Author Topic: Survivor: Cagayan - Beauty, Brains and Brawn (Season 28 - 2014)  (Read 6436 times)

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We Found Our Zombies

So long...

...Alexis and Lindsey. What a blow to the Hotties. Two wiped out in a single episode. Really disappointed in Lindsey quitting in the way she did. No backbone and looking for any excuse to leave. Seriously, she thought she was going to do harm to another tribemate? I call bullsh*t on that. I think Jeff wanted to say just that very thing as I don't think he believed it either. As for Alexis, the tribe really didn't lose one way or another because she would have gone next week anyway if the Tribe lost. Anyone else think that Alexis looks EXACTLY like Amy Acker? Also, how the f*ck does she look THAT good at Tribal Council? She looked like she had her hair blown dry and some makeup on. Morgan on the other hand look ragged.
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Added Episode 6: Head of the Snake
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Head of the Snake

So long....

...Sarah. Thank God. I couldn't stand her any longer. I was giddy that she not only got kicked off the Island, but that she got blindsided in epic fashion. This Tribal Council, even though it was pretty much easy to spot who was going, was still one of the wildest Tribal Councils ever. I wasn't expecting both Hidden Immunity Idols to be played. Just the way they bust them out when they needed to was fun. Am I a horrible person because I enjoyed the moment everyone started clapping when Sarah was voted out? Hey, I don't like her. Can't be helped that I was giddy. Her sense of entitlement really turned me off and the fact that she was playing the 'Swing Vote' up bigger than it really was just rubbed me the wrong way. Her indecisiveness reminded me of Christy Smith from Survivor: Amazon where she too was bragging about having the 'Swing Vote' and that SHE controlled the outcome of the game. NOT! Both Jefra and Morgan were rockin' the bikini bods tonight. More please!! Now that we are at the Merge, this season is going to really take off because there are cracks in both tribes.
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Added Episode 7: Mad Treasure Hunt
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Mad Treasure Hunt

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....Morgan. She's gorgeous, without a doubt. But she is about as dumb as they get and the fact that she willing said that she didn't have to do anything around camp because she's 'cute' is a testament to how idiotic one can be when playing the game of Survivor. Look, she's nice to look at and I had no delusions that she would be a master player. But come on, some common sense is expected when you have a Million bucks on the line. She made no effort whatsoever, so it's no loss that she is now gone. There's still one hottie left and Jefra is getting hotter and hotter with each week. How is that possible?

With that out of the way, this episode was really all about Spenser and his ability to snag both the Hidden Immunity Idol as well as the Challenge Immunity Idol and in both cases I was literally on the edge of my seat, waiting to see how it all played out. I would have been super frustrated (as he was) with EVERYONE digging for the Hidden Idol. Fun episode all around. Now lets hope that Tony gets the boot next week. He's annoying as f*ck!
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Added Episode 8: Bag of Tricks
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Bag of Tricks

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...LJ. You're a victim of a blindside! And what a blindside. Tony played him good. I hate Tony. I can't stand him. But even I have to tip my hat to him and what he pulled off tonight. Think about it. A Tribe of 6 "strong" going up against a Tribe of 3. All you have to do is just pick the bottom 3 off and you are guaranteeing yourself getting further in the game and saving some of that stress that comes with having to play strategy. So, I think this little maneuver is bound to rattle the cages of the Tribe of 5 because there isn't going to be much trust left among them. FYI, I can't stand Kass. She is smug and thinks she has this game locked up. How can she really think that given that she is on the bottom of the 5 and since she flipped on the other Tribe, she's on the bottom there as well. I can definitely see her getting the boot next week.
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I generally watch this show with a passion. This year not so much, seen about half the season, but I have caught the last two and plan to watch till the end now.


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I think now that we have gotten to the merge, this season has definitely picked up and for the better. I'm enjoying it.
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Added Episode 9: Sitting In My Spy Shack
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Sitting In My Spy Shack

So long...

...Jeremiah. Wait, who the f*ck is Jeremiah? That should tell you all you need to know about just how much of a player he is. Talk about someone doing as little as possible to play the biggest game there is at a Million bucks. Maybe that was his fly under the radar and get to the end. Nah. Even the bad and/or quiet players somehow manage to get their face time on TV. Jeremiah was just invisible with everyone else around. I particularly liked Tribal Council, especially Spencer getting a bit testy at Tony. Man, the people that make up Tony's Tribe are DUMB. They will believe anything he says. Why are they such sheep? Why can't they see what's staring at them in the face? DUMB!
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I caught the episode. An Idol you can play after the vote? don't know if this is a good or a bad thing. Tribal has been fun to watch for a few weeks now.


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I caught the episode. An Idol you can play after the vote? don't know if this is a good or a bad thing. Tribal has been fun to watch for a few weeks now.

Yeah, that new twist really threw me for a loop. It's basically allowing the player to walk all the way to the final 3. Kind of makes the game incredibly unbalanced. And if Tony ends up winning it all this year, I guarantee you there will be fan outcry about it. I think they just need to keep it as a regular Hidden Immunity Idol.
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Added Episode 10: Chaos Is My Friend
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Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Chaos Is My Friend

So long...

...Jefra. I love ya girl. She is clearly a good person that doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her body and speaking of body....yowzza!! So hot. She was my weekly bikini fix and will be missed. With that said, she absolutely did not deserve to be in the Final 3. She was passive and didn't do anything worthy of a million bucks. You can add Trish and Kass to that growing list of undeserving. Why do they think that all it takes is for someone else to do the heavy lifting and they can just sit back and enjoy the ride and be rewarded for it? I would NEVER vote for them in the end....I would NEVER hand them the grand prize. I have my issues with Tony and I just downright can't stand the dude. But he would get my vote for the million dollars before any of those 3 chicks because he at least is playing the f*cking game.

You know who else is playing a fantastic game right now? Tasha! That's who. She has the social skills and everyone seems to liker her. She hasn't had any kind of issues with anyone. And throw into the mix that she is damn good in the Immunity Challenges. She has now rattled off 3 straight victories. I've been pulling for either Tasha or Spencer to win it all because they were underdogs. Turns out they have some game left in them. Spencer played Tony like a fiddle getting him paranoid about Jefra.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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