Doomsday Book Doomsday Book is South Korean film that consists of 3 vignettes by 3 different directors tied together well, by Doomsday. The first story
Brave New World is the zombie apocalypse attempting at least to trace the virus from the very beginning and watch it evolve into general public. It really tries to present it as a realist perspective like Contagion did vs. all the zombie movies already out there.
The Heavenly Creature I found to be the most interesting in story telling. The future holds robots are everywhere for just about every human need. One particular robot is bought my monks and learns everything about Buddha and Buddhism. So much so the monks believe Buddha is the robot. The robot creators and the technician have slowly realized the danger in robots becoming self aware. I especially liked the argument that develops between the tech and the robot. I kind of think it's like suddenly realizing your have a major discussion with a puppet and your getting sucked into the illusion. The photography also stand out as the best.
The third vignette is
Happy Birthday about a young girl who may have accidentally ordered a destruction of Earth by Aliens. It has cuteness and humor and is way over the top, but not so much to dismiss the entire film. It's fun and strange and weird, but does not distract enormously.
The trailer mixes up all the stories, but the movie is not that way. Doomsday Book is 3 distinct full stories only separated by fade out/fade in.