Joe Satriani (Flying in a Blue Dream) 1989 For years, since the day it came out, I have been touting
Flying In A Blue Dream as the best
Joe Satriani album there is. But while in the midst of my marathon, I may have to rethink that notion, not because it's flawed, but in that having just finished listening to
Surfing With The Alien, I'm finding it extremely difficult in choosing what is "the best" in his entire catalog. I'm gonna have to hold off till the end of the marathon before making my selection. Hell, I still have
The Extremist to listen to and that's right up there with the best of 'em.
I can say this though, this album still has the greatest instrumental guitar song of all time:
Flying In A Blue Dream. No brainer there. And for those that say that
Joe can't sing, all you need to do is listen to
I Believe and not think that is a beautiful song. Sure he's not the greatest singer there is. But he pulls it off well enough to not embarrass himself.
Ride probably has the best groove on the entire album.
As for the entire album, it clocks in over an hour, almost double the size of his last studio album. And it couldn't be further in style and execution. The dude even made playing the harmonica and the banjo cool. This is no
Surfing Part II, which says a lot more about him as an artist and songwriter and not feeling the need to throw out the same thing for a quick buck.
Fave Songs:
Flying In A Blue Dream, The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, I Believe, Big Bad Moon, The Phone Call, Back To Shalla-Bal, Ride and
The Forgotten (Part Two).