Gahhh, politics. I just don’t get it and I think that’s the intent of politicians. Not only are we fed a different perspective, I believe they lead a social and political life we, the people, will never see. I don’t know about Obama’s view on Habeas Corpus. But we all tend to assign or blame a single person for something that requires many individuals. I’m talking to you… Congress.
I’m still reeling from the perks these ‘terrorist detainees’ that Gitmo are getting… paid by us. 750K soccer field w/ unlimited access? And so many other perks.
But really what I’m trying to say, are these two were talking about that we will be the target of hatred because of our policies. Honestly, I think the US has been too politically correct. Time to get tough. Let other’s know you don’t f uck with us. I don’t see anybody taking us as serious.