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The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:44:33 am »
The Office (Season 4)


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 09:21:45 am »
Fun Run

This hour long premiere kicks off Season 4 in grand fashion: Michael hits Meredith with his car. Although this is technically just one long episode, it clearly is made up of two separate episodes. The first half deals primarily with Michael trying to do damage control and win back the "affection" of his employees who are upset with him for having hit Meredith. The second half is all about the Fun Run, a 5k marathon dedicated to beating rabies....and those that fear water.

Also, Jim and Pam come clean about the fact they are now dating each other, even though they tried to keep it a secret for the first half of the episode. I get why they wouldn't want to broadcast their relationship to the Office. Dwight kills Angela's cat and Andy has a serious case of chafing nipples. Best sight gag is Michael with vomit on his lower lip. A great start to a great season.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 07:42:06 pm »
Dunder Mifflin Infinity

Another classic episode that sees the return of Ryan back to his old stomping grounds to lay down the law and unveil his latest brainchild: A company Website. Ooooooooooh. That and his douchey $200 haircut. This is the season where all of Ryan's "success" goes to his head and we get to see it first hand here. Michael doesn't respond well to the impending change of going with technology over how things have always been done. So, what does he do to battle Ryan and his new idea? He comes up with the novel idea of.....Gift Baskets. That'll teach 'em!!

Michael driving into a lake was pretty funny. Kelly faking a pregnancy to lure Ryan back into a potential relationship is also funny. But the crown jewel was Creed, who stole the episode in spite of not having more than 5 minutes screen time in this hour long episode. Creed fearing that he will be fired in favor of a youth movement sets about changing that by going....younger. The fact that he dyes his hair jet black using the ink from the office copier is priceless. Awesome episode.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 10:26:33 am »
Launch Party

Although I liked this episode, it did run a little longer than I think it should have. I always love the Supersized episodes for The Office, but here a case can be made that less is more. I think they just stretched it too long for something that was a small part of the overall story. Having the Pizza Kid held hostage and planning a party is not enough to fill out an entire episode. Like I said, I do like it, it's just not a perfect one is all.

B.J. Novak sure does have the douche part of Ryan down pat I can't stand him at all so it was great to see Michael telling him off during the Webcast Party conference to embarrass him. Michael ftw!! I did enjoy the whole Dwight Vs. Machine arc as he tries to outsell 'it', but in the process has to deal with the fact that 'it' has become self-aware....courtesy of Jim and Pam of course. Jim being force to sign Meredith's cast was hella funny.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 02:30:17 pm »

"I declare bankruptcy"! With just that little statement by Michael at the urging of Creed in how to "fix" all his money problems, this is an instant classic. The most memorable part of this episode is of course Pam and Jim staying at Dwight's Bed and Breakfast Beet Farm. Some great sight gags throughout the episode. The debate about when to use whoever and whomever during the Power Point demostration was also pretty funny.

But the coolest moment for me is when Jim is trying to comfort Dwight by telling him about why he left Scranton because of Pam and then realizing how lucky he is, plants a big kiss on her. There's just so much to like about this episode. Even the way that Dwight cry's is pretty damn funny and it's been a running gag so far for him.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2012, 10:04:03 am »
Local Ad

Another great episode that has Michael channeling his inner "director" as Corporate wants to make a commercial hyping Dunder Mifflin. Of course the Bosses' wouldn't like what he came up with and would settle for the same tired crap that every other paper company uses. Even though the Michael Scott Director's Cut is still amateurish at best, it's way better than what Corporate settled on. Yes, I'm very aware this is a show and all irrelevant. 
The running gag with Dwight and Second Life was pretty damn funny. This episode was in fact how I first learned about Second Life. I thought the gag was created specifically for this episode. So, when I did a little digging and came across this "game", I too joined. Didn't last long as I grew bored with it and bailed. Anyway....

Andy's definition of what 'necking' is classic. A little neck on neck action. What are you? An Ostrich? This was an episode that deserved to be Supersized, Sadly it's just a mere 20 minutes long.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2012, 09:16:33 pm »
Branch Wars

Karen returns for one episode in what is clearly one of the best sight gags ever with Jim, Dwight and Michael dressed up as what can only be described as a 'Mario Brother' as their disguise. Well with the 'stache' that's how they look and it was damn funny. Dwight peeing in the back of a moving car and Michael swerving the car all over the place had me howling with laughter. Only one thing could make this better and that's when Dwight says he may have cut his tally whacker on the lid of the can that he was peeing into. Hahahahaha.

So how does Karen factor into this? She is trying to poach Stanley to come and work for her at the Utica branch and Michael's idea of retaliation is to steal the company Copier. Way to think this through buddy. If there was a weak link in this episode it was the 'Finer Things Club' which felt out of place from the start. By the end of the episode it was just....meh.
Chip's Rockin' Art
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2012, 10:31:05 pm »
Survivor Man

This one has Michael heading out to the woods (with the help of Dwight) so that he can 'find' himself and become a better man for it. That and the fact that he is jealous that Ryan invited all the managers and Toby to a weekend retreat. So this is his way of getting back at everyone, especially Toby. Watching Michael doing is on camera confessionals was priceless. Clearly they were riffing on the show Survivor.

