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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2012, 07:12:56 am »

This episode was awesome. I love the fact that both Holly and Michael were oblivious to their PDA in the office and that they were making the other people there totally uncomfortable. But it was also how they were displaying their affection for one another that made this an instant classic. So many great sight gags in this one. The way they were "holding hands" in Michael's office while talking to Oscar had me rolling on the floor. The way that Michael was sitting on Holly's lap during the conference meeting about office romances, also hilarious.

I really don't understand what Erin sees in Gabe. Seriously, the dude is anal and I can't imagine any real life scenario where he would be able to bag a hottie like Erin, let alone a wallflower with low self esteem. Just the fact that Erin had to jump through hoops in finding clues for her Valentine's Day present was definitely and eye opener. That and the fact that she was having more fun hanging out with Andy who was helping her find said clues.  Even though Andy annoys me at times, I prefer that Erin and Andy as a couple instead of that idiot Gabe. Also of note, Jim and Pam spend most of the episode trying to find a place to have sex in the office because they were singled out earlier as looking like a couple that you wouldn't even know were married to each other. This episode is so good that it deserves a repeat viewing again.

Love the last scene where Holly makes sound fx voices describing what she and Michael will be doing later that night on Valentine's Day. Hint: 'Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak,'. Hahaha. Follow that up with Holly's laugh and you have a winner.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2012, 08:00:31 am »
Threat Level Midnight

Threat Level Midnight is an instant classic. If you are a fan of The Office, than you are well aware that Michael Scott has a character that he created called Michael Scarn. Over the entire series Scarn gets mentioned from time to time and there was an even episode back in Season 2 where Pam finds an unfinished script in his desk and the whole office did a table reading of it, which was awesome in itself. The episode was title The Client. Thank God they gave us a filmed version of the story before Steve Carell left the show. It would have been incomplete without it. Trying to pinpoint my favorite scene here. Probably the Scarn Dance. Loved seeing Rashida Jones returning as Karen and delivering her line. All in all, a great episode. Gotta watch it again before moving forward with my Office marathon.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2012, 10:27:58 am »
Todd Packer

I am not a fan of Packer. Never have, never will be. Fortunately the character had very little screen time  throughout the entire run of the series. Hell, he's had even less screen time than Hank the Security Guard. But the time Packer did show up, he was such a negative in so many ways. When this episode first aired, I was happy they finally got rid of this idiot, this being his send-off episode. Unfortunately he would resurface in Season 8. Ugh.

Loved the prank that Jim pulled on Dwight with the desk drawer getting stuck. So awesome!
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2012, 01:42:29 pm »
Garage Sale

When first watching Garage Sale, you don't think much of it. It seems like it's gonna have it's share of laughs with Dwight swapping out each item for something better than the last, Jim convincing Dwight he needs to buy his magic beans or Andy, Darryl and Kevin playing the board game Dallas. But out of this simple episode, they crafted one of the finest scenes ever for the series and definitely one of the best proposals of any show that has ever been on the air. When Michael is walking Holly through the Office, telling her what each spot means and represents for him, it's not only great for them, but great for the fans watching because we get a series of callbacks that we can connect with.

But when Michael opens the door to the kitchen to reveal all the employees waiting for them, that's when the episode elevated itself from good to epic. The proposal itself was very memorable when all the candles set off the alarm, dumping water on everyone there which itself was another great callback to this very same episode when Michael was making fun of Jim for asking Pam to marry him when it was raining. But the moment was tempered when Michael announced to everyone that he was leaving Dunder Mifflin, which of course made Steve Carell leaving the show a reality that I and most eveyrone else was hoping would not come to fruition. The look on everyone's faces pretty much sums up every fan's feeling on the matter.

I feel that I'm gonna be watching the last of these episodes multiple times for a number of reasons. A) These are some of the best episodes after a long run of sub-par ones and B) Anything to prolong my Office marathon to keep it from ending and to keep Michael Scott around for a little while longer.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2012, 11:15:35 am »
Training Day

I really don't know if I like or hate Training Day. I do remember the episode rubbing me the wrong way when it originally aired. It wasn't that it was bad it was just that A) Here's is another Hollywood Superstar; Will Ferell making his way onto the Office and B) the reality that Steve Carell's time on the show was end and fast approaching.

