Author Topic: That Metal Show (Season 12)  (Read 5465 times)

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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 06:00:51 pm »
That Metal Special with Vince Neil

A pretty good retrospective as Eddie, Don and Jim take a look back at some of the wildest and craziest moments on That Metal Show. Also on board was a new interview with Vince Neil in Las Vegas. Good interview but kind of a "what is he doing now" type deal. Nothing ground breaking. I do have to call out Eddie, Jim and Don for misleading the viewers on one segment thought which did kinda pissed me off. They had set it up that they were going to find Jake E. Lee once and for all, which implies that we would get something along the lines of an interview or at least a soundbite. Not. They did find him, but they only used him as a prop for a gag they were doing. Cool to see him sure, but bummed that we got nothing else.

My favorite part of the entire Special was definitely the montage of all the Drummers, Guitar and Bass players over the years. They way they edited it together, it sounded like a really kick ass song. I also liked the very end of the episode when Eddie opens up the closet door to reveal.....

You just gonna have to watch it to find out what.
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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 06:19:57 am »
TMS returns June 1, 2013. It's about damn, f*cking time! Sheesh. With no news to be found anywhere, I was convinced that it had been cancelled.
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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2013, 05:34:06 pm »
Episode 1: Jason Newsted

Special Guest Drummer: Carmine Appice.

Boy, what a long wait in between seasons. You'd think with the no-budget the show has that they could churn these "seasons" out a bit faster. Well, I guess there was some method to their madness in why it took a little bit longer than previous years. For starters, we are looking at a brand new version of TMS. It's still the same, but it isn't. Right off the bat you will notice the new set. Gone is the 'at home feel, littered with rock memorabilia. In is a very hi-tech feel to the surroundings. Also adding to the new season are in fact some long overdue new segments, which were somewhat interesting.

With segments being introduced, that of course means that some of the "classic" segments had to go and the big one to bite the dust was TMS Top 5. I for one am glad this segment is gone for two reasons. One, their Top 5 List had become something of a joke. They had drained the well dry a few years ago and were just coming up with stupid list to fill the air time. The other reason why I'm glad the Top 5 is no more is that with this out of the way, it automatically takes away the ability for Eddie to whine about something. So, this is a good thing for the show and for me personally. The one negative about it being gone is that we no longer get to see Jennifer rocking her Metal T Shirts of choice to open the show.

As for Jason Newsted, I thought he was a fantastic guest and extremely humble. He has always been portrayed as surly and standoffish, especially since the days he left Metallica. During his stay here, I saw none of that. What I did see was a person that was gratefrul for what he did and embraces the past instead of trying to distance himself. Very cool. Great stories too. Carmine Appice was very good as the musical guest and kept things moving along quite nicely. Welcome back TMS. But please, show more Jen. She shouldn't be relegated to just carrying out a box for 30 seconds and then disappearing.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 06:10:30 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 08:32:43 pm »
so the wait was a LONG time as Chiprocks1 said.   I love that metal's something that at my age, and being someone who doesn't really go "out" much on the weekends...I look forward to and in a funny way kind of plan my night around leaving that gap of time open to watch it.

so the new stage, format etc.

I liked the old set better....I felt like it was more casual and just had kind of the vibe the original show established which was 3 friends in their room (in a Wayne's world kind of way) shooting the breeze about METAL and their favorite bands etc.

I was sad to see Jennifer getting less air time.  She's like the Vanna White of the show...and although I agree the top 5  list portion of the show was played would be nice if she'd be on the show more than just for the box of junk.  I am sure she's pretty bummed about the demotion.  I'd be! all the new segments....well they felt like segments.  I thought having 7 or 8 topics was just as bad an idea as the top 5 list...there's no real difference and it felt forced and kind of awkward.  None of them were interesting enough for me to even remember 6 days least with their top 5 list I could go..."this weeks was this or that"

Jason was awesome and you know we already talked about it in person...he had one of the most amazing experiences in his life being in metallica for 13 years or 18...whatever is was....and then the worst experience ever having to quit when James just wouldn't let Jason do his side project.  His new music sounds great and I for sure want to get it.

I liked the show...(oh sorry Carmine was awesome.  He and his brother seriously need to get together on the pronunciation of their last name...because I am still not 100% sure if it's APISEE or APICHEE.

Dio would always refer to Vinnie as APISEE and for some weird reason Carmine always seems to go with the other.

He's great though and was playing awesome...I really like the guy.

so in summary.  Good show, not crazy about the new set, not crazy about the new segments....VERY happy to see them back, and I think the show is still totally're never going to please everyone (and I include myself in that everyone) so what the hell do I know?

and next week.

I can't stand Corey Taylor...seriously...slipknot is fine...I am not a fan though, and stone sour or whatever his other band is...I could care less about.

He has this weird's like "humble man ego"  I just think he seems kind of fake and like self important....time will tell his tale but for far I've never really enjoyed the shows he's been on.

Maybe this week will change my mind.

not sure!

I'd give this first episode 4 out of 5.


