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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 09:06:33 am »
Parenthood Panel - ATX Festival 2012
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 09:48:19 am »
This is purely rumor from my perspective, but my wife, the celebrity addict, told me that Ray Romano is going to be Sarah Braverman's new love interest. So that immediately made me think of losing the curiosity of the future perspective. In other words, most of the show, is what will happen next? I can say with 100% accuracy, Ray Romano will not be a staple and we can expect him to leave. Why even get vested in him?

It’s all speculation… let’s see what develops this year
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 10:05:12 am »
Well not sure what to make of this. It was expected that Jason Ritter would be leaving the show for a new series. But nothing came of that (I haven't been able to find anything that says he is in fact leaving for said new show). So, if that's the case, what are they going to do with his character if Sarah (Lauren Graham) is off looking for new romances? Jason did go on record as saying that if there was a Season 4, that he would definitely be coming back.

I'm confused!!!!
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2012, 03:55:26 pm »
Hmmmm, just found this from television Blend

Because NBC’s Parenthood produces less episodes than other dramas of its ilk—with only 15 episodes set for the upcoming season—it always seems like an extremely long period of time between batches of new episodes. Luckily, with new episodes finally on the way, NBC has put together a short, but intimate look into the fourth season of the critically acclaimed drama.

Interestingly, in the video, all of our favorite characters pop up, but the family branch involving Sarah and her son, Drew, really takes precedence. We already know Ray Romano is set for a multi-episode arc in the fall, and his potential interference into Sarah and Mark’s relationship manifests itself in the video through a simple conversation where Sarah goes to him, instead of her fiancé, for advice. There’s also a pretty suspect blanket being folded in the scene, leaving a lot of questions unanswered.!/1412936

While things seem a little more settled in other branches of the Braverman clan, poor Drew looks like he is headed for heartbreak, which fans should have seen coming a mile away. It’s kind of a shame, because Amy was pretty likeable and her caring family introduced Drew to a substitute father figure during Season 3. We’ll have to wait and see exactly how these dramatic plotlines pan out when Parenthood airs next month.

Parenthood Season 4 premieres Tuesday, September 11 at 9 p.m. CT.

and this little promo

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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 06:51:18 am »
Added Episode 1: Family Portrait
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2012, 08:07:47 am »
Family Portrait

A nice return for Parenthood and it started off just as I thought it would....Amber making an assumption, jumping into the sack and hooking up with the singer of the band from the recording studio and thinking it was a relationship. I get why Adam would come to her defense and throw out the band when he learned that the singer had a girlfriend. It is noble, but it shows how dumb he can be running a business. At least talk to her before you fly off the handle to see how she feels about the whole situation.

I like how Mark took the bull by the horns and talked his way into the Family Portrait. Up till now, the house rules states that any 'outsider' that wants in has to be married first. But Mark's argument was compelling enough to get in regardless, much to the chagrin of the Joel who  had to marry to get in. Haha.  Drew needs to wise up. If a chick keeps postponing returning from whereever she was for another 3 days. Things are over. The exchange between him and Amy at the end was very awkward. They are done for sure.

I like the idea that Crosby is going to allow Jabar to discover religion on his own and not mandate that he be told what to believe based on what his grandmother believes. As for Ray Romano's part in the show as Hank, it wasn't as bad as I thought it could have been. The 'connection' albeit subtle, was handled in a way that you would not see coming.....on her part that is. But on his part you can see there was jealousy when he learned of Mark. Why? I don't have a clue. Hank and Sarah don't even know each other and yet here he is, making cracks about Mark to make himself look bigger.

The part with Julia telling Joel that she is "just waiting to fall in love (with Victor)" says a lot. I don't like the character. He's rude and nonchalant about getting a family to take care of him. So, I can see why Julia would say that. This is what you call good writing.

The return of Parenthood gets 4 Stars.

Learning that there is only 15 episodes this season gets 0 Stars. Boooooo!!!!
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2012, 07:15:11 pm »
Wow, that was exhausting.

Noticed how the matriarch was watching all the crap going down all around her.

Drew is a puss. Always has been. Adam needs is so seesaw. Sometimes he knows exactly what to do, other times he completely misses it. You know, just like real life.

I like Raymond's character. Good injection into the story.

