I wasn't quite sure where to put this, but since I saw it on the big screen, I'll put it here.
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru
So the local film fest is in full swing, and I think I've said before that I try to make a point to see movies that I might not get a chance to see again, so what's the first thing that comes up on screen? The ff*cking NETFLIX logo. That's 12 bucks I could've saved!
The movie is... interesting, it's shot during Tony Robbin's once-a-year "A Date With Destiny" seminar, in which people pay about $5,000 bucks a head (really!) to go for six days of intense 12 hour workshops dedicated to drastically altering their lives.
BTW, I'm sure we've all at some point seen the old Tony Robbins inofmercial where he spends 30 minutes in a nice Florida resort or soundstage hocking his tapes/CDs and workbooks and telling you that there's nothing keeping you from attaining your personal power but your limiting beliefs, and that your life can change in a moment, so let this be your moment and call now, but what that doesn't prepare you for is the fact that in the seminar he curses like a Kevin Smith character. And his sheer size makes that really weird.
I actually kept thinking "The Rock would be great as a fictional Tony Robbins in a movie." I'll have to think about that.
The movie is... I was hoping for something a bit more... maybe in-depth or balanced, it seems like pure product (although now that I think about it, what else could it be). I figure they must have been filming all 6 days, meaning they probably have the WHOLE conference in chronological order, I can imagine for 500 bucks or something Tony could put it all online, making this essentially a giant trailer. I'm not sure if he will, I probably wouldn't, but you never know.