
Buy, Rent or Skip Concussion?

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Author Topic: Concussion (2015)  (Read 116 times)

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Concussion (2015)
« on: April 30, 2016, 11:56:58 am »

Concussion is the movie that the NFL doesn't want you to know about, let alone see and for good reason. The film and the story is an indictment against Football in that it exposes what we all have known for years, that the players put themselves in danger week in and week out when numerous head blows rob the players of their lives after they have left the sport. Even though the movie itself takes place within the confines of Football, this is absolutely not a Sports movie. So, for those of you that don't like Sports movies in general, you are safe to check this out. It's more of a "thriller" in uncovering the truth behind the sudden rash of suicides as one man goes up against one of the biggest entities in all of America. Watching Concussion, is eye opening for those that haven't been following the news lately. Watching Will Smith transform into the doctor that blew the lid off the "secret" was impressive. I now understand the backlash and why everyone was protesting the Oscars this year due to the lack of diversity. Will Smith absolutely deserved to be nominated for Best Actor. His performance alone makes this a must-Rent. Definitely check it out. On a personal note, while watching the movie, I kept thinking about Junior Seau. It goes a long way to explaining exactly what he was going through and sure enough, the movie ends with Epilogue focusing on Seau himself.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.

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