
Buy, Rent or Skip It (2017)?

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It (2017)
« on: March 02, 2018, 06:20:05 am »

The only connection I have with It was the Original TV Movie Event that aired over two days and all I can remember from that were a few select scenes. I remember John Ritter, Red Balloon, very few scenes with Pennywise and enjoying what I was watching.....that is until the final scene with that dumb Spider that made no sense in the scheme of things. Years later what I heard was that it was the only thing that the film makers could use at that time to represent what the Human mind could not comprehend. So, I was very curious to see what they were going to do with the Reboot now that they would have the FX toys to work with in fixing this one problem.

Well, having just watching It, that problem is never addressed and was skipped all together. Or so I think. The thing I picked up on for this Reboot is that they also jettison  the whole "Kids suffer traumatic childhood, grow up and then reunite years later" to take on Pennywise. The Reboot just covers the years when they are kids. But the way things are left in the movie, they set it up to return 27 years later if need be to take on Pennywise again. So yeah, a sequel is definitely coming for sure.

As for the movie itself, I thought it was done extremely well. Beautifully shot. At times it reminded me a bit of Stand by Me and for whatever reason, The Goonies, even though there is no humor or wit from that film. I think it has to do with the band of misfits The Losers and having one Girl in the group. The story at times was a bit confusing at the beginning where the kids were being pursued by Pennywise. Remember, I don't remember much of the Original movie. So it took awhile for some of that Plot to come back to me. The final confrontation between the Kids and Pennywise was done really well. I'm sure anyone that has seen the movie already wants to see another installment. I do. This one is definitely worth a Rent. I just wish there was more Pennywise is all.
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