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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2012, 05:26:35 pm »
Maternity Leave

This one is a very cool episode and for once, it actually moves the plot forward. The nice little twist is the flashbacks. Up till now, anyone that they have done flashbacks with, it's always been about what their lives were like prior to getting on the plane. Here it's about Claire and when she was kidnapped and held hostage by Ethan. Hostage doesn't seem to apply though, because in the flashbacks, she was willingly staying put. Sure, she was obviously being drugged and couldn't hold a coherent thought in her head. But it was a pretty big reveal to see that Ethan was now acting as her own personal Doctor.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2012, 05:27:14 pm »
The Whole Truth

This is the one where Sun learns she is pregnant and where we learn that Jin can't have kids. What's going on? She sleeping around? Who's baby is it then? Is this Island some magic Island? It's a good episode, just a bit slow in some spots. This is also the one where "Henry Gale" draws a map for Ana Lucia to where his hot air balloon is at. But when Henry throws in that little remark at the end to Jack and Locke about leading them into an ambush......
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2012, 05:19:43 pm »

Now THAT's what you call an episode! We get to see more of what the Hatch has to offer once it goes into lock-down mode and pins John to the floor. It's only when the the florescent lighting shifts to black-light do we see that there is a code / map inscribed on one of the blast doors. What could it be? The mind boggles. But that isn't what makes this a standout episode. No, it comes at the very end when Sayid proof in hand, reveals that the man claiming to be Henry Gale is not who he says he is. BUSTED!!

This episode also has John birth father returning to ask him to get 700K out of the bank vault for him. John is an idiot of epic proportions. This is also the episode where we see the mysterious airdrop, a full crate of food. But from where? From who?
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2012, 05:27:04 pm »

This episode is awesome. There is something that says there is justice in the world when Hurley kicks Sawyer's ass. It was awesome. This one is all about Hurley and his time in the mental ward and his "friend" Dave, who somehow manages to appear on the Island as Hurley tries to understand what is happening to him. But the biggest twist comes at the end when we see that Libby, who we have taken at face value as a shrink is in fact in the same hospital as Hurley....as a patient! Very cool twist.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2012, 05:11:14 pm »

Pretty eye opening episode that finally sheds some light on the Island itself. Up till now, it's only been hinted at that the Island may be more than just dirt and rock on the ocean, but has magical powers as well. John Locke definitely knew it was more than meets the eye given that he can now walk. But he kept it pretty much to himself. But in this episode, Rose comes right out and says that the Island cured her of her disease and that she doesn't ever want to leave the Island. She could have saved Bernard all the trouble of trying to organize people into building an S.O.S. sign had she just said so from the start.

At the end, with Jack and Kate out looking to for the Others to make a trade (Walt for "Henry Gale"), Michael suddenly returns from out of the jungle. FYI, it was very satisfying to see the smirk on Ben Linus' face when he got confirmation that he is easily manipulating John Locke's emotions.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2012, 05:10:41 pm »
Two for the Road

This episode is all about the final 5 minutes and what a stunner it is. It took me totally by surprise the first time I saw it as I'm sure it did with everyone else. In a nut shell, Michael shoots and kills Ana Lucia and Libby, opens the armory where "Henry Gale" is being held a prisoner. We are expecting Michael to shoot him. But he doesn't. He turns the gun on himself and then BAM! Fade to black. What a cliffhanger. It still works, no matter how many times I see the episode.

The flashbacks are about Ana and how she ended up in Australia to begin with. This is also another pivotal moment because the person that hires her as a bodyguard was none other than Jack's father, who was there to see his (not shown on screen) daughter. This too will have major implications later on. If you've never seen Lost, this is a monumental episode.
Poor Hurley. His first date with Libby is not how it's suppose to end.

There is a good rumor that has been floating around about this episode since the day it aired. Many have speculated that both the Ana Lucia and Libby characters were killed off because of Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros were involved in a drunk driving incident which prompted their ouster. The producers of the show have always said their death's were planned long before. So, who knows what the real story is........
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2012, 05:02:21 pm »

The tension of this episode is whether or not Libby, who somehow is still alive after getting shot will be able to communicate with Jack about Michael being the one that shot and killer her and Ana Lucia. In the end, when she utters his name, Jack just assumes that Libby is just asking about his well being and nothing else comes of it before she passes on. Very sad ending.