Sarah is as irritating as usual and Amber just may have grown up. Please don't cry this year.
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2012, 08:20:11 am »
Added Episode 2: Left Field

What the heck. 2 episodes this week? Am I missing something here? Not sure if it's actually 2 in one week, but it sure feels like it.
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2012, 09:59:16 am »
Left Field

Talk about dropping a bomb. I wasn't expecting to see Kristina get diagnosed with breast cancer. It came out of nowhere. I thought this was going to be all about Julia trying to get Victor to go to school as well as accept her as his mother and also about Max getting a dog. But the fact that everyone's story got wrapped up in a tiddy bow at the end, the writers through the viewer a curveball. Very sad. I think the way that it was edited, in silence, with only the music playing behind the scene added more weight to it for a knock out punch.

I really liked the scenes with Ray Romano, especially his talk with Drew. I think having Ray on the show is actually going to elevate the series higher, if that's even at all possible. Who would have guess, huh?
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2012, 06:27:24 am »
Last night’s episode was good and bad. I think the writing nails it on the head on relationships and other times, makes no sense whatsoever. I get Zeek’s and Camille’s attempts at keeping Zeek’s heart condition under wraps. For one, that’s Zeeks character. The other is a paternal thing. No sense in upsetting the kids if there’s no value in it.

On the other hand, I don’t understand Kristina and Adam’s view of hiding the cancer. Not only does that not make sense in this context, but Parenthood is family and both Adam and Kristina and the rest of the brood, more than share their relationships with each other. My only guess is filler for the show and wait for the OHMYGAWD big reveal we see so often in other scenario’s with the clan. You have cancer, you share what you can for support. This is totally out of character, especially for Kristina.

I don’t know how much longer Mark is going to put up with Sarah. I think he’s starting to see the true Sarah who is very flighty, neurotic and a maintenance nightmare to be on the same page with her constantly. I have a love hate relationship with Sarah. I think she has a good heart, but mentally she’s a mess and her actions even worse.

Oh and Amber cried… though it was held back and made sense this time.
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2012, 06:59:51 am »
Added Episode 3: Everything Is Not Okay
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2012, 08:32:21 am »
Everything Is Not Okay

With the news that Kristina has a lump, this will jump start her arc as the main focus for what I'm guessing will be a season long arc and because of that, it kind of made all the other stories seem irrelevant....for the time being. Zeek getting arrested and then taking a driving test didn't matter. Max losing his vending machine at school didn't matter. Sarah convincing Hank to do the Wedding gig didn't matter. It's not to say the stories weren't any good, it's just that they kinda pale in comparison to the 'Big' story.

Having said that, there were some small moments in each of those stories that stood out for me. I really liked the scene where Amber confronts Adam about how he was treating her and subsequently clearing the air. I liked that Max announces he is running for Student Body President of his school, which means he will get a nice arc for future episode. And I liked the scene with Hank and Sarah at the end when they were toasting the married couple, thus igniting something that is leading somewhere dangerous. Overall, a solid episode.
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2012, 08:41:23 am »
Just read your review Mac, and yes, Sarah is definitely neurotic. Personally, I would have jumped ship a long time ago. It's clear she doesn't know what she wants, but likes the security of having Mark there for the sake of being there. If I were in Mark's shoes right now I'd be questioning why she is talking non-stop about a guy that "she can't stand". These are real life red flags. He may just be trying to fool himself into thinking there is nothing more to it. But there is a reason why they have a cliche called "always go with you first initial instinct, because it's always right".

As for Kristina not coming forward with the news, you gotta remember, she just got hit with a ton of bricks and the first thing you do is deny, deny, deny. You wouldn't run off and tell people if you have yet to accept it yourself and by not saying anything, she is not giving the situation any legitimacy. That it's not really happening. As soon as you start telling people, that's when it becomes real because you have come to terms with it. So, I understand why she is reluctant to say anything right now.
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Re: Parenthood (Season 4 - 2012)
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2012, 09:18:43 am »
Interesting observations. I kinda of agree with your thoughts on Kristina coming to terms with a major blow. I get the feeling they are going to 'hide' the news for as long as possible, for whatever reason. But what we have grown with Kristina is information, especially between family members... flows... quickly.

Yes there is that initial blow. There is than denial. She is carrying some bone crushing news and besides Adam, who we saw told to knock it off with the positive, Kristina is bearing a huge amount of weight. Her lonileness must be killing her... metaphorically. To me cancer news is like news of death to someone. Despite the agonizing crush of information, you don't keep it in. Your surround yourself with family support.

The cat is now out of the bag with Amber. I'll be disappointed if they pull a friends and let this hidden news linger through the season.
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