
Buy, Rent or Skip Survivor: Australia?

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Survivor: Australia (Season 2 - 2001)
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:15:26 pm »
Survivor: Australia (Season 2)

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I know what I am talking about and have cred when picking what season is the best given the fact that I have watched every episode of every season and in only it's second year of existence, Survivor: Australia has yet to be topped. This season had so many great things going for it that it really is the crown jewel in the series to date. There are still a handful of people that say that like to argue that Survivor: Borneo (Season 1) is the best. It's not. Even Host Jeff Probst has gone on record saying Season 2 is the measuring stick by which all other Survivor Seasons are compared too.

So why is this one so great? First off, this one had a very memorable cast of characters. There were a lot of likable people competing for the grand prize. Even the few annoying contestants still were interesting enough that you wouldn't roll your eyes or flip the channel. The same can't be said about the current crop of "competitors". The other thing that really sets this one head and shoulders above them all is the unexpected sh*t that went down that would truly test any sane person's mental capacity.

This one had it all. Flash flood that wipes out their campsite. A brush fire that surrounds both tribes. The slaughtering of a Wild Bore. And the biggest unscripted moment in the history of Survivor....Michael Skupin passing out and doing a face plant into a raging firepit, buring off both hands. That was real sh*t that couldn't be seen coming. Today's producers try to manufacture "freak incidents" for the sole purpose of goosing its ratings and that's why Season 2 rocks. It was real.

Along with these moments, the challenges were far more creative then the cake wake from Season 1, which in hindsight is a joke when it comes it being a competitive obstacle course. Season 2 by today's standards wouldn't even make the Top 10. But they are fun to watch none the less.

This is a definite Buy and one that I watch every few years. This one is a keeper.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 05:19:49 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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