery of what is inside the case that she and Sawyer find in the lagoon near the waterfall. And even after all the dancing around and the contents of the case are revealed, we still are left to wonder what the significance of the Toy Plane is. Also, Sayid seeks the help of Shannon to help him translate the french codes on the map he took from Danielle. This was the start of a veeeeeeeeery short relationship between the two. I won't say anymore until a certain episode is played out.

Maggie Grace and Evangeline Lilly in bikini's =
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2012, 05:18:52 pm »
Hearts and Minds

This episode seemed to have everyone involved in their own little story to tell, even though this one is focused primarily on Shannon and Boone in flashback as well as on the Island. We learn that Shannon and Boone are not blood relatives but half-sister and half brother and the make-out scene was quite disturbing. Bleh.

The rest of the episode dealt with Hurley hunting for food, stepping on a sea urchin and being taken care of my Jin. Also, Kate discovers that Sun can speak English and Locke is one crazy dude after he drugs Boone to teach him a "lesson" that involves the Smoke Monster killing Shannon. A lot was going on and yet the episode seemed really short. Bah!
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Lost (Season 1 - 2004)
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2012, 05:41:37 pm »

Special is all about Walter and Michael both on the Island and in flashbacks. We see that the two were separated for much of Walter's life as in was in Australia, living with his mom and adoptive father. It was only when she passed away did Michael enter into his life and the request of the adoptive father who didn't want the responsibility of raising him. The most interesting thing about the flashbacks is that they hint at the fact that there is something different...almost sinister about Walter. That he is bad luck as bad things....happen.

The biggest thing that happens in this episode, besides Walter being attacked by a polar bear was the reemergence of Claire who shows up out of the jungle, unkempt, battered and....Lost. Also, this is the first time I've ever noticed that 3 of the episodes open with a closeup of an eye: This episode, the previous episode and of course the Pilot episode that opened with a closeuo of Jack's eye. I know the series ends on a closeup of Jack's eye as well.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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