
Buy, Rent or Skip Pete's Dragon (2016)?

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Pete's Dragon (2016)
« on: December 29, 2017, 06:20:28 pm »
Pete's Dragon (2016)
4 Stars out of 5



I totally forgot about the Reboot of Pete's Dragon. It was on my radar when the trailer originally dropped and then it was off my radar. It wasn't until last week that the movie just popped into my head for whatever reason. So, I put my hold for the movie at my Library and it arrived yesterday. Just watched it. But before I get to my thoughts on the flick, I have to say that I'm a big fan of the original 1977 version. Yup, cartoon and musical and all. I grew up watching that flick and as sappy and saccharine as it was, I still loved it. So, naturally I was very curious about what exactly what we were going to get here. How much of the reboot would take from the original? How much would they deviate and tell a different story? I will say this, when I got my hands on the DVD and saw the cover art, I was somewhat disappointed in what Elliot looked like. I was expecting, practically hoping he would be more sinister in appearance like a typical dragon, which itself would lend credence to the Towns people being terrified and acting irrationally or based on what I just said...rationally.

With that said, as the movie played on, his design did make more sense for the movie and story they were actually telling. Elliot grew on me. As for the movie itself, I was surprised at how much I liked it. I saw a lot of different influences from Tarzan / The Jungle Book and E.T. carving out a big debt of gratitude here. It's a good movie to sit down with the family and watch together. I can definitely recommend this as a Rent. I'd watch this again if I caught it on TV channel surfing. 4 Stars out of 5. I like it. But it's still nowhere near close to the 1977 Version IMO. I do however liked the ending they cooked up for the Reboot. I never liked the ending of the Original where Pete and Elliot say their goodbyes and go their separate ways. It's changed for the Reboot and for the better because of it.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 05:33:49 am by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Pete's Dragon (2016)
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2017, 07:48:50 pm »
I remember liking the remake of Pete's Dragon... such. big fan of the original that I bought the remake when it came out (I think The Jungle Book, another movie I love and that I believe we discussed, came out on blu-ray around the same time... I bought both).  But I haven't seen it since, I honestly don't remember how it ended.

I love that they stayed away from the original version in terms of story and just extrapolated off the basic idea, a little boy on his own whose best friend is a dragon.  That's great, and that's pretty much what everyone remembers anyway.  And I love that it takes place in an almost sort of never-time, you have no idea what era it takes place in, and it doesn't matter.  It almost feels like a memory already.

The design of Elliot is interesting... looking back at the original, with that hair and that big lantern jaw, I feel like... doing him in 3D might make him look like Shrek, in a funny way... specifically Chris Farley Shrek.  Which could be interesting but I don't know how accurate it would be.  The furry dog thing is interesting, he has a different shape to him and thus a different personality... but I suppose it works for a beast living that far north (or that far south, the did shoot this in New Zealand).  I never thought of there being dragons suited to different climates before.  But Falcor had fur too, right?  Why is that so odd?

Going off on a bit of a tangent, in September I got this art book of Disney dragons which features both Elliots, Malificent and so on.. the old artwork which I would have just been mesmerized by as a kid, but there's also stills and CGI in there.  My mom saw it and said I should show it to Charlton one day (he's the little neighbor kid), and I realized "if he looked at this book... he'd have no reason to think that dragons aren't real.  They're there, they're with normal people.  And adults watch a show with dragons in them.  Of course dragons exist."  I can't imagine what my imagination or view of the world would have been if this level of imagery existed back then, given how captivated I was by what already exists.


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