Author Topic: Star Wars TV Series (Working Title - TBD)  (Read 288 times)

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Star Wars TV Series (Working Title - TBD)
« on: August 04, 2016, 06:11:38 pm »
Star Wars TV Series is Being Discussed at ABC - IGN News

I'm not sure what to make of this. Part of me wants to see a TV series happen because there are tons of stories that can be told in this universe that will never make it onto the big screen. But the idea of ABC doing this is the big hurdle for getting enthusiastic about a series. Even though ABC, Disney and Star Wars are all connected financially, I just don't see ABC putting any kind of money into the series if they don't have to. All I see is a watered down version of Star Wars and that's not something I'm willing to look past. I want to believe that they will step up and actually put serious money into this. But given how they treat Agents of Shield as the ugly step child, they are already off to a poor track record. Prove me wrong ABC. Do it like SyFy would, a network that doesn't even have a tenth of what ABC has to throw at it and were able to create something awesome with Battlestar Galatica.
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Re: Star Wars TV Series (Working Title - TBD)
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 06:53:13 pm »
"Agents of SHIELD" is EXACTLY what I thought of when I heard this news, too.  If they can't do superheroes on TV (and we've had superheroes on TV for ages), how can you do Star Wars?

Honestly, I think the solution would be to do event mini-series in the summer time or something.  Not a 22 episode series, not even a 13 episode series, a single event that's up to the standards of the films.  Something to tide us over until the next flick comes out.  I know this sounds like The Star Wars Christmas Special, but they know better than that by now.

We could get an "Adventures of Finn and Poe" hour-long special, or a little Chewie and Rey adventure... something like those thirty minute Toy Story specials that come out every year or so.  THAT would work.  Or maybe they could do... not prequels, but say for Rogue One, they could give us a "what happened before" story, we don't NEED to know it before the movie,  but it's like a fun tie-in.


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