Also, with Michael away, Jim is left in charge of the Office and only screws up the easiest thing he will ever have to do: Combine all the Birthday parties into one. That doesn't sit well with the others as each wants their own specific cake since it's "their" Birthday.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2012, 08:31:02 am »
The Deposition

Finally, a return to one of the more uncomfortable episodes, very reminiscent of Season 1. It was hard to sit through Michael answering questions during his deposition of Jan's wrongful termination suit. I get that Michael just got screwed over by his own girlfriend when she revealed his diary as part of her case. That was expected. What's even more sad is that in his mind he has built up these so-called "relationships" with Corporate like Ryan Howard and David Wallace and does everything to justify their bad treatment of him in the work place just so that he can maintain this facade of being liked by everyone. So, you tell me what's sadder: Getting screwed over by Jan, a person that was and is questionable to begin with or making up fake relationships with people that have zero respect for you?

The ping-pong, smack-talking tournament was a nice diversion. Also, loved it when Toby was revealing something very personal to Michael when out of nowhere Mike pushes Toby's food off the table. It came out of nowhere which made it all the more funnier.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2012, 12:32:05 pm »
Dinner Party

Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome episode!!! The episode was so good and sooooo funny. I can relate to being stuck at a dinner party that I don't want to be at and having to sit through watching a bad couple argue and fight over the dumbest things. So, watching this, I could not help but laugh at all the absurdities unfolding. The episode's cold opening was brilliant in how Michael suckered Jim into committing to go to his Dinner Party by faking having to work overtime, just so that he could make a fake phone call to corporate to tell them they were not going to be working after-all is the best setup ever.

Watching Jan and Michael trying to con everyone at the party into believing they had the perfect life and relationship was both sad and funny. But when the  s h it  hits the fan soon after, that's where the comedy comes alive. Funny from start to finish. I wish this was an hour long episode.
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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2012, 01:56:43 pm »
Chair Model

Fantastic episode. Now that Michael and Jan are officially over since the Dinner Party, that leaves Michael single and ready to mingle. So, who does he fall in love with this time? Why the Chair Model in the company catalog of course. He then enlist the help of everyone in the Office to set him up with someone that "looks like" her. Pam is the only one that actually sets him up on a date, with her Landlady. It doesn't go well and she knows her stay at her apartment is coming to an end. This sparks the idea that Jim and Pam should move in together. She refuses to move in unless she is engage, which sets up a nice psyche "proposal at the end of the episode. I did like the fact that Jim confesses to the camera crew that he actually bought her engagement ring a week after they started dating.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2012, 07:41:23 pm »
Night Out

This one has Michael and Dwight heading to New York to go clubbing with a coked up Ryan, all in the hopes that Mikey can get laid. Who or what, it doesn't matter as Michael is on a mission. The other half of the episode has the gang being locked inside at work by mistake and just wait around for the Security Guard to come and let them out. Not exciting for sure. But the best moment is when Toby makes a joke that everyone thinks is funny, especially Pam, and without thinking he puts his hand on her leg. Awkward with everyone staring at Toby, especially Jim.

I will say the the cold opening was very funny with Michael getting gum stuck in his hair and the solution that will get it out is...Peanut Butter. Also, who would have ever guessed that Dwight had game? Not I. Football to the side of Meredith's head was a shock. Hella funny, but totally out of nowhere.
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2012, 11:16:51 pm »
Did I Stutter?

This was a very shocking episode when it first aired. Really? Shocking? Well, okay, it was more jarring when Stanley was being insubordinate toward Michael in front of the entire Office when he uttered those imortal words "Did I stutter"? with a lot of anger behind it. Hey, Michael may be a goof all the time and just downright clueless, but you just can't do that to your boss....even if he does deserve to be dressed down. But when Stanley once again challenges him later in the episode when he was being "fake fired", he should have been fired right then and there. No question. But Michael being Michael is always willing to bend the rules or whatever just so that he can be liked. Personally, I would have fired his ass the first time around. It undermines a Boss' authority with the rest of the Office if you let it slide like he did.

FYI, Ryan is a douche. Calling Jim out to give him a verbal warning just for the sake of doing so makes him a douche. About the only funny thing in the episode was the cold opening when Michael plants his face in wet cement to leave his mark.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2012, 12:40:26 pm »
Job Fair

Good episode that has Michael, Pam, Oscar and Darryl heading to the Job Fair in the hopes of luring some kids. Ha. Come on, you have to see the episode itself to get the joke. Anyway, Michael tries his best to get an intern to commit to working for Dunder Mifflin during the summer. Over on the golf course, Jim, Kevin and Andy look to close a paper deal with a client. Who cares. I just want to watch Andy make an ass out of himself as he tries to golf with blisters on his hand. Had I been drinking milk when Andy crashed the golf cart in the sand trap, the milk would have come out of my nose. It's THAT funny. Awesome!!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: The Office (Season 4 - 2007)
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2012, 06:47:56 pm »
Goodbye, Toby

What a way to close out another awesome season. This one introduces the best new player to the Officeverse outside of the original cast with the inclusion of Amy Ryan as Holly, the new HR who is replacing Toby. I remember seeing this when it originally aired and was immediately taken with her. I knew that she would be the perfect match....foil, to Michael. Two peas.....

As for this episode, there is a lot going for it with Toby leaving, the Goodbye Party, Kevin as 'mentally challenged', Andy proposing to Angela, Jim almost proposing to Pam, Jan revealing she is pregnant from a sperm bank and Phyllis catching Angela and Dwight having sex in the Office. What a great way to end the season which definitely had me pumped for Season 5.

Props to Steve Carell and his awesome Goodbye Toby song set to the tune of Supertramps Goodbye Stranger. Awesome!! Nice to see a fictional character like Ryan taken down a few pegs with his arrest for corporate fraud. Wheeeeeeeeee!!!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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