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Let the Music Play: The Doobie Brothers
« on: October 02, 2015, 08:00:12 am »
Let the Music Play: The Doobie Brothers

I’ve been a Doobie Brothers fan from the day they erupted with Listen to the Music back in 1971, but I was a reluctant fan during the Michael McDonald years. This documentary does a fantastic job of covering the beginnings and the evolution of the band, with its core members recalling those events. Tom Johnston and Pat Simmons are so laid back, approachable and entertaining to listen to their story. I knew a lot of their history, but this documentary was still revealing. For instance, how they got their name could be deducted by just about anybody, but what I didn’t know is, nobody on the band liked it. The other big surprise is Tiran Porter (bass), was brutally honest, yet somewhat apologetic, he was very tired of the playing the same songs, the same style for all those years. It was kinda interesting watching the Mike McDonald years with Mike admitting, his time with the band was kind of a fluke. Despite the band gaining the most attention and financial rewards with McDonalds songs and appearance, everyone knew in the band, it was not the Doobie sounds.

Not sure this documentary would appeal too many outside of the Doobie nation. It leans more towards the human with the players. Less on the technical angle of music making.

Not that I wasn't excited about the upcoming concert on the 10th, but this documentary flooded my brain with lots of great memories of past concerts. I'm hoping they play quite a bit from their last two albums... World Gone Crazy and their tribute with country songs. They are different enough to bring a freshness to their concerts.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 01:19:17 pm by Mac »
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