Author Topic: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)  (Read 3222 times)

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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 05:12:46 pm »
Episode 14

This was kind of a throwback episode that would have been found in Season 1. With Shaw kidnapped, Root searching for her on her own and Fusco sidelined (for his own protection), it's down to just Finch and Reese to pick up the pieces and carry onward. But this is season 4, so it's not gonna be exactly what you'd expect. For starters, the entire episode takes place pretty much in one location: The courtroom. With Finch being summoned to jury duty, and the number connected to another juror, played by the awesome Blair Brown (Nina from Fringe), this becomes a trial drama, which I love. So, I got the best of everything in this one. Add into the mix Paige Turco returning as Zoe and you got yourself a standout episode. I know that Paige has another series, but it would be nice to get more Zoe from time to time. She has been MIA for far too long. Ha, if she had shown up in the previous episode, the irony of the title would have been even more apropos.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2015, 05:32:27 pm »
Episode 15
Q & A

Claire returns. It wasn't a question of if, but when. Given how Finch and Reese saved her from Samaritan because she obviously had a big part to play in all this, it was a no brainer she would return. She was the innocent victim the first time around, but as soon as she popped up in Q & A, I absolutely knew that she had been turned to the dark side. Even Finch was suspicious and the bulk of the episode had to do with him making the choice to believe her or not. Even when he finally did give in, I knew her to be evil. It looked bad as the Samaritan Soldiers took him captive, but Root came out of nowhere to save and rescue him. Her only scene in the episode and it was great. As fast as she swooped in......she was gone....again. As for Claire, I really liked the character in her debut episode. But by the end of this one, all I could think of is 'kill her now'. Don't like her. I want her gone!
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2015, 05:38:53 pm »
Episode 16

I should have known that with the title of this episode it would be about Marijuana. This one was basically about how the legalization has cut into the profits of the cartel and how they are looking to at least make up for their financial loss. The episode was good and it involved the Brotherhood as well, which was clearly designed to bolster their ranks as a "legit" security firm. Curious as to where they are taking this. I really wish they would bring back Shaw. I didn't expect her to be gone as long as she has been. My guess is that nothing will be resolved until the Season Finale.
Chip's Rockin' Art
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2015, 08:50:25 am »
Episode 17

Good episode, but this one was just more proof that the series is in a holding pattern with Shaw unaccounted for. I didn't think the character would be gone for this long. Really wish they would rescue her already so that we can get back to all the ass kicking from before. The scene between Harold and Root was good. I like that he was willing to drink poison, just to save another person from dying. So, Reese now has a hottie on his arm. Ironically enough, I though the chemistry between him and the Bounty Hunter Chick was far more convincing than the Doctor.
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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2015, 05:14:41 pm »
Episode 20
Terra Incognita

Oh my God, what a beautifully written episode that was brilliantly edited and one that was absolutely heartbreaking to watch, especially at the end. This is probably my favorite POI episode ever because it brought back Carter (Taraji P. Henson) in a very clever way to make it organic and not some cheap stunt. Naturally you think "okay, it's just going to be a bunch of flashback scenes.....", and to a degree there was some. But it's the reveal later in the episode that the 'stakeout' we see Carter and Reese on is really an illusion that he is experiencing as he is bleeding out. I thought the editing was fantastic in showing Carter as a rookie investigating a homicide as Reese investigates the same case in present day and how both end up colliding into the reveal. But it's the conversation between both characters that left a lasting impact as it was about regret. Regret in not opening up and sharing a deeper part of himself to her, regret in not pursuing Carter, regret for a lot of things that anyone that watches will relate to. It was great to see them sharing screen time together again, but it was also sad because it was another reminder of what a huge loss her character was once they killed her off.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Re: Person Of Interest (Season 4 - 2014)
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2016, 09:58:50 am »
Person of Interest Canceled After Season 5

No shock here. It's just now official. When I heard that they had cut the order episode from a full season to 13, the writing was on the wall. Now all that remains is for CBS to f*cking air Season 5 already. I hate this mid-season replacement sh*t. They keep dragging their feet and airing sh*tty shows instead that suck. Get on the ball already!!!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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