This time around I could find a bit more humor now that I've had over a year to digest Carell's departure. Still not a perfect episode to introduce the character of Deangelo Vickers (Will Ferrell) into the series as the new acting manager of Dunder Mifflin. I think the biggest laugh for me was watching Andy basically turn into the office's dancing monkey to make his new boss laugh no matter. The fact that Andy looks ridiculous while doing it made it funnier than it probably was.

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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2012, 01:00:52 pm »
Michael's Last Dundies

The Dundies is always good for some laughs. This one was good but still nowhere near that of the fist Dundies back in Season 2 which set the standards for the "awards" show. A couple of noteworthy scenes happen in this episode. The first is Erin FINALLY ends her relationship with Gabe and does so in grand fashion by announcing the breakup while on stage accepting her award for Cutest Red Head, which by the way sends Meredith into a fit of rage having just lost. Hahaha. The second is probably one of the greatest moments in the history of The Office. I always get choked up watching everyone singing their goodbye song to Michael. If you watch the scene play out, the emotion that comes across on Steve Carell's face is genuine which makes it all the more special that in a way, he broke character from the show.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2012, 08:46:00 am »
Goodbye Michael

I tried to delay watching this episode for as long as possible. How else to explain the fact that I watched each of the last 5-6 episodes twice. Goodbye Michael is a really sad episode for a lot of reasons. Obviously we are all sad that the character Michael Scott will no longer be on The Office, but it's also saying goodbye to Steve Carell. When it comes to send-offs, this is clearly one of the greatest episodes ever. Not just for The Office, but for any series. The way it was handled stayed true to what the show was always about...relationships. In a nutshell, Michael is giving up one family (Dunder Mifflin employees) for a new family (Holly). I thought it was brilliant to have everyone think he was leaving the next day, but in actuality was leaving a day earlier, this way the episode wouldn't be watered down with a lot of long tearful goodbyes which would have made the end result so un-Office-like. Doing it this way, it's just another day at the Office for all.

The only one that catches on to the fact that he is leaving early is Jim, which produces the scene of a lifetime. When tells Michael about him being the greatest Boss he has ever had, it was perfect. You can not get choked up watching the scene play out. I also thought it was perfect in how they played out Michael's final scene by having him remove his mic, leaving his scene with Pam in total silence. Because we have watched their relationship blossom over 7 seasons, we don't need to hear what they are saying because if you are a fan of the show and of the characters, you already know what's being said and the emotion that's behind it.

Along with his individual goodbyes, there were a couple of scenes that just rocked for all the right reasons. The first is when Michael starts having doubts about moving and calls Holly. When she answers in her 'character' voice and puts him at ease, he along with the rest of us know that this is the best decision he will ever make the rest of his life and that they belong together. The other cool scene was actually a callback scene from Season 1 when Michael does his best at being a basketball "player". He finally sinks the shot.....after countless ties.

Although the scenes with Deangelo (Will Ferrell) were funny, especially with Andy selling himself as the fall guy, you could see why Steve Carell leaving was just so much harder to stomach, knowing he wouldn't be around anymore after this. All in all, it's a brilliant episode. A+. And yes, I intend to watch this one again.

FYI, funniest scene ever was Michael's reaction to having just given Oscar the scarecrow. I laughed harder than he did. So damn funny it hurt. Priceless.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2012, 09:02:38 am »
The Inner Circle

Don't let the high rating for this episode fool you into believing that The Office without Michael Scott is a good thing. The first time the episode aired, coming off the emotional high of Goodbye, Michael, it was just a huge letdown. There was an obvious hole left to fill and the episode just felt off. So, what about now? As in previous episodes, I have had a year of getting "use to no Michael Scott" and can be more objective in my assessment of this episode without being subjected to the sting of Steve Carell being gone.