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2013, 08:42:24 pm »
I'm okay with most of the new segments. They weren't embarrassing at least. Well, one of them was and it was the first new segment. Can't remember what the official title of it is, but its the one with the 'online interview' with Corey. This isn't a f*cking newscast, so stop with the idea of having "interviews" over the airwaves. That's what the show is for. Get on a plane, sit your ass in the studio and plug your wares if that's what you want to do. The 'Online' thing is lame. I did like the new segment Blitz Ellsworth. I think it's called "Something you didn't know about..." It's gonna take time for me to learn all the segments because they threw a lot at us right out of the gate. And yes, I prefer the old set. It had character. The new set looks like they are trying to appeal to the Facebook crowd. Why?
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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2013, 08:51:48 pm »
will be interesting to see who all the guests are this season...hopefully they've got some good stuff planned.


going to take a shower now...and then rock some studying on ebay and a little window shopping!@


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2013, 07:35:59 pm »
Episode 2: Corey Taylor & Josh Rand

Special Guest Guitarist: Richie Kotzen

So, the TMS guys thought they could pull a fast one on the fans of the show with 'Metal Modem'. So lets get this straight, in episode 1, Cory is communicating from some far remote area on the planet because he couldn't "get away". He must have some serious connections in high places to land a concord so that he can miraculously show up on set for Episode 2. Dude, you guys are full of sh*t! Every fan of the show knows you tale 4 episodes per day for a week to wrap up an entire season. Cory's "remote location" was the f*cking Green Room behind the TMS set. Lying mother f*ckers! Get rid of that segment. It's garbage.

So, the TMS Top 5 returns! But if you were paying close attention to Jim you would have heard him say that they are only doing the Top 5 two times this year. Ugh. I kinda kinda like that it returned this time around for one reason and that was Don and Jim immediately bashing Eddie's list, which was a f*cking joke. Eddie made brown nosing an art form with him continually crawling into Richie's ass. Geeze man, have some self respect and stop blowing smoke into every guest's ass. The other reason I'm happy to see the Top 5 return was of course getting to see more of Jennifer. Yowzza!!

My Top 5 Underrated Guitar Players list is: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Eddie Van Halen 3. Randy Rhoads 4. Joe Satriani 5. Tiny Tim. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Based on Eddie's criteria for what makes one underrated, this list is GOLDEN!! Okay, enough bashing. As for the rest of the episode, I liked it. I thought Richie did a great job as the guest and he was different than I thought he would be. I was expecting to hear those stale riffs and licks that most would have gone with. Instead, he gave some nice changes, ala Jimi. I dug the 'Origins' segment with Bumblefoot. This is already turning out to be my favorite new segment this season. But coming in close was the return of 'The Rant' segment by Jim which was f*cking awesome and funny!! More please. Now I'm curious to see just how bad Rock Of Ages is.

Michael Willy Schenker for the win!! Hahahahahahahaha. You learn something new every time on TMS.
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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2013, 07:50:42 pm »
Wrong guy dude.  Two different bands.

Will write more later  but the guy from the first episode is not the same person.


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2013, 08:08:17 pm »
I was having trouble remembering the band name.  It was Jamey from Hatebreed pretty sure.

Nice rant though.


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2013, 08:19:54 pm »
I thought the second episode in terms of format was better, they fixed sort of the rough edges and it flowed a little better....Top 5 was back.  I am not into Jennifer as a "hottie" just being honest she's about a 180 from the type of girl I am into...but I like her on the show...which says a lot for her.  She seems cool and I think having her there breaks things up.

Richie is a solid guitarist, so having him as the musical guest was super cool...drugs have taken their toll on the poor guy but he still plays great.

ok so Stone Sour and Corey Taylor.  I am going to sum this up in one quick paragraph.  Notice one thing...they can't talk about his music because it sucks.  No one gives a rats ass about Stone Sour....Slipknot gets a pass...only because they basically took the Korn concept and ran with it.  But seriously...the only thing they can talk about is the CD's go together and make a house??..well that's better than listening to it I bet.

The only OTHER thing they can talk to him about is who he knows...or hangs out with.

He's not horrible as a guest but I mean lets face the facts... he's filler...the other guy was basically wall's cool they are big fans of music but I mean...if you are going on a show, and 3 HOSTS can't even talk about your flag...there's nothing to talk about


3 out of 5.  I'd never watch that one again except as background noise while I surf e bay and basically ignore it.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 08:22:08 pm by boyinblack80 »


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2013, 08:26:44 pm »
I'll add too.  I did buy a copy of Richie's new album....I listened to a couple songs on youtube and it was GREAT.  So I have a copy of the Winery Dogs coming over from Japan right now...

would never think I'd buy a Kotzen album...but Billy Sheehan, and Mike Portnoy......telling you.

check out the songs...Richie can sing great and his playing is awesome.


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2013, 08:32:24 pm »


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2013, 08:34:07 pm »
one more

can't wait for this thing to show up


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Re: That Metal Show (Season 12)
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2013, 09:36:40 pm »
You sure about that not being him? I haven't gone back to check it out, but I could have sworn they were one and the same. Anyway, get rid of the segment. It sucks. I don't like it and it takes away from the rest of the show ya know. You'd bang Jen in a heartbeat if you got the chance.

I did notice that nothing was said about his music, which I found somewhat strange. His interview was kind of all over the place with no clear objective other than telling stories about, as you mentioned, who he knows. Meh. Josh on the other hand was the complete opposite. I thought he was keeping quiet because he thought he'd break the boom mic if he spoke. Sheesh. Overall, I just found the episode to funny for lots of reasons. Jim's rant, them picking on Eddie, the fact that he doesn't know sh*t when it comes to Stump the Trunk. All of it made me laugh, which I was surprised at. More so than ever before.
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