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Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« on: September 19, 2012, 03:30:31 pm »
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 05:31:28 pm »
LA X (Part 1 & 2)

I thought the opening hour was fantastic and it gave birth to what will be known as 'Sideways Flashbacks'. Simply put, we are lead to believe that this is what the gang from Oceanic 815 would have been had their plane never crashed.  We get to see that even though they never met on the Island, they still managed to meet each other in this altered reality. The other half of the story has to do with trying to save Sayid by taking him to the Temple. Although this new wrinkle was very interesting, I didn't think it was as strong as Part 1 of this episode, which also gave us a chance to see both Boone and Charlie again.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2012, 06:00:28 pm »
What Kate Does

This episode was just okay for me. I wasn't particularly captivated by the whole "make Sayid take the pill" angle that Dogan, the Temple leader, was trying to get Jack to convince Sayid to swallow. However, I really liked the Kate story both on the Island and especially in the 'Sideways flashback' with Claire. What was cool was seeing these two bond anyways, in spite of having never set foot on the Island. But the biggest moment is when upon hearind Claire mention the name of her unborn baby; Aaron, it jars something in Kate as if she knew 'something'. A premonition if you will. I like the reappearance of Claire on the Island at the very end of the episode. Bad hair and all.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 06:52:05 pm »
The Substitute

So, we get a little bit closer to knowing why the main characters on the Island are brought there. With Fake-Locke leading Sawyer to a Cave over looking the ocean, he explains that Jacob purposely changed each and everyone's destination by influencing them in some small way just to get them to the Island because they are candidates. Candidates for what? To protect the Island of course. I thought it was pretty interesting to see the cave itself scrawled with what looks like to be hundreds upon hundreds of names, which basically says that Jacob has been at this recruiting thing for a long ass time.

I liked the flash-sideways in this one which brought back Helen (Katey Sagal) who is engaged to John. I also liked how John's path crossed with Hurley, who offers him a job, which leads Locke to becoming a Substitute Teacher, where he meets another Teacher there: Ben. Small world, huh?

Back on the Island, we see the first glimpse of the Blond Haired Kid.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2012, 06:23:55 pm »

All about Sayid. In the Flash-sideways, he helps his brother who is shaking him down "protection" of his business. The cool thing is that the baddie was once again played by Martin Keamy. Back on the Island, Sayid is asked to kill John Locke by Dogan. It was unsuccessful. John convinces Sayid to relay a message back to Dogan and kill him too. Very successful.

Elsewhere, Claire and Kate "reconnect". Claire is not happy about Kate taking Aaron off the Island and raising him herself. Lets see how this plays out......
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 04:59:44 pm »
Dr. Linus

This is a really good episode that basically explores the duality of Ben Linus. On the Island, he was this powerful man that got consumed by the idea of running the show. And look where that got him? He has been reduced to nothing more than a sad-sack follower, looking for guidence while wrestling with the knowledge that he didn't do a damn thing to save Alex from being executed. In the Flash-sideways, he is a Teacher that cares for his students, especially that of Alex. So, when the opportunity presents itself that he can take claim of the Principle's job and do things HIS way, it comes at a price, at expense of Alex getting a glowing recommendation....he chooses her and let's go of any political moves to get a step up on the professional ladder. I liked that Ben was taking care of his father in the flash-sideways. Also like the reunion with Hurley, Jack and Sun.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 05:13:51 pm »

Very cool episode, especially the flash-sideways which has Sawyer as a Cop and not a Con Man, who's partner just happens to be Miles who he himself sets up a blind date for Sawyer with Charlotte. The ending has Sawyer pursuing a hit and run suspect fleeing the scene of the crime. He catches his man, er, woman. Turns out it to be Kate.

Back on the Island, Sawyer comes face to face with Charles Widmore, who promises to get him off the Island if he can deliver John Locke to him. A lot of maneuvering going on!! Claire finally has it out with Kate about her taking Aaron off the Island.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 04:55:20 pm »
Ab Aeterno

Ab Aeterno is an awesome episode. It's beyond awesome. It's one of the greatest episodes in the entire history of Lost. No matter how many times I watch this one, it just keeps getting better and better. I, along with pretty much every other fan of the series has always been curious and captivated by Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell), the ultimate 'man of mystery'. Who is this guy that never ages? How did he come to the Island and how did he end up serving as Jacob's right-hand man? All these question get answered and more. We also get to see how the Black Rock came to land in the Jungle and how the Statue met its demise.

