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The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« on: June 14, 2012, 07:35:43 am »
The Office (Season 3)


« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 07:12:57 am by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 12:16:45 pm »
Gay Witch Hunt

Gonna review like I have never seen Season 3.

Picking up right where Season 2 ended....okay, a few months later, we see that Jim has transferred to the Samford branch to get away from Pam who rejected him shortly after their kiss in last seasons cliffhanger. But Pam never went ahead with the marriage and broke up with Roy who is now hellbent on winning her back. This was a great Season premiere loaded with some very memorable moments, the biggest being Michael kissing a repulsed Oscar, who he had outed as gay to the Office.

Also, with Jim in a new branch we get to meet Karen (Rashida Jones) and Andy (Ed Helms) to the Office family. I like that they have two separate storylines for both Jim and Pam because it opens the playing field and takes away any chance of being repetitive. I love Season 3 as it's one of my favorites for the entire series.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 02:21:59 pm »
The Convention

Even though I think it is wise that they kept Jim and Pam separated by working at different branches to increase that "will they or won't they" energy of the underlying story, I am glad they didn't wait a long time in getting Jim and Dwight into the same room because nothing tops the pranks that Jim can and will pull on Dwight. It does give the series the bulk of its laughs, so it was good that they immediately had them all reconnect in this episode.

This was also the start of Toby's crush on Pam and his inability to suddenly not know how to talk to her was very funny and would become a running gag. Awesome episode.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 08:56:52 pm »
The Coup

Awesome episode! So damn funny with Dwight thinking he has stolen Michael's job as Manager suddenly has the tables turned on him when Michael finds out and lets him believe he is now acting manager. This sets Dwight out of control and the payoff is when Michael reveals that he isn't the manager afterall. When he starts to beg for his job, and the spit was drooling from his lower lip I couldn't stop laughing. I never get tired of this episode at all.

Also, we get a little bit more of Karen during the Call Of Duty "team building" exercise. Who wouldn't want to have a girlfriend that? Hot and into video games. That is a very enticing combination. The epilogue scene with Dwight being subjected to wearing the 'Liar' sign around his neck was priceless.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 11:52:36 am »
Grief Counseling

Leave it to Michael Scott to turn Ed Truck's death into a funeral for a bird that kills itself by flying head first into the glass door of Dunder Mifflin.  The gang does it's best to avoid talking about Ed, because they just don't know the dude. But what this is really about is that Michael is looking for validation that what he does as manager is important and life changing that those who work under him should feel the same. There is something very uncomfortable about someone trying to force other people to grieve just so that Michael can somehow be the center of attention.

The Grief Counseling scene in particular was very funny when everyone was telling their own "stories" by swiping scenes from movies just to placate Michael and his group therapy session.

Also, Jim and Karen finally get to bond somewhat as they hunt down a bag of chips that their office vending machine is all out of. I would go to the end of the earth to get her a bag chips.....or just give myself to her in its place.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2012, 01:49:31 pm »

Perfect episode and you gotta give props to B.J. Novak who plays Ryan for coming up with a smart script. This one involves Dwight taking Ryan under his wing for his first Sales meeting. But before they get that far, it's up to Dwight to plant his seed in Ryan. You have to see the episode for yourself to get how funny a lot of the lines are and how delusional Dwight is in thinking what he says and does has any real meaning in life. Self appointed Guru's usually are the biggest frauds.

The scenes with Ryan and Dwight is enough to make it a perfect episode, but it's the accidental phone call between Jim and Pam that takes this to another level. I've had conversations like that where it seems to be trivial and meaningless, but in fact there so much undercurrent going on that you can feel the electricity. Those coversations are awesome. I'd talk to Pam about the damn phonebook if I had the chance.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2012, 06:55:33 pm »

This episode highlights just how clueless Michael can and is regarding his own delusional status with other people. After just 9 dates, he decides to propose to Carol at Kelly's Diwali party. Why? Is he that hard up for affection as well as the need to be the center of the party that he would go there? I don't know anyone in real life that would ever do that. Correction, I don't know any sober person that would do that. And then to top it off, he thinks that brining up the fact that he has the Kama Sutra is going to sway her her decision. Clueless.....but oh so funny. Some funny moments, but this one has never been perfect in my eyes because nothing really happens with the Jim, Karen and Andy arc other than Jim and Andy get drunk.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 10:48:17 pm »
Branch Closing

With Michael being told that the Scranton branch is being shut down, this sets off a chain reaction with everyone in The Office. Meredith is intent on fulfilling a pact she made with someone that on the last day of work, she would sleep with said person. Creed hocks all of his company property for cash. Stanley and Toby are looking forward to never having to work there again and Ryan breaks up with Kelly because......well just because. Wouldn't you? Exactly.