I think The Inner Circle does play better a year removed from it's initial airing. This one was all about kissing up to the new Boss man that is  Deangelo, with the exception of Dwight, which made his scenes so much funnier. He is now doing the complete opposite of what he has done for the the entire series toward Michael. There really isn't much of a 'plot' here other than kissing ass. But its the little scenes where Deangelo is trying to fake his way through it all to garner his employee's 'respect', but it does the opposite. I thought the juggling scene was hilarious and the Basketball Dunking Contest and subsequent hospital trip was just as funny. The episode was indeed better the second time around for me, but in the end, there is still a massive hole that no one could conceivably fill or would ever be able to fill. Just look at the mess that is Season 8 for proof of that.

Check out the final scene to see John Krasinski (Jim) break character by trying to keep from laughing at Will Ferrell.
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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2012, 12:50:01 pm »
Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager

So begins the revolving of Managers at Dunder Mifflin. With Deanglo now gone, Dwight is named 'acting manager' until they can find a permanent replacement. You know exactly what you're gonna get with Dwight steering the ship....a hard-ass with zero flexibly that rules with an iron fist and I wouldn't have it any other way. But when he accidently fires his gun in the office, that opens it up for some pretty big laughs with the rest of the employees hellbent on blackmailing Dwight. The funniest scene of course was when Kevin threathened to go to Jo about the gun incident unless he got a back massage from him. The ensuing massage had me rolling on the floor with laughter.

So, how do you end an episode like this? That's easy. You demote Dwight back to a salesman and then promote from within based on seniority. Yup, Creed is now the new Boss-man. Priceless. As for the "love triangle" between Andy, Erin and Gabe, I thought it was a bit creepy that Gabe is still basically stalking Erin and it makes no sense that he hasn't been fired not only for this, but from physically threatening Andy in the previous episode.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2012, 09:16:29 am »
Search Committee

This is by for the most bizarre and surreal episode ever for The Office. It is so off-the-wall strange as everybody with a pulse comes in for a interview for the next managers position at Dunder Mifflin. And as far out crazy this episode was, it was entertaining for the most part. But it is definitely not a perfect episode. Far from it. I have been openly critical of how I hate when they bring in big Hollywood name actors into the series. It never feels right and always reeks of a desperate grab at ratings. Having said that, I thought Jim Carrey's cameo at the very end may have been the best guest-starring cameo ever for the show. When this first aired on broadcast TV, I immediately thought it would be super cool if Carrey actually got the job and would become a fixer in the series. Alas, that didn't happen.

Other guest stars in this episode were Will Arnett, Warren Buffet, Ray Romano, James Spader, Catherine Tate and Ricky Gervais, who in the end should have taken over the role left vacated by the irreplaceable Steve Carell. Ah yes, Steve Carell. In the back of my (ours) mind we are always made aware that he is gone and that no one can ever replace him. This is what ultimately  drags this episode down. It's like the writers of the show are basically run in circles, looking for something to say and do. It's kind of what every episode has been like since Goodbye, Michael aired.

Let's move on to what was good about this episode, namely Creed. I knew he was going to hit it out of the park the minute they opened the episode with him driving up to work and tossing his keys to a valet that wasn't even there to begin with. His talking head scenes were hilarious and his "managing" throughout the day even more so. Loved the voices that Pam came up with to dupe Creed into thinking he was talking with clients. Dwight's 'self-interview' was very funny as well.

With that said, they should have ended not just this season, but the series when Michael Scott walked off into the sunset with Goodbye, Michael. It would have gone down as the greatest series finale ever. But instead it will only be remembered as the last truly great episode of The Office.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 7 - 2010)
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2012, 09:22:32 am »
The Office (Season 7)

Even though The Office is nowhere what it once use to be, Season 7 is definitely better than Season 6, but not by much. There is a good run of episodes near the end with Michael and Holly that served to remind us of the best the series ever had to offer. Although the last few episodes after Carell's depature were better the second time around, it still could not mask this huge hole that he left in his wake. This is definitely worth a Buy just for his swan song episode and a few more than that as well.

I'm in a huge Michael Scott withdrawal right now that I'm going to actually rewatch Seasons 1 and Season 2 again to get my fix. Sue me
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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