I love
The Prince of Egypt. I've been itching to revisit this one ever since watching
The Passion Of The Christ. I just can't believe that it has been well over 13 years or so since I last watched
Egypt. When I first got the DVD, it was one of the most played DVD's because of the incredible audio track. Both the music and sound fx editing would rattle my house, squeezing out every last drop of my 500 Watt Subwoofer. The parting of the Red Sea delivers in spades. I know the last time I watched this was with my
Grandpa and even he marveled at the film and what was coming out of the speakers. But the movie is just more than sound, the animation is incredible and it makes me long for more traditional style animation. It's still a viable format. Not everything has to be solely CGI and Computer Animation to tell a story. In
Egypt, there is a nice blend between traditional and computer animation without it dominating what is on the screen.
But no matter what kind of brush an artist uses, it still comes down to story and character. If you don't have that, you don't have a compelling movie.
The Prince of Egypt does have it. I love the story of Moses. Yes, the story told here is kind of bare bones retelling of his story. Somethings are just going to be glossed over when you only have some much time to spend in a 90 minute film. Some great voice acting by top notch talents of Hollywood can be found in this one:
Val Kilmer, Sandra Bullock, Steve Martin, Martin Short, Danny Glover, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jeff Goldblum and
Helen Mirren just to name a few. Impressive indeed. I highly recommend this as a
Buy. I can tell you this, I won't wait another 13 years to watch this again, that's for sure.