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Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« on: July 13, 2016, 02:30:28 pm »

Ezra's makeover was kind of startling to see. They actually made him look a lot older, which isn't something I was expecting from an animation series. Bring on Season 3!
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 10:48:01 am »
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Trailer Grand Admiral Thrawn REVEAL - Star Wars Celebration 2016

Grand Admiral Thrawn!
F*ck Yeah!
I'm stoked that they are finally tapping into the Heir To The Empire story line. How much and what they use is still shrouded in mystery. But the fact that they have Thrawn in Rebels is f*cking awesome!
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 10:54:22 am »
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Panel (Star Wars Celebration 2016)

They are going all out at this years Star Wars Celebration[/size].
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2016, 01:53:04 pm »
Why Star Wars Fans Are Freaking Out That Thrawn Is Back

Season 3 can't get here fast enough for me. For those in the dark about who Thrawn is, this clip will get you up to speed. I can't wait to see what they do with Thrawn in Rebels.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2016, 09:22:26 pm »
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Panel | Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016

Watching this right now. It's only a 3 person panel: Dave Filoni (Supervising Director), Tiya Sircar (Sabine Wren) and Sam Witwer (Darth Maul) with Warwick Davis moderating. But it's still pretty good in spite of the lack of personnel on stage.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2016, 04:53:25 pm »
Enter Thrawn | Star Wars Rebels

It may only be a 30 Second TV Spot, but it's enough to get me even more pumped for Season 3. It looks epic with the inclusion of AT-AT's, Battle Droids and more.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2016, 11:31:51 pm »
Episode 1
Steps Into Shadow (Part 1 and 2)

What a great return for the series. Not sure how much of a time jump there is from the end of Season 2 to the start of Season 3, but along with Ezra's new hairstyle, he seems to have had a huge growth spurt. He seems a foot taller. Not something you see in an animated or CGI series. Along with a different looking Ezra, he is going through what I would call teenage angst. His personality is parallel to that of Anakin Skywalker from Revenge of the Sith. He's moody, whiny and has a massive chip on his shoulder toward everyone, especially Kanan. By the end of the episode, Kanan seemingly reeled Ezra back from his dark path, but that's not going to last when Darth Maul returns. This is going to be an interesting season and I'm pumped for it. Episode also looked great. There were a handful of very impressive Set Pieces that did the Star Wars name proud. And talk about a surreal moment, watching and seeing Grand Admiral Thrawn interacting inside the Star Wars Universe. It was awesome.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2016, 09:19:02 pm »
Episode 3
The Holocrons of Fate

I gotta tip my hat to the editor of the Season 3 Rebels Trailer because they had me convinced that Ezra going to taste the dark side this season. And even though he had found his way back to the good side in the previous episode, I was still convinced he was turning. Well, I'm not sure that's where they are going to take Ezra this season. There was one particular scene between him and Kanan that was pretty touching when Ezra embraced him in gratitude that he had forgiven him. Doesn't sound like someone that is willing to turn to the dark side when he cares about Kanan's opinion of him. Bonus points for having Darth Maul return sooner rather than later. Was not expecting him to show up this fast. There was one VERY interesting moment in the final scene with Maul when he discovers someone still being "alive". They way Maul walks off with purpose leads me to believe he is referencing Obi-Wan Kenobi. Perhaps we have a rematch in the works?
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2016, 07:09:12 am »
Episode 4
The Antilles Extraction

It's cool that they gave Sabine her own stand alone episode and that she was the one to actually rescue/recruit Wedge Antilles to the Rebellion. For those not familiar with Star Wars lore, he was basically a throwaway character in A New Hope and a friend to Luke Skywalker. I never read the books that actually expanded his character, but it was both cool and weird to see Wedge as a Tie-Fighter trainee, working for the Empire here. I have no idea who the other character is that Sabine rescued. I didn't catch his name and he doesn't look familiar.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2016, 06:57:49 pm »
Episode 5
Hera's Heroes

