It's about damn time. It took over 3 months for me to get my copy from the
Library into my grubby hands and even longer in doing everything I could to avoid spoilers. A year it would seem. So, was it worth all the time of dodging spoilers and waiting impatiently in line for
The Dark Knight Rises? Um, honestly, I don't know. It looks great and it feels like part of the Trilogy (even if
Christian Bale and
Batman aren't in it all that much). But the movie for me was uneven when it came to pacing, especially the first hour or so, which took too long in its setup. First off, the run time was just ridiculously long. I get that with this being the swan song for
Christopher Nolan, that he would want to pack as much stuff into this one as humanely possible, because this was it. There is a reason why they say 'less is more' for a reason. Someone clearly wasn't listening to the wise man that said it.
As for
Bane, the character has always fascinated me as a comic book reader, even if I haven't followed his exploits in years. But his mythology was something I was very aware of and was really curious if
Nolan would in fact incorporate
Bane 'breaking the
Batman's back' into the script. They did, but it was underplayed to my liking. But the one thing I didn't like when publicity photos started coming out as well as watching the movie, was his look. Sorry, I just did not like it then or now. Yes, I get that
Nolan wanted to tone down
Bane's original look to keep it somewhat grounded in "reality", even if this is a Superhero flick. Had they stuck with the original version, it would have stuck out like a sore thumb in the world that Nolan created and would have been "comic booky" for sure. Hell, just take a look at his appearance in
Batman & Robin and you will see what I mean.
Those were the 'bad' parts of the film. The good stuff was the final hour for sure. But I liked the small details of the previous 2 films being addressed. It was more fan service for me that I got off on. As for characters, I did like
Anne Hathaway as
Selina Kyle, aka
Catwoman, more than I thought I would. But it was the addition of
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as
John Blake, who would later become '
Robin', which I had no idea was even a possibility in
Dark Knight Rises. I guess avoiding spoilers did pay-off after all, huh?
Like I said, there are good things and bad things about this one. But I still think they get enough things right to warrant at least a
Rental. I will say this,
Dark Knight Rises had a huge mountain to climb, especially after
Heath Ledger's performance in
The Dark Knight. Even
Batman Begins looms large by comparison as well. So, this installment is definitely the weakest of the three, but at least it didn't destroy what the first two films brought.