Ana Lucia visits Mr. Eko in a dream that sets him on a course with John Locke to find the mystery that is ?, which turns out to be Station 5 or The Pearl, which is just another hatch in the ground. It's revealed here that The Pearl is the Observation Station, which was used to monitor those that like to push a button based on blind faith.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2012, 04:59:08 pm »
3 Minutes

Interesting episode where we see what happened from Michael's point of view over the last 13 days and why he eventually freed "Henry Gale". This has never really been a favorite episode of mine. This is not to say that it's bad, it's a very good episode. But it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that Michael, based on the promise that he and Walt will be set free, can so easily throw his "friends" under the bus by leading them into a trap. The entire time I'm watching the episode, all I want to do is kick the ever living  s h i t  out of him.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2012, 05:50:25 pm »
Live Together, Die Alone

The Season Finale is all about the final 10 minutes and what a awesome cliffhanger to leaves us hanging on. The all but guaranteed that people would tune in for Season 3 to see where they go with the series. As for the rest of the episode (2 hour finale), it was all about Desmond. This was basically a coming full circle arc that showed us where Desmond came from and how he ended up on the Island. It was crazy to see that he would end up sharing the hatch with Kelvin Inman (Clancy Brown), who we last saw mentoring Sayid in the fine art of torturing. We are also introduced to two more characters that will play a much bigger role in the Lost mytho's with Desmond's girlfriend Penny and her father Mr. Widmore.

Loved the episode, but hated Locke and Michael with a vengeance. I can't stand Locke's constant whining and I loathe that Michael would even call Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer his "friends" when asking "Henry" what he plans to do with them.  F u c k  Michael! As good as the episode was, there is a major continutity error that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And what makes it worst is that it's so obvious that it doesn't make sense. I am of course talking about Desmond listening to Locke who tells him nothing will happen if he doesn't push the button and lets the timer run down to zero. Um, why is Desmond all of the sudden agreeing with Locke on this when Desmond actually saw first hand what would happen when the button isn't pushed. They even show us that it nearly became a big disaster the last time around, which ironically gave us a cool reveal in that Desmond is the reason why the plane crashed in the first place.

Still an awesome episode and it also produced a great line that even I still quote to this day and a regular basis.

Michael: Who are you people?

"Henry": We're the good guys.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2012, 05:56:13 pm »
Lost (Season 2)

I really loved Season 2 because it didn't stick to the same formula that we got in the first season. We got to see more of the mystery that is the Island and we finally got to see actual people from the other side, or more specifically "The Others". We got new characters as well that added a lot to what Season 2 turned out to be: Mr. Eko, Ana Lucia, Desmond and the granddaddy of them all, Ben Linus aka "Henry Gale". Great writing with a knack for some kick ass cliffhangers throughout the season that had me begging for more. Highly recommend this season as a Buy for sure. I own it and it's a series I will most likely never part with.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2014, 05:39:38 am »
I'm probably gonna kick myself for asking this.

We just saw the major scene of the smoke monster confronting Eko. We say it briefly earlier in this episode and I believe, briefly in the first season.

Does anything ever come of this? Or is this one of those loose threads that doesn't get explained... like the polar bear?
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2014, 05:43:55 am »
Does anything ever come of this? Or is this one of those loose threads that doesn't get explained... like the polar bear?

If I say too much, it will spoil it for you. I'll just say that the Smoke Monster is a major character. MAJOR!!!! I will not say anything else. And the Polar Bear does have a back-story to it. You're still in Season 2 right?
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2014, 06:03:18 am »
K... thanks for being discreet.

Because I had watched Lost previously, this time around I noticed the comic book reference quit often in the first season with regards to the Polar Bear. No connection that I could pull out except maybe some kind of twilight zone thing. Ya know the one where the kids' (Billy Mummy) thoughts... materialize.

Now you've sparked a little more interest in this, for me.
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2014, 06:15:10 am »
Curious to know, but how many seasons did you get into before bailing on the show the first time around? Also, where are you right now in Season 2?
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Re: Lost (Season 2 - 2005)
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2014, 08:52:02 am »
I did 1-3/4 seasons. I believe I bailed right in the next few episodes.
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