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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2012, 06:17:34 pm »
Left Behind

A good episode that has Hurley pulling a con on the con-man himself, Sawyer. There is poetic justice that it would be Hurley to get the best of Sawyer because he is the one that has taken the most abuse from him ever since they crashed landed on the Island. In the end, Sawyer learns a valuable lesson and ends up becoming the new leader with the tribe scattered all over the Island.

As for Sayid, he has every reason not to trust Juliet and letting her go back to camp with them. Did Jack not learn anything when he and the rest of the people got duped by "Henry Gale". She is a spy!!!!!
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2012, 05:18:42 pm »
One of Us

Even if you have never seen this episode before and are watching Lost for the first time, you can clearly see that Juliet is doing whatever is necessary to gain entry into the Survivor's camp. That was what I thought the first time around. It just makes Jack look incredibly stupid to be so trusting with the people that kidnapped him. Why is he so gung ho to look the other way? Sayid and Sawyer are right to be suspicious and sure enough, by the end of the episode it's revealed to the viewer by way of flashbacks that the entire thing was set up from the get go. Tsk tsk.

Also, we get the rest of Juliet's back-story and how she came to the Island and what her life has been like since then leading up to the planning with Ben.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2012, 05:32:10 pm »
Catch 22

Good, but not great. This one is all about Desmond, Charlie, Hurley and Jin trekking through the jungle to get to a fallen pilot, based on Desmond's 'future sight'. But for obvious reasons he keeps the knowledge that Charlie gets an arrow through the neck. Desmond is under the impression that if he says anything it could alter the future and keep him from being reunited with Penny. In the end, it didn't matter. It's not her, but someone else all together. The other half of the episode was about Desmond's time as a monk. This was a wasted narrative for the most part. It only mattered that in the end it was how he came to meet Penny in the first place.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2012, 05:56:11 pm »

Unlike last episodes flashback scenes, this one tied niceley into what was happening on the Island in present day as Sun with the help of Juliet sets out to get a sonogram of her pregnancy to determine if she got preggers off the Island with the other dude, or on the Island with Jin. The baby is Jin's which means that Sun now only has 2 months left based on the Island history of knocking off pregnant women who have never been able to to come to term.

Also of interest was the appearance of Mikhail who we last saw getting super sonic to oblivion when Locke pushing him beyond the Pylons. How is he still alive? Stay tuned of course.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2012, 05:02:29 pm »
The Brig

One of the most frustrating things about Lost is that they give you a kick ass cliffhanger and then they drag their feet getting back to it. We were literally left 6 episodes back on John Locke and his captured father. And then.....nothing. Think about it. It's 6 **** episodes before they even move this arc forward, let alone address it. I'm watching this series on Lost, which means the wait is drastically shorter. Now imagine watching this when it aired on TV and you are looking at 1 1/2 months. That's unforgivable and I understand the frustration and why people were and still are  p i s s e d   at the creators of the show. 

So, what happens in The Brig? Well, Locke cons Sawyer into going with him to the Black Rock where he has kidnapped "Ben". It's only when he arrives there does he come to learn that the man he really has is his father and that he wants him to kill him. Oh, one last thing, John's father is also the way that stole from Sawyer's parents and who he has been hunting down since he was a child. So killing him was never in doubt.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2012, 05:06:34 pm »
The Man Behind the Curtain

For me, this is without a doubt the most significant episode since the Pilot episode that started it all off. This is what you call a whopper of an episode. First, we get to see Ben being born and how he came to the Island. Second, we see him meeting an ageless Richard Alpert who is a 'Hostile'. Third we see the 'Purge' that's been mentioned a few times before. Fourth, we see that Ben killed his own father, Roger 'Workman', the same guy that is found in Hurley's van. Fifth, Ben shoots and supposedly kills John Locke. Tell me that isn't an episode you don't wanna watch? Oh, and one other thing, this was also the first "appearance" of Jacob.

Also, Sayid and Sawyer confront Juliet about the tape recording and we learn that Jack already knows what her and Ben's plans are regarding the pregnant women of the camp. Awesome episode.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 05:11:22 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2012, 07:52:47 pm »
Greatest Hits

With Charlie given the news by Desmond that he has to die in order for the rest of them on the Island to be rescued, especially that of Claire and Aaron, this sets him off on a contemplative journey as he revisits the 5 greatest moments of his life. We all know what his eventual #1 pick would be because he is willing to sacrifice his life for Claire and Aaron. It's a very deep and profound moment, not just for the character, but for the series as a whole. When you have such incredibly selfish characters like Locke and Ben, it's very refreshing to see someone give so willingly for another and not ask for anything in return. I know I bashed Charlie a lot during the first couple of seasons and rightfully so. He was after all one of those selfish types and the fact that he was on drugs didn't help his case either. Charlie will get to shine in the final episodes for this season and go out on his terms.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2012, 06:46:12 pm »
Through the Looking Glass

There's a lot to like about the Season Finale that "wraps" up Season 3. It had a lot of "what the f*ck" moments that had me scratching my head the first time it aired on TV and it still delivers on DVD. Straight up, I have said before and I will say it again now, this episode has the single greatest 'twist / cliffhanger' that has ever been filmed. You will not find a better payoff on any other TV series, Movies or book. The entire episodes "flashback" has Jack at the end of his rope, looking to end it any way he can.

Now, if you are familiar with Lost, you know that half the episodes are anchored by flashbacks to tell half the story. In this one we are led to believe the same. They even throw in the name Christian Sheppard just in case anyone was getting suspecious of this particular flashback. I never caught on the first time around and when it's revealed at the end with the emergence of Kate meeting him at the airport, we came to realize that they, along with everyone else finally made it off the Island. But when we finally see why Jack is at the end of his rope, that he is actively trying to get back to the Island, it just left me....speechless. Greatest Twist ever!

The rest of the episode had a lot going for it as well. You have the confrontation with the 'Others' back at the camp, it has an awesome rescue moment for Hurley, it has Sawyer going 'Dirty Harry' on 'Nice Guy' Tom, it has a major beat down by Jack on Ben's face and then the topper of them all, it has Locke knifing down Naomi and threatening to kill Jack. Akso cool was the cameo by Walt at the pit to give Locke his pep talk and the reunion between Danielle and Alex.

Not to be outdone, Charlie goes out a winner and they did it in grand fashion, also leaving us with another cliffhanger: "Not Penny's Boat".

How Epic is this episode? I think it is / was their crown jewel for the entire series. It was their Mount Everest.
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Re: Lost (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2012, 06:50:10 pm »
Lost (Season 3)

Season 3 is a very enjoyable continuation of the series. There are some minor stumbles along the way and those specific instances are where we don't get an immediate followup to cliffhangers. But when they do get around to wrapping up cliffhangers, it's well worth the wait. Other than that little hiccup, there was a lot to take from this season with new characters, new stories and some earth shattering twist. I highly recommend this as a Buy for sure.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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