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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2017, 06:51:58 am »
Episode 17
Secret Cargo

The Rebels finally come face to face with Senator Mon Mothma as she relies on them to help her get out of harms way from the Empire. It's crazy how Mothma has become such a large and looming character within the Star Wars Mythology because the first time we ever see her in Star Wars, she's is all but a blip. I never would have guessed what she would become. Some really cool things happen in this episode. First of course is Thrawn's new Tie-Fighter. It looks like 3 smaller Fighters were mashed into one big one. I dig the design. I also liked the final shot of the episode when Mothma gives her speech and she waits to see who will join her Rebellion when all of the sudden you see ships coming out of Hyper Drive to meet her in space.
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2017, 08:23:16 am »
Episode 20
Twin Suns

WHAT THE F*CK!? One move! That's all it took for Obi-Wan Kenobi to kill Darth Maul! WHAT THE F*CK! I'm baffled at what just happened. When the mid-season trailer dropped earlier, I...along with everyone else on the planet that watched the trailer just assumed that the Grand Finale for Season 3 would be the showdown between Kenobi and Maul for obvious reason. Given the season finale last year with Darth Vader and Ahsoka, we needed a dual that could rival what we got there. So what better than a rematch from The Phantom Menace? Well, that didn't happen. At first I was mystified that both would come face to face before the Season Finale in the first place. There is still one last two-part episode to go. So, clearly everything will come down to Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Getting back to Maul. I don't like that they killed him off. I like the character and wanted to see more. But if you HAVE to kill him off, at least given him a worthy death than a one-move-light-saber-slice. It just makes Maul look so feeble....especially against the old man. Okay, enough b*tching. On to the good stuff. For starters, whoever they got to do the voice of Kenobi NAILED IT! I could hear Alec Guinness. It gave me chills. But what really got the hair on my arms standing up was the final shot of the episode where we see Kenobi clearly traveling toward a very familiar location and then you hear it....."Luke.....Luke!" To hear the voice of Aunt Beru made me smile. They had to have lifted the dialogue direct from Star Wars: A New Hope. But was cool to see the same scene from the movie.....but from a different POV....that of Ben watching off in the distance. It just makes you think of A New Hope in a different way now than before and I love it.
Chip's Rockin' Art
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Re: Star Wars: Rebels (Season 3 - 2016)
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2017, 08:33:14 am »
Episode 21
Zero Hour: Part 1 & Part 2

Well, just as I feared, this Season Finale fell far short of the Season 2 Finale. There was just no way anything could top it, let along match it. Now, that's not to say that Zero Hour wasn't any good. It was. I just think that when you create something so epic before, that there is a natural tendency to want it again and again. As for Zero Hour, it played out exactly as I knew it would. The confrontation between Thrawn and the Rebels played out as I envisioned it...even down to the escape. I also knew that there would be no resolution with Thrawn and that he would slink off to live another day and this is why I feel the writers f*cked up big time in these last 3 episodes.

If the original intent was to kill off Maul and let Thrawn live, then they absolutely should have gotten their episode order reversed. I just feel that Obi-Wan and Maul should have closed out this season in an epic Lightsaber Duel on par with what we got in The Phantom Menace. And it still rubs me the wrong way that they had Maul go out like he did. He's broken and old....but can still fight. But he comes up against Old Man-Kenobi and now suddenly Kenobi is able to wield the Saber like a 30 year old? Keep in mind I am talking about the same Kenobi that was old against Vader in A New Hope. It just doesn't jibe with me and kind of messes up the continuity between the series and the film.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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