All this doesn't sit well with Michael who heads to New York to confront David Wallace about closing down his branch, not knowing that Josh, the Samford Branch manager has taken a job elsewhere. It's a really great episode and we get to see that Karen is only accepting the transfer to Scranton because she is into Jim. This is already setting up something good for future episodes. I just love how Season 3 unfolds.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2012, 12:02:02 pm »
The Merger

The Merger is an awesome episode due to it being extremely uncomfortable to watch as Michael does his best, i.e. worst to make the new employees like him. I can't for the life of me figure out how he is able to maintain his position as manager when he does everything wrong in so many ways. Thank God the writers are able to capture his ineptitude down to a T. Steve Carell really is an amazing actor and nails it every time. (That's what she said)

Probably the best scene other than Dwight and Andy battling it out for the #2 spot is when Pam sees Karen touching Jim's back in a very casual manner. It's not much, but it says a lot in what is happening and the look on her face said it all. Like I said, awesome episode.

I love these oversize episodes. Instead of the standard 20 minute episodes, this is when NBC starting giving us 10 minutes more per episode for a long run. I miss those days.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2012, 06:39:22 pm »
The Convict

One of the funniest episodes of the season is here as Michael does his version of Prison Mike and what life is really like in prison. I can't ever sit still and not laugh when I watch this one. I can only imagine how difficult it was for the cast and Steve Carell to keep a straight face long enough to get through their scenes. So damn funny. Also, the gag at the end with Andy serenading Pam with his banjo was hella funny and you could see that the smile on Jim's face was in fact legit because he almost broke character trying to keep from laughing.
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2012, 07:27:09 am »
A Benihana Christmas

The original UK Office had the epic Christmas party episode that really can't be beat, no matter how hard you try. So, how does this one stack up against the classic? Pretty good actually. There are a ton of great moments from Carole dumping Michael, the sushi bar and the battle of the Party Planning Committees. This one also saw the return of Oscar at the end....for about 3 seconds before he bailed. Perfect Epilogue to the episode that had Dwight destroying his cell phone because the "FBI" had warned him that he has been compromised.....courtesy of Jim and Pam. Haha. This was an hour long episode, but they managed to make every second count. Personally I think they should have went for a 2 hour episode, but that's just me. So, an hour long episode means more screencaps! Wheeeeeeeee!!!

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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2012, 12:39:12 pm »
Back from Vacation

This one reveals to us that Michael and Jan not only went on vacation together in Jamaica, but actually had sex. The entire episode is about Michael trying to delete an email that has proof that he and Jan were together and it's pretty hilarious in the lengths that he would go to 'un-send' an email, trying to get everyone to delete it sight unseen. When Jan shows up at the end for a "meeting" with Michael, our mind already fills in the blanks that she is going to tear him a new one for outing their relationship. Shockingly it was the opposite where she has come to terms about lowering her standards and just accepting they are now in fact a couple. Very awkward and very funny,
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2012, 07:38:38 pm »
Traveling Salesman / The Return

This is one of the best episodes for Season 3 and it's a very memorable one at that. It's the one where Michael sends out 4 teams of 2 out on sales calls, which gives Andy plenty of time to try and undermine Dwight by pointing out his flaws to Michael. Apparently it works because by the end of the day, Dwight has resigned and ends up working for Staples. This episode is also notable for 2 other reasons. A) This is the one where Jim pranks Andy using his Cell Phone as the instigator, which causes Andy to snap emotionally and punch a wall and B) Jim admits to Karen that he still has feelings for Pam.

Also, Oscar returns back to the Office full time. Just a heads up for those not good with remembering things, The Office would revisit Andy punching a wall in Season 8 with the episode Angry Andy
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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2012, 07:35:31 am »
Ben Franklin

If you ever decide to get married and have a bachelorette party, by all means have Michael Scott in charge of the festivities and you too can end up with Ben Franklin. Just make sure he isn't in charge of the bachelore party because you will just end up feeling guilty for getting a lap dance and then having her answer phones for 3 hours. Love this episode. Some really funny moments, but I gotta say the best was when Dwight was quizzing Ben Franklin, trying to prove he wasn't the real deal.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 3 - 2006)
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2012, 08:19:39 am »
Phyllis' Wedding

It's Phyllis's Wedding day and that can mean only one thing: It's all about Michael and the lengths he will go to be the center of attention. Awesome episode and thank God he did everything he could think of to make it about himself because it produced some laugh out moments that still tickle the funny bone, even on the 30th viewing. From Michael "walking" Phyllis down the aisle to "standing" with the Bride at the alter to the wedding toast, it gave us an instant classic in the series. How desperate is he for attention? He is so desperate that he literally creams his own face with cake at the end. Sad....but hella funny.

Also, Pam gets back with Roy, more out of feeling lonely at the sight of seeing Jim and Karen still together. Jim should have known that she was pinning for him with the way Pam was looking at him while he was dancing with Karen. Man, it must be hell to have 2 women wanting you, huh?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 11:24:17 am by Chiprocks1 »
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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