Author Topic: Parenthood (Season 5 - 2013)  (Read 2893 times)

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Re: Parenthood (Season 5 - 2013)
« on: October 11, 2013, 09:59:26 am »
Nipple Confusion

Solid episode that tackles a couple of real world issues that every parent will have to face. Last week Camille suggests to Zeke that they sell their house so that they could travel and see the world. In this episode, of course Zeke spends the entire time avoiding having that conversation as we clearly see that he doesn't want to sell the house. It's not until the end of the episode does he lay it all out there as to why he doesn't. All his memories of their family life, their kids, profound and monumental moments of theirs occurred in and around the house. So, one would expect that Camille would soften and let go of the idea of selling. Nope. The line has been drawn and not sure where they are going to take this. Looks to me that they could end up splitting once and for all. But that would be a horrible way to end the series if this is in fact the final season.

Julia and Joel have to addressed whether or not to hold Victor back a grade due to his poor reading skills. You have Julia that is willing to pull the trigger and do just that and you have Joel wanting to stick it out and give Vic a chance to pull through and succeed. No final decision was made, but it looked like Julia is willing to give him time.

There were a couple of scenes that I thought were great. The first was Drew dealing with his College roommate more or less hijacking their room to bang girls. Sure, him running to Amber and Ryan wasn't the smartest move. Because Drew kept coming back to their loft to hang out, it was putting a serious crimp in Amber and Ryan's sex life. So, when Ryan barged in on the was hella funny. On the surface, it may have appeared that he was helping Drew, but in fact it was more of a "selfish" move so that he and Amber would finally be able to have sex if Drew wasn't coming around any more. FYI, really not sure what they are doing with Drew's hair. Why is he suddenly going down the Emo road? Comb your f*cking hair!!

Best scene of the episode was when Crosby finally connected with his baby daughter and was able to finally feed her from a bottle. The way that baby was looking at Crosby was priceless.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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