Minutes to Midnight -2007

This album, in my opinion, is one of the most misunderstood albums of all time. The band could have gone two ways:
1. Continue making the same sound they mastered on Hybrid Theory and Meteora, producing a safe, commercial album.
2. Create an album they want to create, express their artistic growth, and experiment with new sounds.
Thankfully, they went with option 2. When the album was released, some critics liked it, but most of the fans condemned it, giving up on the band all together. (One 'misstep' in their books means giving up on the band? And they call themselves fans...) For me, it was love at first sight (listen, whatever!).
Linkin Park knew that the sound they helped revolutionize in the late '90s/early '00s died a slow death. They did all they could to keep it alive. It was time to move on. With the help of Rick Rubin, they went to the studio and created over 200 demos (or 'seeds' as they call them) and voted which ones sucked, and which ones they wanted to work on. What really helped, though, is the lack of studio intervention. They sold more than enough records to finally do what they wanted. The 4 years it took to write and record this album was more than worth the wait.
Minutes to Midnight feels like an Unplugged album at times. The instrumentals are stripped down on most songs. The rapping is minimal (only 2 songs feature Mike rapping.) Instead of rapping, Mike tries singing here, and it is damn good. When recording "In Between", both Chester and Mike recorded versions. Chester hated his version, and said Mike's was definitely better. I agree. Mr. Hahn (the DJ) is mostly in the background. The guitarist has room for guitar solos. Basically, this album is a group effort. Everyone did what they wanted to do, and what they thought sounded like their best. But thats not to say they completely ditched the rap/rock feel. "Bleed it Out" is a fantastic party song with some great verses from Mike and a chorus expertly delivered by Chester.
They took influences from bands all over the map- Coldplay, U2, and even Nine Inch Nails. The subject matter shifts from the internal conflicts from Hybrid Theory and Meteora and shifts to external conflicts like politics and Hurricane Katrina (Little Things Give You Away is the best song LP has ever recorded, so far). Also, they are allowed to swear. It isn't as gratuitous as you would think. Also, Chester does an 18 second long, uninterrupted scream. It is the longest scream I have ever heard on record.
I have to admit something here. I love this album so much, sometimes I get withdrawals if I dont have at least 1 spin per week. Its pathetic, I know, but its true. I just love this album so damn much. I recommend you picking this up, and listen to it knowing that the band set out to release something different and close to heart.
In my book, they succeeded.