Hotter than Hell
the first thing I noticed as I put on the vinyl was the mix on this record...Not even comparing it to today's standard but a general quality of audio you'd hear on any 70's rock album and this mix is muddy.
I won't place the blame on the band itself, things can go wrong even after a final mix has been done and the finished product is sent to the record plant (ala Metallica's album Death Magnetic that some how got over-driven and has actually top end distortion issues) so **** happens. Back when this record was made KISS was speeding through 3 records a year so someone might have dropped the ball besides them. That said the mix is kind of muddy when the record kicks in and chances are you'll notice it.
track 1 Got to Choose...this really never felt like a great opener to a record for me...if the first song is setting the tone for the entire record this is for sure not the track I'd have pegged to kick off the record. Moderate tempo, and overall pretty forgettable I've always felt.
Track 2. this is a party jam and I feel a real genuine classic track that has stood the test of time...great vocals by Gene, great riff....basically a perfect rock song.
Track 3 Goin Blind. Really great track. I vaguely remember this one as a kid...and it was almost too progressive for me to wrap my little kid brain around...there's a fairly complex melody (ala Jason Becker and Martin Friedman some 20 years before they came onto the scene using such odd melodic scales from Asian music) The lyrics on this song as well...were a lot for an 11 year old to really grasp. As an adult..I love this track and think it's one of the best (and earliest attempts) at something really out of the box for KISS. I believe this song was written during the Wicked Lester period and that may be why. I am pretty sure one member of that band co-wrote this with Gene which may explain it's advanced melodies. Either way. Great Song.
Track 4. Hotter than Hell. I've never been a huge fan of this song. I like it and it has had its moments for me where I will find myself walking around my house for no apparent reason chanting..."hot hot hotter than heeeLLL" overall it's a good song, not a great one.
track 5. Let Me Go Rock N Roll. Fun song again I'd say it's good not great, maybe the pressure to do a second album just months after releasing KISS did affect the song writing quality on a lot of these's a fun song for sure and I'll let it slide and outweighs any flaws the overall level of re-playability might have for this song...although sometimes a little cotton candy is nice and basically it's good ender to side one.
Side two track 1: All The Way. I like this song quite a almost reminds me a little of Goin' Blind in that the riff seems a little more complex than maybe something Gene or Paul would have written on their own. It's got a great, great chorus...listening now I am liking this song a lot...and this is a GREAT way to start side two...although it might not have been a bad way to kick off side 1 now that I think about it/
track 2 side two. Watchin You. WOW! This just reminds you of how in the pocket KISS was with a sound that embraced, captured, and celebrated the 70's. This track could just as easily have been a Rush song, UFO, or Bad Company track. It rocks plain and simple and again Gene slays the vocals. I honestly don't feel he always get's his just due as a great lead singer...the guy can wail and is one of the most consistent live rock singers out there. Starting to think side 2 of this record should have been side 1.
track 3 side two. Mainline. The main riff is whatever...just a standard chug along blues riff...but Peters vocals are so rich and honest, and I mean besides Rod Stewart I really can't think of another rock singer (maybe Bob Seger) who has more of a distinct and soulful voice....although this song might not be the best thing KISS ever did...Peter easily makes up for it and really pushes this to being an excellent song. I wonder why the criticism for him being "tone deaf" and not being able to carry a tune where again I can point to an endless amount of LIVE clips where Peter does this or Beth, Nothin to Lose and sounds flawless....hyper critical maybe? not sure...but his vocals make the song.
track4 side two. Coming never really did much for me. I don't dislike it. But it's nothing I'd loop.
track 5. Strange Ways. Again Peter's voice on the main verses is just
ridiculously's so soulful and just a distinct sound. I love it...the song has a swagger and attitude that is classic KISS...Gene doubling the vocals for the chorus works great too and really nails down the iconic-ness of the track...and Ace's solo on this one completely rocks.
Overall all it's a good record. I'll be a little stricter on my grading of the records over the books only because I think there's a larger catalog of material to review and I have to make room for all the records (as opposed to the books) in terms of where they all fall. I'd give this record a 3 out of 5. A must have record...but I am not sure for the reason you might think. I think what is happening on this record is growth...and sometimes growing ain't pretty. Peter and Ace might have been criticized a lot....and Peter in Gene's book is basically refereed to as being thrown a bone doing even a song or two. But you know what...his tracks stand out. Gene did some amazing stuff on this record as's strange to me Paul really isn't as much of a presence...or at least one that I am focused on when listening to this record.
and lets not forget the cover...what an amazing and iconic image. Just great packaging, cool art design, and they really DO look like they could be an Asian the mystery at this time really did deepen with the release of Hotter than Hell.
(Fantastic title for the album by the really works well)
3 out of 5.