It's about time Grand Admiral Thrawn returned. I was getting confused as to the point of bringing him on because other than the 2-Part season premiere, he went AWOL...until Hera's Heroes. In my mind and based on the trailer, I figured he was going to be a constant threat to the characters at every turn. After tonight and knowing a bit about the character from the books, it makes perfect sense why he is only being used sparingly. He is watching, observing, studying the Rebels to get a better understanding of their motivations as well as their fight tactics. This is keeping in line what he does in the book. As far as this episode goes, it was really good. Loved the scene between Hera and Thrawn. Really cool to see Ezra donning the Speer Bike Trooper armor. And as always, Chopper was f*cking hilarious as always. Loved his new droid look to blend in with the Empire.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2016, 09:31:07 pm »
Episode 6
The Last Battle

Not a bad episode, just not one on par with everything that has come before it. This felt more like a throwaway, stand alone episode than anything else. How else to explain an entire episode devoted to Ezra, Rex and Kanan battling against Battle Droids and some new Droid Leader that I've never heard of before? The only thing that would make this a pivotal episode in the Star Wars cannon is if the Droid Leader returns in a later episode and has a hand in saving the Rebels somehow.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2017, 06:46:17 am »
Episode 11
Visions and Voices

I've enjoyed the first half of the season for sure, but it seems the last few episodes have felt more like stand alone episodes than an overall arc for the series. I know they are laying the ground work for something larger that is coming. I'm just pointing out the fact that they feel more 'stand alone-ish' than anything else. With that said, Visions and Voices is easily the best episode this season. It was fantastic and I really like how it was edited together and for a CGI series, they did a great job in conveying Ezra hearing "voices" and getting across his paranoia, which I would think could come across as well as it does here. But it's what comes at the end that really left me begging for me. It's who is now the main objective of the Rebels crew moving forward that will have Star Wars fans salivating at where they are taking this. The pursuit of Obi-Wan Kenobi is sure to have you grinning ear to ear. That leads us to....
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2017, 06:53:39 am »
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 - Mid-Season Trailer

...the mid-season Trailer. Wow! Talk about packing in a lot of Easter eggs in one trailer. It's not a spoiler to know that Saw Gerrera will play a part in the second half of this season. For those that don't know who the character is, he was most recently seen in Rouge One. But that isn't the big reveal for the trailer. It's the final shot between Obi-Wan and......Darth Maul. My jaw dropped as soon as I saw what is to come. I'm beyond excited to see these two go at it again. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. I may not be a fan of The Phantom Menace, but anything involving Maul from the movie was and is worth revisiting again and this looks to pick up where that left off.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2017, 07:59:43 am »
Episode 11 & 12
Ghosts of Geonosis: Part 1 / Part 2

I finally got around to watching Ghosts of Geonosis and seeing Saw pop up was a nice surprised. I knew he was set to appear, I just didn't know exactly when. As soon as Saw spoke, it was unmistakable as to who was voicing him. Well, kinda. Even though it sounded like Forest Whitaker, I was still unsure. Figured paying him would cost too much and that they would rather go down the route of paying for a much cheaper voice actor. Alas, checking out the End Credits, it was and is indeed Whitaker. Very cool to see them tie this directly to Rogue One. The events in Rebels clearly take place before the events in Rogue One, which explains why the look of the character is drastically different from the other. As for the character itself, man, what a colossal dick. It's understandable why he is p*ssed and has a grudge against Geonosisians. But still.....what a dick.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2017, 07:39:03 pm »
Episode 14
Trials of the Darksaber

It has taken nearly 2 1/2 seasons of episodes before we finally get something that amounts to an "origin" story for Sabine. This episode, as the title suggest is Sabine being trained as a "Jedi" with the Darksaber. One thing I found very odd about this episode was that Sabine was exhibiting a different personality from what we know of her to be, which of course was the whole point given that she was struggling with a lot of baggage from her past (hence the origin). We learn a lot about her and what makes her tick, making her a more well-rounded character now. Bonus points for the training montage and fight scenes. Looks great.
Chip's Rockin' Art
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