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Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« on: September 06, 2015, 06:58:13 pm »
Arrow (Season 4)

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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2015, 07:01:07 pm »
Arrow | Season 4 Trailer | The CW

They packed a lot of sh*t in this trailer. I'm gonna have to watch it another 2-3 times to see what I missed. Love the shot of Constantine. It's really cool that Arrow will be getting a character from the ill-fated NBC show of the same name that was cancelled a few months ago. It will be interesting to see just how much they can and will do with the character in Arrow. Not sure what to think of Diggle's costume though. The helmet looks way too much like Magneto's.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2015, 09:53:29 am »
Episode 1
Green Arrow

The most jarring thing about this episode was seeing Oliver and Felicity living a quiet, domesticated life in the suburbs. This made everything feel wrong in so many ways. Yes, I knew that eventually they would be pulled back into their own lives, but it still felt very weird to see this side of them in that kind of environment. The best thing about this episode was seeing Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk who will be the main villain this season. He brings his A-Game in everything he does. He's gonna crush it this year. The most shocking revelation in this episode was the twist at the end revealing that Quentin Lance is "working" with Darhk. My guess is that Darhk knows that Laurel is Black Canary and is only working with him to conceal her identity from the world. I love the idea of Oliver returning to the Island for this seasons flashback sequences. Very curious to see what we get here.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2015, 04:40:26 pm »
Episode 2
The Candidate

Anyone that has been following the Arrow/Flash/Legends of Tomorrow Universe has been patiently waiting to find out just how the original Black Canary would be led to the Lazarus Pit and brought back to life. Fast-forward to the end of the episode and we see that Laurel's main objective in "fixing" Thea will also include dragging Sara's body across the globe and dropping her into the Pit. I always knew this was going to happen, hell, even the trailer shows her coming out of the Pit. I just never thought it would be Laurel that was the catalyst to do it. I was very curious to see what Sara looked like when they **** open her coffin. I half expected them to show that she hadn't decomposed for some reason. Well, she has and it was disturbing to see. I wonder if being gone for so long will have a more profound impact on her psyche in the same way that Thea's is dealing with at the moment. Very much looking forward to the next episode.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2015, 05:56:30 pm »
Episode 4
Beyond Redemption

Before I jump into Episode 4, I gotta mention that Episode 3 with the rebirth of Sara in the Lazarus Pit was pretty much what I expected it to be. What I did like is that the Pit is now destroyed which is what the show needs because if a character dies on the show, we were always going to have a cheat to save them later. With the Pit destroyed, now the intensity for the characters is ramped up. You f*ck're done! As for Episode 4, this was a very disappointing one. Awful acting, editing and whoever wrote the dialogue should be shot. Horrendously bad which isn't something I would have seen coming from a series that has been spot on for it's run thus far. I give Episode 3 4 Stars but Episode 4 gets 2 Stars. The only thing that was actually good was the reveal of Arrow's new base of operations. The new lair is high tech, sleek and very cool looking and one that is befitting a superhero like Arrow.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 09:11:12 pm by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2015, 06:20:21 am »
Episode 5

This is the episode I was waiting for. When news broke that John Constantine would be popping up on an episode of Arrow, I was very intrigued, especially since Matt Ryan played the character on the ill-fated series on NBC. I'm trying to remember of a character ever moving over to another network so soon after cancellation. Anyway, was curious how his character would be used. I should have known that he would be the catalyst to saving Sara and giving her back her soul. It was good, but I gotta say having him arriving on the most mysterious Island of all time did feel a little to convenient. Solid episode none the less.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2015, 10:05:51 pm »
Episode 6
Lost Souls

Very fun episode for a couple of reason. First off was seeing Sara back in her Black Canary costume, but it was kind odd, yet very cool in that both Laurel and Sara were fighting side by side in two different Costumes. Very curious how and when Sara will become the White Canary. The other cool thing was the return of Ray Palmer and we got to see him in his miniaturize form. I missed the humor he brought to the show. Glad to see that back as well.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2016, 08:25:07 am »
Arrow: Stephen Amell Addresses Fan ‘Nastiness’ Towards Show

I stopped doing reviews for episodes this season because the story was getting weaker and weaker as it progressed. I get and understand where Amell is coming from, but the fact of the matter is that Season 4 was bad in comparison. The first 2 seasons were great, the 3rd season was just 'okay', but this season was and is the worst thus far and the way things are moving forward, I really don't see them reversing course. Will I tune in for Season 5? Yeah, that's a no-brainer given the fact that what happens in this series reverberates through the other shows including Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and we can now add Supergirl to the mix since the move to the CW. I'm holding out hope that they can get Arrow back on track, but looking at how the series has been dipping the last 2 seasons doesn't inspire confidence. The first priority is to nix the flashback stuff. We don't need anymore background info on how Oliver became the Arrow. We know it already. Furthermore, the flashbacks this season was a waste of time because it was more about Dhark's "powers" instead of Oliver's story.

FYI, did not like the Season Finale.
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Re: Arrow (Season 4 - 2015)
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2017, 08:10:51 pm »
Season 5 Finale
Episode 23
Lian Yu

I'm posting my Season 5 Finale review in this thread. If you've read my previous post (look above), you will understand why there is no Season 5 thread for Arrow. Okay, with that out of the way, I will just say that overall, I found Season 5 to be better than Season 4. It wasn't hard. But it's still nowhere near as good as Season 1-2. Overall, I found Chase/The Throwing Star Killer to be a far more interesting villain for Oliver to contend with. Certainly a step up from Damian Darhk. With Chase, he has the skills to go toe to toe with Oliver physically and hold his own. But it's the physiological advantage he possess that makes him a far more interesting foe. Trying to break Oliver mentally was just fun to watch. Simply put, this season was a Chess match.

Now for the Season 5 Finale. Not only is this the best episode of this season, I think it's the best episode for the entire series. It's THAT f*cking good. For starters, we get the return of Slade Wilson / Deathstroke who made the first two season as good as it was. Seeing him back in his iconic costume made me giddy. Not to be outdone, we also see the return of Black Siren, Malcolm Merlyn, Nyssa al Ghul, Digger Harkness, and Moira Queen, who served up a very touching moment hearing Oliver was alive after 5 years. There was so much going on the entire episode and even the flashback sequence with Oliver going head on against Ivan Drago....I mean Konstantin Kovar (haha) was just as fun to watch as the current day story line. The ending was fantastic by blowing up the entire Island with all of Oliver's friends left in peril. A great Cliffhanger that all but guarantees every fan comes back to see what their fates are.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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