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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2013, 02:22:30 pm »
The Who - Eminence Front (Reese walks out of prison)

Here's the clip. Tell me that isn't some cool sh*t?!
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 07:56:23 am »
Dead Reckoning

It was so weird to finally see Reese and Snow working side by side. But then again, with both of them basically at the mercy of Reese's former partner, plus having a Bomb Vest strap to both, they really didn't have a choice. I did like the scene between Finch and Reese at the end, diffusing the bomb. But it was Snow that had the scene of the episode. Instead of running and trying to make it to a safe-house with his Bomb Vest still live, he decided to just wait in Cara Stanton's car. BOOM! Payback is a   b i t c h .

So, did I detect something between Reese and Carter and she begged and pleaded to let her help him disarm the Vest? I kinda see that the writers could be leading them down the road as potential lovers. Could seem weird at first to think of this show becoming a romance show. Fear not, if it can work on Nikita, it can work here. So, what name did Cara write down? The one that points to who ordered the hit on her and Reese a long time ago.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2013, 07:46:02 am »
One Percent

This episode played like it was going to basically be a throw away episode, a stand alone that is. Having Reese and Finch trying to protect and save a billionaire that seemingly doesn't care about anything other than being a jackass doesn't scream as a character worth revisiting. But there was actually more to the story, something a bit deeper. When its revealed at the end that he was in fact tracking them, he just became a major player in the mythology of the show. Well, I should say potential to become a major player that is.

Carter and Fusco were barely in this episode, but what little screen time they had, they made the most of it when Carter basically laid down the law with Fusco that no matter what she digs up about his past, that he isn't skating by.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2013, 05:43:45 pm »
Booked Solid

Very cool to see Mía Maestro pop up on Person Of Interest. I haven't seen her in anything since Alias went off the air. For those that don't remember, she played Sydney's half sister Nadia. As for her role in this one, it looked like it was a one shot kind of deal with her playing a maid at a Hotel that's been targeted for elimination for witnessing a murder. But at the end of the episode, Finch buys the Hotel and names her Head Of Operations, which suggest that she may come back for future episodes....hopefully.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2013, 07:10:44 pm »

Pretty bold move by the show's creator to shift pretty much the first half of the episode to a new character with practically no Reese or Finch at all. And on top of that, we don't get any Carter or Fusco till the very end. I like the new character Samantha Shaw (Sarah Shahi) who works as a government assassin who just happens to get the number from the Machine that she is a target. There is a lot of twist and turns with this one and the ending which I saw coming a mile away, served it's purpose that this is going to be a major player in the series down the road.

The really cool thing about POI is that they have created some kick ass female characters: Carter, Root, Zoe, Shaw and Kara (now deceased). I applaud the writers and show-runner's for going down this road. We are lucky to get one, maybe two female leads. But this show seems to be setting the bar higher with new and exciting female characters that actually add to the mythology. More please!!!!
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2013, 05:52:16 pm »

After a series of episodes, expanding on the mythology of the series, Proteus was kind of a "soft" episode that was more or less a stand alone episode where Reese and Finch are tracking a serial killer, who assumes his victims identity's. It wasn't a bad episode, but it did feel light when compared to the onslaught of the last handful of episodes.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2013, 06:03:05 pm »
All In

Best thing about this episode was the fact that they gave Ken Leung a "big" part to play in this one. Up till now, his role as been pretty much cameos from time to time. I want to see him integrated further into the group and given more time like that of Carter and Fusco. I like the story for this one centering around a Casino, Old people and Money-laundering. It's combination that I've never seen before and it worked great.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2013, 05:35:48 pm »
Trojan Horse

Poor Cal. He spends all this time trying to impress and get to know Carter, but she has her suspicions and rightly so. He then is finally able to clear his name with her, paving the way for an eventual 'connection' only to be gunned down by HR. That's what you can call sh*tty timing! Ack!!
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2013, 11:38:36 am »
In Extremis

Huge episode involving both Fusco and Carter and where their relationship will go after this. Bombshell is that Fusco confesses to Carter about his shady past and that he has "killed people". Of course this isn't going to sit well with Carter. "Once a dirty Cop, always a dirty Cop". That's the mantra she lives by. So, with the Feds closing in on Fusco and the location of where he buried his ex-partner's body, Carter has a decision to make. Does she help him or let him twist in the wind. Of couse she helps him. But it's the reveal at the end when it's implied that Bear the Dog is the one that led her to the burial site to move the body.

The final scene also implies that the Machine is now infected with the computer virus as the signal goes haywire. This could have been the Season Finale. It sure felt like one. But, we still have two more episodes for this season. Yay!! The other half of the episode was about Finch and Reese's "failed" mission in that they didn't save the man from poisoning. So, the rest of the episode is about exacting retribution against the man that poisoned him and giving him one last chance to confront him. It was great. Payback is a b*tch indeed.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2013, 03:01:45 pm »
Zero Day

Pretty huge mythology episode that is really more about Finch, even though it centers around the crippled Machine. There were so many small details that whizzed on by in a flash that I actually have to go back and re-watch this one for sure. I know I missed on a couple of key nuggets. We finally get some more information about who Finch is and his former partner. We even get to see how the Library HQ came to be. It doesn't sound like much, but it is. So, gonna hit this one in a bit. Also, Carter looks to be up sh*t creek now that she is being set up for a 'non-clean' shoot/killing.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 2 - 2012)
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2013, 10:01:45 pm »
God Mode

What a great f*cking Season Finale! A lot of action to be had here. But what I was really getting off on was the humor they injected into the an otherwise intense and very serious episode. Probably my favorite moment was when a Bride and Groom are facing gunpoint by some derange lunatic and with the help of the Machine, Reese and Shaw pull up in their sport car right behind him and one bullet to the back and they are gone. It's a moment you have to see. It loses a lot in translation here. Very funny though. So, basically the entire episode is about everyone hunting down the location of the Machine and it's not the ending you'd expect.

One thing I thought was kind of odd is that after Root learns of Finch's deception in the whereabouts of the Machine and is subsequently shot, she becomes catatonic to the point of having to be institutionalize. But this also leads to the the cool cliffhanger at the very end when the Machine decides to call her.....and not Reese and Finch. Season 3 can't get here fast enough. I also liked that Carter had to literally save the life an enemy of hers. Elias. They left us hanging as to where the go at the end, so I can't wait to see what becomes of their "partnership" next season. And speaking of partners. Where the hell is Fusco? He was MIA in the last 2 episodes.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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