One of the biggest head scratching moments for me recently regarding Networks is CBS of all things. For the most part, they are probably my favorite Network as far as getting content to the viewers any way they can. But even they are shortsighted. They are the only one of the Big 5 Networks that will not allow Hulu to carry any of their shows which cuts off a major chunk of potential eyes that could get their products.
So why do I like CBS? Well, for starters, they air their new episodes on their site as fast as half an hour after the initial broadcast on TV. This is incredibly fast. NBC will air the following day as does ABC. FOX will not air any of their new episodes until 8 days later. Dumb. FX and AMC refuse to air anything online. Dumber.
A&E shocked me by airing the complete run on Bates Motel on their site. Still won't let Hulu host. But I will take A&E hosting if that's my only option.
But the biggest shocker for me is CBS refusing to air any episodes of Person of Interest (after Season 1). They won't even host it on their own frickin' website. In spite of this, the show is thriving and is one of the most popular series going for CBS right now. How is this possible? Because they aired all of Season 1 on their site and people found it and stuck with it. So, I think it's pretty telling that if the content is made available online, it can and will succeed, which should tell them right there that online is the new way to watch shows or at least sample shows that you wouldn't normally know about. They have the mentality that it's 1970's. What they fail to realize is that in this day and age, there are thousands of channels now and each one has 100's of shows. How can they expect anyone to know what is on...what is new and when it airs? Stuff slips into the cracks and never are given a fair chance....i.e......666 Park Ave.