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Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:03:00 am »
Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2)

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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2015, 08:08:24 am »
Star Wars: Rebels (Season 1 Recap)


As I mentioned elsewhere, I really enjoyed the first season of Star Wars: Rebels for a lot of reasons. The story may in fact be somewhat simplistic as it basically follows the blueprint of Star Wars: A New Hope, but that's fine with me. All the Star Wars stories are pretty much the same. What made Season 1 standout was the animation as well as the Sound FX design. Looks and feels as it belongs in the Star Wars Universe. The voice acting was good as well. One of the smartest things the showrunner did during Season 1 was to pepper cameos throughout to keep people glued to the sets. C3-PO, Artoo, Lando, Darth Vader all have their parts to play and made it better. Definitely check this season out. Way better than I expected.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2015, 08:23:24 am »
Star Wars Rebels:The Siege of Lothal

Browsing through my Roku channels/apps, I was very surprise to see that the first episode of Season 2 was up to watch. I haven't heard diddly squat about the show coming back or when it would premiere. Doing a bit of research, I see that the original airdate was back in April and that the second episode is schedule for....September 2015. What the f*ck!!! Since I'm watching Rebels strictly through Roku, I have no idea if this is the norm by having air dates so far apart. I get that it takes time to make a series with this level of animation and will take longer to put together. I just thought that they would have more episodes in the can before airing. Anyway, as far as this particular episode goes, it was great because it comes with a great surprise. In Season 1 we get a tiny cameo from Darth Vader. In this episode we get a lot of Vader as he's the primary villain (as he should be). Furthermore, we also get Lando, making this feel even more at home in the Star Wars Universe. Props to actually getting both James Earl Jones and Billy Dee Williams to reprise their iconic roles. We also get a VO of the Emperor, but it's not voiced by Ian McDiarmid, but instead by Sam Witwer from Battlestar Galatica. He does a good job, but I would prefer that they get McDiarmid.

Okay, digging a little bit deeper, I found out that Star Wars Rebels:The Siege of Lothal was a standalone movie that premiered at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim in April 2015. So that makes sense as to why there is a huge gap between April and what will be the start of Season 2 in September.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 04:18:35 pm »
Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Gets a Premiere Date - IGN News

Nice to finally get a Premiere date (October 14th, 2015) for Season 2.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2015, 08:21:10 am »
Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Trailer - NYCC 2015

I can't wait. Start the season now! This looks like it's gonna be a fun season. They pack a lot into that trailer.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2015, 10:59:08 am »
Is anyone else watching this? If not, you're depriving yourself of something great. So far, this season has matched, if not exceeded Season 1. I'm up to Episode 7 I think. The great thing about the series are the small Easter Eggs and inside jokes that help tie Rebels into the Star Wars canon. They even go a step further in that department. In the most recent episode they actually managed to drop in the RX-24 Droid from the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, as voiced by Paul Reubens (it's a different voice actor for the series). If you're not sure who I'm talking about, it's the droid that "drives" and narrates your ride to the left of the Screen. R2-D2 makes another cameo as well along with a Power Droid, which I can't recall appearing until now. Gina Torres unveils a new Bounty Hunter character in the Blood Sisters episode, which was also a wink wink toward Firefly. Definitely check this series out. Not sure how many episodes are left for Season 2, but so far, it's flying by very fast.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 11:02:08 am by Chiprocks1 »
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2016, 12:04:55 pm »
Episode 17
Shroud of Darkness

Easily one of the best episodes ever for Rebels. A totally different vibe and feel for this one. It's like they purposely made an effort to do something different from the average episode. This one had the return of Darth Vader. Yay! It also gave us Yoda, Anakin Skywalker and the return of The Grand Inquisitor, kinda. Very cool nun-chuck lightsaber he had. I love that they are able to get James Earl Jones and Frank Oz to reprise their iconic characters. This season has been phenomenal. The previous episode was also great to with Zeb and Agent Kallus having to work together in order to survive. Part me thinks this is going to be a big shift in Kallus. It just felt that he had an epiphany at the end that he was in fact on the wrong side (The Empire). I really want to see how this story plays out.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2016, 10:57:01 am »
Episode 18
The Forgotten Droid

It's about damn time that Chopper got his own episode and it was fun from start to finish. I'm not sure if they are introducing another droid to the team, but it sure seems like it at the end. The entire episode of course is very reminiscent of Artoo and 3PO's relationship. With Chopper and AP-5, it was very much like watching a Laurel and Hardy short, which produced a lot of smiles for me. They even managed to get me to feel sad when they "killed" off AP-5, which led to a very touching moment between both droids. As I said, the ending says he is alive and it does look like Chopper now has a friend that will tag along with the rest of the crew. I'm down for that.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2016, 11:00:44 am »
Darth Maul Return Confirmed for Star Wars Rebels - IGN News

F*ck yeah!!
I saw this a few days back, but I forgot to post until now. But yeah, how awesome is this?!
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2016, 11:02:42 am »
Star Wars Rebels Season Two - Mid-Season Trailer

The season is almost over, but here's the mid-season trailer which I never saw drop anywhere.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2 - 2015)
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2016, 07:34:03 am »
Episode 20
Twilight of the Apprentice 

Best. Episode. Ever! Now THAT is how you do a Season Finale and even better, I didn't know what to expect because the episode was a long con right from the start. Twilight of the Apprentice was written and designed for the die-hard Star Wars fan and it delivers. As you already know, this is the episode that reintroduces Darth Maul and it was misleading which helped sell the long con.  Having Maul basically take on his own version of Yoda did throw me off a bit at first. I was expecting to get the classic Darth Maul from Phantom Menace. But we get this Yoda/Emperor type of character as he tries to lure Ezra to the dark side. Even giving Maul a walking stick/cane went a long way to convince me he was battle worn and "old". I kept waiting for him to reveal his true self and he finally does, but then it's as a 'Good Guy'. I wasn't expecting to see him battling the Inquisitors and I certainly wasn't expecting to see him killing all 3. Very shocked! I'm gonna miss Seventh Sister (Sarah Michelle Gellar).

I thought it was a great reveal when we see Darth Maul unsheathing his iconic Saber from his cane. Very cool. I also thought it was kinda cool to see that the Inquisitors are able to turn their propellers Sabers into a mode of transportation. They should have used that as a mode of escape to get away from Maul. Too late. As great as it was to see Maul, leave it to Darth Vader to upstage him. We get an epic duel between Vader, Ezra and more importantly....Ahsoka. She even split his helmet, revealing Skywalker underneath. The final shot/camera pan, zoom and tracking shot to close out the episode was fantastic. It gave me goosebumps. We see Maul flying off into space in his Tie-Fighter, we see Vader hobbling out from the ashes of the Sith Temple and I think I saw Ahsoka hiding in the shadows of what was left of the Temple. Not entirely sure. Anyway, this episode was great and I can't wait for Season 3. One thing that was hinted at in this episode is the potential of a Maul/Vader duel. Could it happen in Season 3? I really hope it does.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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