So, I have been watching both
Hells Kitchen and
MasterChef this season.
MC is down to the final 4 and
HK is half way through the season. As I have been doing for most of my TV viewing ways the last few years, I get my fill from
Hulu. Well, this morning I waited patiently for them to put up last nights episode. Instead the posted episodes from 2 weeks ago. Investigating further, I see that both series have been locked to the general public, meaning that if I want to finish watching both shows, I have to pay for
That's fuuucked up! Fuuuuck you
Hulu! And fuuuuck you
I will NOT be held hostage like this and cave in by ordering something I don't want, just to finish something that was promised me for free from the start.
Piiisssed off is putting it mildly how I feel right now.