Nestor gives an incredible performance that is both amazing and touching all at once. The scene with him and his late wife, who is now communcating through Hurley leaves you with a lump in your throat. It's so good. Easily and A+ episode. 10 Stars.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 01:56:24 pm »
The Package

Good episode in which we get to see how in the flash-sideways part of the show, Jin ended up in the freezer as a hostage of Martin Keamy a few episodes back. For those that were sweating the lack of Desmond appearances during the Sixth Season, fear not. He has returned as...The Package. We all knew that the only way he would end up back on the Island was against his will. Leave it to his father-in-law Charles Widmore to kidnap and drag him back. Hate to see what Christmas dinner is like with these two.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 09:58:43 pm »
Happily Ever After

I've always said that the MVP of the series is Desmond and that Henry Ian Cusick constantly turns in the finest performance whenever it's a Desmond-heavy episode. This is no exception. With Desmond being forced to endure the test by Widmore, it sends him into a full-on flashsideways episode that reunites him with Charlie and Daniel. It's Charlie that opens Desmond's eyes that there is more going on than meets the eye which sets him on a course to find Penny, thus changing his life. Just a phenomenal episode that deserves repeat viewings.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2012, 04:47:10 pm »
Everybody Loves Hugo

Picking up from the previous episode, Desmond sets out to reunite Hurley and Libby in the flashsideways part of the show. Libby knows Hurley from another life (on the Island), but she is in a Mental institution because she thinks she is crazy for the thoughts she has. But a chance encounter with him leads to them going on a date (thanks Desmond) and once Libby and Hurley kiss, he starts to remember times on the Island. I really enjoyed the episode and liked that Libby and Hurley finally got to have their first date. We also got to see the return of Michael, which also gives us the explanation of what the "whispering" we hear in the jungle is. It's souls that can't move on and are doomed to remain on the Island forever.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 04:55:20 pm »
The Last Recruit

As we get closer and closer to the finale, the episodes are starting to ramp up. In the flash-sideways, more and more of the main characters are starting to run into each other. We have Sun and John Locke, along with Jin at the hospital with Jack about to operate on John, you have Kate in the custody of Sawyer at the police station, you have Miles and Saywer arresting Sayid and you have Claire meeting Jack (thanks to Desmond) for the first time, revealing to him that she is his sister. Back on the Island, the main cast double crosses John / Smoke Monster and leave him alone. But Jack ends up going back to the Island which turns out to be the smart thing because Widmore double crosses Sawyer on their deal. This was just a fun episode all around, topped off by the reunion between Sun and Jin.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2012, 04:44:18 pm »
The Candidate

A fantastic episode that makes you hate and pull for a character, namely John Locke. On the Island, you are always rooting against the evil John Locke and hoping somebody within reach will rise up and beat the crap out of him..or better yet, kill him. Easier said than done. But in the flash-sideways, you are pulling for John to accept Jack offer to help him walk again. But no matter where they are, each one is steadfastly stubborn. The most shocking thing about this episode was the death of Sayid, Sun and Jin. The latter two was just absolutely heartbreaking. Jin promised that he would never leave Sun again. He is a man of his word. I stunned the first time I saw this episode when it aired. Amazing episode.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2012, 04:52:35 pm »
Across the Sea

Simply put, this is the Jacob and The Man In Black origin story. When I first watched this episode as it aired on TV, I wasn't particularly fond of it because rather than give us much needed answer, it opened up even more questions. So how do I feel about it now, having just watched this? Pretty much the same. I don't have a problem with any of the performances at all. They were quite good. But no matter how exceptional they are, it doesn't hide the fact that the writers dropped the ball on this one. To me, it always seemed like the sole purpose of the episode was to make the connection in a callback to Season 1 when Jack and Kate find the two bodies in the cave. The reveal is that "Adam and Eve" were in fact The Man In Black and his and Jacob's Mother.

Okay, we see how Jacob gets the power of never aging when it takes the drink with his Mother, but we still don't know exactly what it was he was drinking or for that matter what the Cave really is, other than the "heart of the Island". Also, it's still pretty ambiguous how The Man In Black, by being swallowed up by the cave is turned him into the Smoke Monster. But the biggest mystery that wasn't answered was who, what and where the Mother came from and how she became the Island's protector. See, more question than answers, certainly not something that should be happening with just 2 episodes left.
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Re: Lost (Season 6 - 2010)
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2012, 10:15:08 pm »
What They Died For

It was a long time coming, but Jack, Kate and Sawyer along with Hurley finally get the sit down they have been asking for from the man himself...Jacob. He tells them why they were chosen and why the Island needs someone to protect it and from who. A lot of stuff goes down in this one, in both the Current Timeline as well as the Flash-sideways. In the Flash-sideways, Desmond is doing his best to reunite as many people as possible. In this one he is able to break Sayid and Kate out of Jail, with the help of Hurley and Anna Lucia. Back in Current Timeline, you have the Smoke Monster killing Alpert and you have Ben killing Charles Widmore.

One last episode left....
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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