Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
This was a riveting episode from start to finish. I am very well aware that
Family Jewels is 95% staged and scripted from everyone involved. Having watched pretty much the entire run of the series, I have been able to distinguish what is staged and what is real within the show. That brings me to this episode:
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. We all know the history of
Gene and his live in girlfriend
Shannon of 27 years, the mother of his 2 kids and all the stuff she has to deal with regarding his infidelity.
This episode finally addresses her problem with him and his cheating ways and forces him to go to a shrink and start working on himself and his relationship with
Shannon. As I said before, I can pick out what is staged and what is real. Or so I thought.
Shannon's emotional break down is definitely real and it's all captured on camera. But there are a couple of instances that scream Red Flags with the legitimacy of what is going on. Case in point,
Gene is asked by his therapist that he should invite
Shannon to his next session so that they can begin to work on their problems as a couple. Fast forward to
Gene at home asking
Shannon to join him at his next session.
Fast forward to
Gene's next session with
Shannon sitting by his side. Here's the problem:
Gene and the
Therapist are wearing the exact same clothes as before, with sunglasses in his breast pocket. Hmmm.....Still not convinced? Another instance is when
Gene comes home to find that
Shannon has finally moved out of the house and he goes into their bedroom looking for her. The camera is positioned in such a way so that
Gene initially walks pass the bed with the letter on the edge...stops....does a slooooooow turn and then picks up the note and discovers it to be her goodbye letter. This screams staged in that he is hitting his "mark".
So, if this is in fact staged I will endorse
Shannon Tweed to get an
Emmy nomination this year as she pulls out all the stops. But I do think her end of it is legit. Real or fake, this is still a fun show to watch.